
What macros are defined in a Web2c format file?

Web2c defines its format style using Pascal strings, so there are no separator characters between csnames. Is there a straightforward way of listing all csnames bound in a .fmt file? ...

LaTeX: vertical alignement in a table containing a listing

In LaTeX, I'm using the listings package to display some code snippet inside a table. But it seems that when using this package, the vertical alignement of the cells is changing. Here is some code : \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern,textcomp} \usepackage[frenc...

Using listings, how do I maintain grouping of listing numbers?

I'm using the listings package for showing code, as well as algorithms in pseudocode. This is what I would like happen: Algorithm 1.1: myFirstAlgorithm() ... content ... Algorithm 1.2: mySecondAlgorithm() ... content ... Code 1.1: My First Code Block ... content ... Algorithm 1.3: myThirdAlgorithm() ... content ... Wh...

Compiling multiple LaTeX files in Windows

I have a folder with many LaTeX files that all use the same custom LaTeX class. Now I want to recompile all of these LaTeX files. They are aranged in separate folders with the same name for the main files as the folder, e.g., foo0001/foo0001.tex, foo0002/foo0002.tex. Is there a way, using a Windows bat script, to compile/build all thes...

Writing Formula Sheets (Cheat Sheet) in LyX / LaTeX

Hi all, I'm interested in writing a formula sheet for an upcoming exam in Physics. I want to create something similar to this. I have the sources, however, I can't understand what's going on over there, and I can't seem to render it using LyX. I have used LyX for quite a while and used some ERT (TeX code) now and again, but I am by no m...

How can I generate a PDF index from pdfLaTeX?

I often generate reports from pdfLaTeX using TeXworks, and would like to generate a document index, which will appear in the sidebar of a PDF viewer, (e.g. evince, Adobe Reader). Are there any packages which will allow me to do so? ...

TikZ coding: How to create space between polygon and the nodes it surrounds?

I'm using TikX with LaTeX to draw a technical diagram. I'm trying to draw an irregular polygon around a group of named nodes in a tree. I've gotten as far as \draw [rounded corners, thick] (node cs:name=add,anchor=north) -- (node cs:name=cvc,anchor=west) -- (node cs:name=addrc,angle=200) -- (node cs:name=addrc,angle=-20) --...

Force pdflatex to create one box per word.

Good evening everyone! I'm converting ebook files to ereader-optimized pdf files (the sony ereader can't propertly justify text). I'm therefore converting html to latex, and then building the latex output using pdflatex. The sony reader has a function to lookup words in a dictionary. However, it figures out words by analysing boxes; an...

TOC and figure side by side in a slide

I want to put a figure and the TOC side by side in one slide where it would look like TOC Figure I have tried to include them each in a minipage respectively and then put them both in a figure environment. But the result does not look good, for the TOC is formatted as a paragraph, instead of an itemize look. So, does anybody have a b...

make LaTeX draw a \hline between each line in tabular without using \hline?

Is there any obvious or pretty way to have LaTeX automatically put a \hline between each line in a table without having to put a \hline between each line? I thought about creating a command like: \newcommand{\EOL}{\\ \hline} But then I will get non-standard looking tables like this: 3 & 2 & 1 \EOL 1 & 2 & 3 \EOL Is there a way suc...

How to locally change encoding?

I'm using LyX, but I guess a solution would be some TeX code. I'm writing a document in English and I want to insert some Hebrew text, but the document encoding doesn't let me. Using Hebrew encoding for the entire document doesn't work as it ruins the TOC, etc. Is there a way to locally change the text's encoding? ...

How to insert code into a latex doc.

This seems like a trivial question but google has not give me any fast results. How to do I insert code into a latex document? Is there something like: \begin{code} ... \end{code} Or how should I do this. The only thing that I really need is indentation and a fixed width font. Syntax highlighting could be nice although it is def...

How to link to a glossary item (using package glossaries)

In my document i'm using the package glossaries to create a glossary. Everything works fine except that the is no link between the words in the text and the corresponding entry in my glossary (so you can click the word to be explained and get to the glossary entry). The most important parts of my document: %----Header---- ... \usepack...

Conditionally execute a macro depending on the font used

I’m a big fan of ampersands – so much that I heed SimpleBits’ advice to “use the best available ampersand” quite religiously. For that purpose, I’ve defined the following shortcut in LaTeX: \let\amp\& \renewcommand\&{{\scalebox{1.2}{\textnormal{\fontspec{Baskerville}\itshape\amp}}}} In brief, this changes all uses of the “normal” amp...

How can I convert an .rtf or .doc document to LaTeX?

Unfortunately, I can't use rtf2latex2e because it says that DropUNIX "no longer supports the classic environment". I barely know what I'm doing otherwise, besides dropping my .rtf file onto the DropUNIX program. What else can I use? I don't mind which type of file it is I'm converting to LaTeX (.doc would also be OK, as long as it keep...

Beamer latex question

How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? (The usepackage I use is beamerthemesplit} Thanks! ...

LaTeX - Insert the current year (like \today)?

Using the LaTeX command \today, I can insert the current date. Is there any way to insert the current year with a simple command? All I want is the simple 4 digit year that shows up in \today ...

Defining a header wich background color in Latex

For a small project I'm trying something that feels as if it should be peanut, but au contraire (Hey, that's french, never thought I'd remember some parts of that. anyway...). The thing is, I want a latex layout where the header and footer span the entire pagewidth and have a background color, and also can have some elements on the left,...

Conditional compilation in a LaTeX document.

I want to generalize a template I have and one of the items is setting a few variables before generating a PDF to send to someone. In my Makefile I have set: ${OBJS}/main.pdf: main.tex ${DEPS} pdflatex -output-directory=${OBJS} "\def\recipiant{${RECIPIANT}} \def\revision{${REVISION}} \include{main}" Though I would like to not worry ...

Font errors with pdfLaTeX microtype package

On Ubuntu 10.4LTS I'm trying to use the microtype package in a memoir class of document, for example like this: \usepackage[final,expansion=true]{microtype} However, when I attempt to compile this (with rubber, latexmk or others) I get an error like this: job.tex:72: Font csnameendcsname=rm-lmr10+20 at 10.95pt not loadable: M...