
Latex label/ref for "fake" external figure

Hello, some journals require each figure to be submitted in a separate document. However, they do want the figure legends to be listed in the main document. I was thus hoping to do something along these lines: \section{Figure Legends} \begin{description} \item[Figure \ref{fig:fireAntBiology}] \label{fig:fireAntBiology} bla bla ants \...

Latex font color

I'm trying to typeset a document I'm working on. Currently I'm trying to format a piece of text such that the text consists of two colors: a fill color and a line color. In this way the header should pop out more. I found \psset with options such as linecolor and fillcolor, but I can't get it to work. Can someone provide an example of h...

Two tables side by side in one column LaTeX environment

The question is similar to this one: but about placing two tables side by side. I have two small tables looking like that: \begin{table}[t] \begin{tabular}{|c|l||r|r||r|r|} %content goes here \end{tabular} \caption{some caption} \end{tabl...

Cygwin w/ TeXnicCenter or WinEdt - Can they be sewn/integrated to work together

Is is possible to connect one of either WinEdt or TeXnicCenter (Windows variant) such that it uses a TeTeX distribution of LaTeX that is included from a Cygwin distribution? I simply cannot use MiKTeX because my bash-specific scripts called from the top level of my latex source using an \immediate\write18 command will not work using MS...

How to insert manual line breaks inside LaTeX tables ?

I know that if you define a width in a table's column, you can get automatic word-wrapping. However, I need to control where newlines should happen in a specific table cell. Thus, how can I insert manual line breaks in a LaTeX table cell? ...

Z specifications in LaTeX

Is there any package for LaTeX which will support writing Z specifications? I am interested in both horizontal and vertical formats for schemas. ...

Smart page breaks to make chapters print modularly

I'm writing a booklet for my debate club in LyX, and it is a collection of Prep Cases - each prep case is a chapter. Currently I have a "new page" after every chapter, but I want something more - I want to make sure chapters begin in odd numbered pages, so that when I print the whole booklet in duplex - each prep case will be a standalon...

LaTeX: blank line in centered enviroment

I'm working on TeXmaker for the first time and I don't understand how to leave a blanket line inside a centered enviroment. If I write 1 Hello,\\ 2 3 world! Also in the .dvi file there is a blank line between Hello and world. But the code 1 \begin{center} 2 Hello,\\ 3 4 world! 5 \end{center} just ignores the third line and gives i...

Error including multiple images in Latex

While compiling the following code {\centering {\includegraphics[scale=.5]{splash.eps}} \caption{Splash Screen} \par} \end{figure} Splash screen is an integral part and shows a tutorial of application. \begin{figure}[ht] {\centering {\includegraphics[scale=.5]{splashmore.eps}} \caption{Splash Screen 1} \par} \end{figure} The fi...

LaTex table numbering

How could I number the tables in my article chapter based ? So I want all the tables in the fifth section to be numbered like "Table 5.1", ..., "Table 5.n". I tried \usepackage{chngcntr} \counterwithin{figure}{section} \counterwithin{table}{section} \counterwithin{equation}{section} but I am having some problems (missing package ...

What are the differences between the CSS and Latex box models?

What are the differences between how CSS and Latex organize boxes? (Either paragraph or graphical elements.) ...

'Abstract' in Latex

Hello, I'm writing a scientific paper in latex. In this section: \begin{abstract} This is the paper's abstract \ldots \end{abstract} How can i make so that the Abstract text (before the text This is the paper's..) apper in italic? What should i change? Thanks! ...

LaTeX: Show block only if there is enough space left

Hi LaTeX enthusiasts and TeX programmers! I'm currently developing a single-page document class for some kind of flyers which should be generated automatically. Unfortunately the limited amount of space doesn't make it possible to display everything on the page, so I need to skip some articles completely (I don't want only one half of a...

How to put a symbol above another in LaTeX?

How to put a symbol above (on the head of) another? For example, I wanna produce something like this in one line. a # i.e., 'a' above '#'. EDIT: The effect should be almost the same with $#^a# except that 'a' is on the top instead of top right of '#'. ...

How do I change the footer/footline of a single frame in Beamer?

So basically I've got something like this at the top of my tex file: \setbeamertemplate{footline}{Number \insertframenumber} This applies "Number <#>" to the footer/footline of all frames. Now what I want to do is change the footline for one single frame. Surprisingly, the following doesn't work: \begin{frame} \setbeamertemplat...

Automatically define macros in LyX documents

I'm using LyX all the time and over the last 2 years I've accumulated some very handy macros for my lecture notes. As it is today, every time I start a new document, I copy and paste the macros from one of my other documents. Is it possible, somehow, to automatically load macros for all files? ...

Center Latex lstlisting

This is driving me crazy. I want to center a lstlisting in LaTeX. After 3 hours attempting here's some code: \lstset{ % caption=Descriptive Caption Text, label=lst:descr_capti_text, basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize\bfseries, frame=tb, linewidth=0.6\textwidth } \centering\begin{tabular}{c} \begin{lstlisting} print...

Scale an equation to fit exact page width

I have an equation that is only a tiny bit too wide for one line. I'd really like to avoid having the equation number on the next line. How do you achieve this? Currently I'm using \small, but this is overkill. Please note. I have tried scalebox and fittowidth but get errors about missing \endgroup. I have also used \! to its full exten...

What's the difference: {hsize, linewidth, textwidth, pagewidth} ?

What is the difference between \hsize, \linewidth, \textwidth and \pagewidth? Which are affected by environments (like an enumeration or a minipage)? Did I miss any useful width lengths? ...

Equality between two separate xy-pic diagrams in LaTeX

I have two xy-pic diagrams which are generated by a script. In a LaTeX equation environment, I would like to write something like diagram1 = diagram2 where diagram1 and diagram2 are two separate xy-pic diagrams generated by this script, with the two centered vertically (as well as the = sign). Is there an easy way to do this, without ...