
Can I have LaTeX-style floats in Word?

I'm a (rather experimented) LaTeX-user... but unfortunately, I have to use Word (2000 (!)) at work. One of the things I miss the most (I mean, except the typographic quality, the macros and the math stuff :P) is the LaTeX-style float. Is there some way to put a picture in a floating position (eg, like with \begin{figure}[htp]) in Word? ...

how to add a jpg image in Latex

Hello, I wanna insert a .jpg image(that is in my current folder, where the .tex file is) after a paragraph. How can i do it in Latex? What should i include / what commands should i use? Thanks ...

"<<" sign in Latex

Hello, I need to add the symbol "<<" in Latex. If i simply write "<<", i get in pdf some strange symbols. What should i put in front of "<<" so that in .pdf i see "<<" ? Thanks ...

Problem with Gnuplot 4.4 and TikZ

I'm using Gnuplot 4.4, compiled with Lua support. It supposedly has the tikz terminal. I've successfully compiled my gnuplots to tex using "set terminal tikz". However, when adding this source to my latex document I keep getting the following error: ! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/gnuplot' and I am going t o ...

Latex insert date setted with \date command

Hi, I searched all morning to do this. I want to insert in my custom title page the date , author , title setted with the following commands \date{The date} \author{Me \and Other} \title{the document title} I want to insert those in my document anywhere (and my custom title page) Solution \makeatletter \@date \@title \makeatother...

[Latex] Vertically centering a title page

Hello everyone, I'm trying to vertically center a title on a custom-sized page with latex. I've written the following code, but for some reason it doesn't center. Could someone please point me to what's wrong with it? Thanks! \documentclass{article} \setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{88.184mm} \setlength{\pdfpageheight}{113.854mm} \usepackag...

latex listings caption

Hi all, I'm using the listing package with this \begin command: \begin{lstlisting}[caption=blabla, label=amb] This yields a nice code listing with a caption like ”Listing 1.1 blabla”. Is there a way to change the caption and have something like ”Code 1.1 blabla” ? I saw the ”title” command but it doesn't use a numbering system. Any ...

Labeled constants in LaTeX

I have several lemmas in which I specify constants $C_1$, $C_2$, and so forth for later reference. Naturally, this is annoying when I later insert a new constant definition in the middle. What I'd like is a macro that lets me assign labels to constants and handles the numbering for me. I'm thinking something along the lines of %% Pse...

get latex code out of a PDF file

i have this CV in PDF format which is written in LaTeX. is there a way to 'reverse engineer' the PDF so that i can get the latex code out of it? ...

Generating pdf from latex

I have been using two computers to generating pdf files from latex file by Winshell, but the characters (or images) in the pdf files generated from latex file on one computer looks always much more clear than the pdf pdf file generated by the same file on the other computer. Could anyone tell me what the problem is, or how to improve the...

LaTeX \includegraphics and textline

Ok, I am beat. I tried a few things but I am unable to make this happen. I need some help now. I want to be able to have some text and picture side by side (only one line, thus no need for wrapping or other fun. The picture is small enough to fit in a text line): This is a text <temp.jpg placed center to the textline> Problem is, when...

LaTeX: remove left margin of listing inside a table

Using LaTeX, I need to show some code snippet inside a table. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do: \begin{document} Par exemple : \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lp{5cm}l} \hline Méthode & Description & Exemple d'utilisation\\ \hline \texttt{isLetter()}& Indique si le caractère est une lettre de l'alphabet. & \begin{lstlisting}[...

Replacing \emptyset symbol with one from a different font family in LaTeX.

So I quite like the Anttor fonts and I'd like to use them in LaTeX. Everything is nice, except the \emptyset symbol is ugly. I'd like to just \renewcommand the null set command, but I can't work out how to call, say, the computer modern \emptyset when using a different font family everywhere else. Is there a quick way to do this? ...

Getting Started with Sweave, Eclipse, and R

Hi All, I am very new to LaTex and R, but I am learning on a daily basis. I really am getting into using Eclipse and want to join the party and start automating my work using Sweave; I am excited for the prospects. That said, I followed Jeromy's post here and think (keyword, think) that everything is set up correctly. However, since ...

Latex template for journal / magazine

Hi, we are trying to publish a free magazine with technical articles, papers and tutorials about mobile development. We decided to use latex instead of, ie. InDesign . Can anyone recommend some latex templates for journal/magazines as a starting point, so we don't have to build from scratch? Thanks ...

Sweave xtable: how to position tables between text?

I have a number of tables with text around them describing them. Something like this: This table shows blah blah... <<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>= print( xtable(x, caption = "blah", label = "tab:four", table.placement = "tbp", caption.placement = "top") , size = "small", table.placement="ht") @ This table shows blah blah....

Having multiple slide templates in LaTeX Beamer

Hi all, I'd like to create a presentation using LaTeX beamer, that has two different sort of slide templates/layouts: one for slides with a background image and one layout/template for slides without a specified background image. Is there any trick to do this using beamer? Thanks in advance, Joost ...

latex: Have new line between paragraphs, no indentation.

I am sure that this must be a dup, but I can't find the right keywords to search for. So I am posting. Right now my latex paragraphs look like this: The paragraph does not start out with an indent. But when you make a new paragraph there is an indent. This is a new paragraph. Can you see the indent? This is another...

Getting rid of the Figure 1 : bit

In my Latex document I have a number of figures with Captions like the following : \begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.35\textwidth} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{zhangsanfeng.jpg} \end{center} \caption{Zhang Sanfeng} \end{wrapfigure} This will give me the picture and a caption of Figure 1 : Zhang Sanfeng I want...

Doxygen-like equation writing in html

Doxygen has the ability to produce code with inline equations with LaTeX (I am a TeXnician). I want to do the same thing just for html pages. How can I achieve this? What does doxygen use to achieve it? ...