
Collaborative Latex

I would like to insert notes on the fixes to be done in specific places of my latex document and maybe have a list of "todos/fixme" How do you handle this? Seems one way is to use the fixme package, but I couldn't make it work. Is Anyone using it? ...

Latex + Source Code Import

Hi guys, I'm using latex to write a program listing of all my code and am following this: It works, but my code runs of the side of the page. How can i fix this? Thanks Edit: Ok i got it working sort of! How can i get it to highlight syntax? I do ha...

Rendering LaTeX on third-party websites?

There are some sites on the web that render LaTeX into some more readable form, such as Wikipedia, some Wordpress blogs, and MathOverflow. They may use images, MathML, jsMath, or something like that. There are other sites on the web where LaTeX appears inline and is not rendered, such as the arXiv, various math forums, or my email. In...

Standalone diagrams with TikZ?

I'm using TikZ to draw diagrams in LaTeX that I then want to isolate as image files to put online. My guess is there is a way to extract these diagrams directly without having to tease them out of the finished .pdf file. How would I go about doing that? (If it matters, I'm using TeXnicCenter.) ...

Margin on the top in LaTex

I am now writing a thesis which is required to have 1 and half inches on the left or binding side, and 1 inch on the other three sides. I just have my print-out checked in the binding office and I was told the margins are not okay, especially the one on the top is not enough, a little less than 1 inch. See the figure below: I wonder ...

Problem with pgfplot label

I want to draw an x-y-diagram with axis labels. Unfortunately the ylabel is misplaced. It looks as depending on the actual data. When the other data line in the sample below is used instead of the upper line, it looks better. How can I move the label to the left or (more desirable) how can I tell pgfplot to do it corectly? % !TEX TS-pro...

How do I emphasize parts of an lstlisting?

How can I set certain parts of an lstlisting in boldface? \begin{lstlisting}[escapechar=@] fun(foo, bar, @\textbf{baz}@ ); \end{lstlisting} This compiles, but baz isn't set in boldface :( What am I missing? ...

Alternative to latex / a way to typeset good looking documents from Java to PDF

I'm working on application in Java that will maintain database of song lyrics in plain text and print out some songbooks/chordbooks(that is create PDF file from selected songs). I was planing that the Java application will generate source code for pdflatex and after compiling this source user will get PDF file. Lately I've run into a lo...

Easy to follow LaTeX tutorial on layout?

I want to layout a page using LaTeX and distribute text snippets/blocks in predefined locations. Something like this +--------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------------+ | | |bla bla bla| | | |bla bl ab lab| +-------------+ ...

[LaTeX] How to remove \hyphenpenalty & \pretolerance influence on section/subsection headers

Hi there, In my latex document i've set \hyphenpenalty=15000 and \pretolerance=10000 to remove word hyphenation and make text bounds even. But I can't disable this effect for section/subsection headers. All headers looks badly due to big spaces between words. Are there any solution to disable \hyphenpenalty=15000 and \pretolera...

LaTex caption language

How could I change the default language so that I get something else instead of "Table" or "Figure" before my captions ? ...

[LaTeX] Change "List of Listings" text

I tried to change the "List of Listings" text with the command \renewcommand*{\lstlistlistingname}{List of XYZ} before my \begin{document}. What's wrong with this? By the way \renewcommand*{\lstlistingname}{NewListing} worked like a charm. Edit: No error occurred, just no change in the text. It's still "List of Listings". By the...

How to colorize section headings in LaTeX like this?

Hi, Accidently I created this nice colored effect on my LaTeX TOC: Which I like and want to keep, I created this effect like this: \definecolor{Section1}{rgb}{0.09,0.21,0.36} \section{\color{Section1}Introdução} However, as you can see on the TOC sidebar, there was a nasty side effect. I tried to f...

Vim, LaTeX, word-wrapping, and version control

I'm writing a LaTeX document in vim, and I have it hard wrapping at 80 characters to make reading easier. However, this causes problems with tracking changes with in version control. For example, inserting "Lorem ipsum" at the beginning of this text: 1 Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lobortis lectus 2 ...

Latex Listing: Define Font

How do I define a font to a listing? I would like one font on the line numbers (Sans 6pt) and another (Monospace (8pt) on the code. ...

Latex renewcommand not working properly

Why is this not working: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[portuguese]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{indentfirst} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[compat2,a4paper,left=25mm,right=25mm,bottom=15mm,top=20mm]{geometry} \u...

How to draw diagonal table borders in latex, like in excel ?

Is it possible to draw diagonal (parallelogram) cells in LaTeX: the cell content is diagonal, and the cell's originally vertical borders are also diagonal. Here is what I managed to do using the rotating package: \begin{tabular}{|r|c|c|} \hline \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ & \begin{rotate}{45}Trying to save some horizontal space\end{...

How to Remove Header in LaTex

Hi, I would like to not show the name of each chapter on the header of its each page. I also like to have nothing in the headers for abstract, acknowledgement, table of content, list of figures and list of tables. But currently I have header on each page, for example: Thanks and regards! EDIT: I just replaced \thispagestyle{botce...

latex compact table of contents?

Hello, I would like to use the \tableofcontents command but without the table of contents starting on a new page or creating a new page at the end and also have everything be single spaced. How can I do this? Using tocloft I assume, but what options? Thanks ...

Adding an equation or formula to a figure caption in LaTeX

I have a figure in LaTeX with a caption to which I need to add a formula (equation* or displaymath environments). For example: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[tbph] \begin{center} %... \end{center} \caption{As you can see \begin{displaymath}4 \ne 5\end{displaymath} } ...