
LaTeX - vertical space equivalent of \makebox ?

I'm making a LaTeX document and I'm getting success with \makebox, which puts text in an invisible box and will add extra horizontal whitespace to the end to make the whole thing fit within the size you specify. Is there something like that for vertical space? I have a few variable length paragraphs, images, etc. that I want to put in ...

vspace vs. vskip

What is the difference between \vspace{-1em} and \vskip -1em, for example? I guess the first is LaTeX, and the latter is TeX. When is the proper time to use one and not the other, and why? ...

Latex: vertical line in lstlistings

I want to have a vertical line for indentation in the lstlisting environment, similar to what one can get in algorithm2e. I tried doing something like the code below, but the the |'s are not contiguous and the result is ugly. \lstset{ ... showtabs=true, tabsize=3, tab=\hfill$|$\hfill, ... } ...

Hide presentation controls in LaTeX beamer presentation

Hi, I am currently building a presentation using LaTeX beamer. Is there a way to hide the presentation controls on the bottom of the slides? I don't use those controls an they sometimes collide with the slide's text. Thanks for fast answers! ...

how write this in verbatim latex

hi, i have a little question about the verbatim environment in latex..... my problem is how can i write "\end{verbatim}" inside of a verbatim environment, it supposed that everything inside a verbatim is written just like it looks but this is the string to end the environment, so how can i do this? ...

LaTeX table cells content vertical alignment problem.

Hello, I'd like to align text in right cell of table created below, to be vertically align to the top. How to do that ? \begin{tabular}{l|p{3cm}} \rule{2cm}{5cm} & Top align content ? \\ \end{tabular} Regards ...

Latex: tableof contents only for a section

Hello, As it is a looong appendix, I would like to add a "tableofSECTION" on the first page of the section. However, tableofcontents always lists everything and the level is - as far as I can see - only defined as a "to" variable, but not "from". What I would like to see: SECTION TITLE x.1 subsection 122 x.2 subsection 144 etc. ...

Latex: Make \listoffigures look like \listoftables or \lstlistoflistings

I've got a list of listings at the end of my document following my list of tables and my list of figures. The thing that is really annoying me is that they look the same except the list of listings doesn't leave a line gap between chapters. I've had a good google around and people have asked the same question but don't seem to have had ...

Latex and Memoir class, guillemot left/right.

Hi all! I am using memoir class with latex, and I need the two characters: "«", and "»". I found the following commands: \guillemotright and \guillemotleft, but they look very ugly. Is there something wrong in what I am doing? Latex source: Result: Any help would be v...

What LaTeX packages are available for circuit diagrams?

I am trying to generate publication-quality circuit diagrams within a LaTeX document. What options are available? ...

sidewaysfire and twosided

I try two use sidewaysfigure from the rotating package in the twosided memoir class. The resulting figures look correct in the pdf that is generated, with the page rotated by 90 degrees. However, when I print the document (on linux, using CUPS), some of the pages with a sidewaysfigure are upside down (rotated by 180 degreeS). ...

How to define a multipage environment not interrupted by tables and figures?

I have defined a new LaTeX environment for excursions in a book chapter I am writing. The environment is multipage and often includes inline images. Moreover, I am using the shaded environment to give the environment a background colour to make it stand out a bit. However, the environment, as shown below, is split up by floating tables ...

Frustration with fancyhdr

Hi I have the following tex document: \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,oneside]{book} \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[left=2cm,top=3cm,right=1.5cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry} \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]...

LaTeX: Multiple authors in a two-column article

I'm kind of new to LaTeX and I am having a bit of a problem.. I am using a twocolumn layout for my article. There are four authors involved with different affiliations, and I am trying to list all of them under the title so they span the entire width of the page (all on the same level). It should be similar to this: A...

Error using \Glsentrytext{} in section title.

When using the glossaries package in a LaTeX document I occasionally want to use a glossary entry as part of section or chapter title. For example: \section{\Glsentrytext{big}} This however results in an error. Trying to use \protect\Glsentrytext{} does not solve the the problem. Note that using the non-capitalized version (\glsent...

should I use LaTeX and why (not)?

Possible Duplicate: Is LaTeX worth learning today? I'm a student, and just finished this last semester. This summer I will be working on a project that will require a lot of documentation and reports, and I'm shivering every time I think of styling in either Word or OpenOffice. I've been wanting to learn LaTeX for a while, bu...

TeX/LaTeX algorithmic package issue

Hi all, I try to layout an algorithm in pseudocode with TeX and the package "algorithmic". It gets a mess: no spaces between words, and no linebreaks. Can anyone help me out. How do I get spacing and linebreaks into algorithmic comments? Thanks! Here's my TeX code: \documentclass{llncs} \usepackage{algorithmic} \begin{document} \be...

Line spacing problem with \LaTeX{}

When I use \LaTeX{} to show the LaTeX logo, the following line of text is pushed down in order to accommodate the subscript 'E' in LaTeX. How do I override this? Is there an option I can pass to \LaTeX{} ? EDIT: Problem was due to horizontal space, not vertical space, and was caused by normal text as well as the \LaTeX{} command. ...

How to get Doxygen to recognize custom latex command

Is there a way to use extra latex packages and/or extra latex commands with Doxygen code documentation system. For example I define the shortcut in a custom sty file. \newcommand{\tf}{\Theta_f} Then I use it about 300 time in the code, which is across about a dozen files. /*! Stochastic approximation of the latent response*/ void d...

Color the top 15% of a LaTeX background in a particular color?

I have seen documentation on how to use the wallpaper package to put an image on the background, but I am looking for a simple solution to color the top 15% (or so) of a page in some color. How can I give part of the background of an output page a color with LaTeX? ...