
Quick way to make 26 macros (one for each letter)

Instead of making a macro for each letter, as in \def\bA{\mathbf{A}} ... \def\bZ{\mathbf{Z}} Is there a way to loop over a character class (like capital letters) and generate macros for each? I'd also like to do the same for Greek letters (using bm instead of mathbf). ...

LaTeX: Default font(s) for greek letters?

I'm a programmer but new to (La)TeX. As far as I can tell, neither the Computer Modern nor Latin Modern fonts have glyphs for the full greek alphabet. I installed (OS X) a Latin Modern font that came with TeX Live (lmroman10-regular.otf). As you can see in the attached image, the lowercase greek letters (and nabla) are displayed (TextEd...

How to write a LaTeX header

Hi, I am using IEEETrans.cls to format my paper. Now I need to add the name of the conference at the right hand corner of each page. Please advise me how to do that. Mail me at [email protected]. It is really urgent. ...

Is there a b5paper japanese style in latex?

My thesis is written in b5j documentclass style. \documentclass[b5j,twoside,12pt]{report} I have a paper that is appended at the end. However this is written in b5paper style as an article. \documentclass[12pt,b5paper,twoside]{article} How do I get the paper to follow the japanese style? Havent found any b5paperj options in the ge...

How can I remove the numeration of some titles in LaTeX?

Hi: I'm writing my degree project report using the article class and I want a structure like this: Abstract Introduction 1. What 2. Where 3. Etc. I was searching and I found that using \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} the complete numeration is eliminated. And if I use * these sections don't appear in the table of content. So what can I d...

dealing with large figures in Latex

I have a large figure that appears at the end of my document rather than in the section that I want to be in. Even \begin{figure}[h] doesn't help. Without scaling it down, how can I put it at the end of the section I want it in? ...

LaTeX, Two columns, Listings and Numbers

Hi, I'm trying to get a report done and I have a small problem with the twocolums and the line numbering in listings. The document is on two columns : \documentclass[8pt,[...],a4paper,twocolumn]{article} The listings can end up either on the left or the right column. The problem is: if I put \lstset{numbers=left,frame=tb,[...]} ...

margin note with tabbing environment in latex

I need to put a margin note next to a tabbing environment. If I try to use \marginpar within the environment I get an error: LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode. I've tried putting the \marginpar just before the \begin of the environment but it ends up aligned with the last line of the preceding paragraph instead of with the first line ...

I've heard that LaTeX is Turing complete. Are there any programs written in LaTeX?

It's possible to do interesting things with what would ordinarily be thought of as typesetting languages. For example, you can construct the Mandelbrot set using postscript. It is suggested in this MathOverflow question that LaTeX may be Turing-complete. This implies the ability to write arbitrary programs (although it may not be easy!)...

Sentence alignment for dual-line bilingual paragraph in LaTeX

I would like to make a translation of entire paragraphs at a time for a large document, with the start of the new sentences aligning. The following is almost what I want done, though it doesn't yet do the alignment for new sentences. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry} \usepacka...

Adding bibliography to appendices in latex

Hi everyone I am writing my thesis and i am using the chapterbib option, while it makes beautiful bibliographies for my chapters, i can't get it to do the same thing for my appendices premable: \documentclass[pdftex, 11pt, onecolumn, openany]{report} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \usepackage{appendix} \usepackag...

How to get two \multicolum in a LaTeX table?

Hello: I'm trying to get something like this: --------------------------------- | Hello world | Again | --------------------------------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | --------------------------------- So I wrote: \begin{tabular}{l|l|l} \multicolumn{4}{c}{Población total en millones} \multicolumn{4}{c}{Porcentaje de po...

Editing LaTeX with Emacs - search for unused \ref

Hello, When writing a .tex document, I often have labeled equations. When finishing the document, I sometimes find that I haven't referenced all of the equations. So, I need to look for the equations which I haven't referenced, and disable numbering for those equations. How can I do this in Emacs? Basically, I need to search for all \l...

Correct word-count of a LaTeX document

I'm currently searching for an application or a script that does a correct word count for a LaTeX document. Up till now, I have only encountered scripts that only work on a single file but what I want is a script that can safely ignore LaTeX keywords and also traverse linked follow \include and \input links to produce a corre...

Papersize problem with Latex Article Class

I'm new to Latex so hopefully this is just a simple problem. I'm using MikTex on Windows. My problem is that even though I specify the 'letterpaper' option in my class declaration (i.e., \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}), the pdf or dvi's that get created are set to use A4 paper. That is, I check the paper size of the pdf and its ...

Suggestion for R/LaTeX table creation package

I've been using xtable package for a long time, and looking forward to writting my first package in R... so I reckon that if I have some "cool" idea that's worth carying out, there's a great chance that somebody got there before me... =) I'm interested in functions/packages specialized for LaTeX table creation (through R, of course). I ...

Best way to draw a bar chart in LaTeX?

I was looking for it here in Stack Overflow as in Google, and I found a lot of packages to draw, but it seems a complex task, so I would like to know which is the most appropriate package to draw bars, and associate data to it. Also I was looking for a code example, but I did not have luck. ...

How can I apply a style to existing tikz node on specific slides

This is what I'm trying to do \begin{tikzpicture} [node distance = 1cm, auto,font=\footnotesize, % STYLES every node/.style={node distance=1.3cm}, comment/.style={rectangle, inner sep= 5pt, text width=4cm, node distance=0.25cm, font=}, module/.style={rectangle, drop shadow, draw, fill=black!10, inner sep=5pt, tex...

How to start math formulae in new line if bad boxed in latex ?

What sort of code should I put in preamble, such that every math fomula (in dolar signs) that is too long to fit in line width (a.k.a. produces Bad Box) start in new line (like putting // before equation) ? Or is it impossible to detect and prevent Bad Box in compiling ? ...

LaTex, Problem with Beamer and Listings

Hi, I'm trying to add some code in a presentation made with LaTex. I used beamer, added some frames without problems but once I add the listing, I can't compile the presentation anymore. \begin{frame}{Code} \begin{lstlisting} Sample Code \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} The error I pdflatex gave me is: Package Listings Warning: Text dro...