
Heading \subsection at start of framed environment in LaTeX without leading padding

I've got a framed environment of the memoir class with content like this: \begin{framed} \subsection{Article 1} Content of Article 1 \subsection{Article 2} Content: Article 2 \end{framed} This renders in the following way: ._________________. | | <-- superfluous whitespace | Article 1 | | Content of Art- | | i...

LaTeX \cellcolor results in cell overlap in PDF

I've got the following table: \begin{table}[hbtp] \caption{Autocompletion example} \begin{tabular}{c|l@{}@{}l} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{A} \\ \hline 1 & \multicolumn{2}{l}{test} \\ 2 & te & \cellcolor{black}{\color{white}st} \\ \end{tabular} \end{table} It's structured like this to make the se...

How to identify two counters in LaTeX?

In a certain document, I want to make the two counters "theorem" and "subsection" to be one and the same thing. Any ideas? Edit: Since the math parts are potentially confusing, I rephrase the question as follows without any such references. I use a certain counter "mycounter" for counting something, and this counter is predefined in a ...

How to identify equation and subsection counters in LaTeX?

Here I asked how to identify the subsection and theorem counters in LaTeX. It turns out that I must also identify the equation and subsection counters for my purposes. The methods suggested as answers to that question won't work. Please help me out, if you can. Thank you very much. ...

How to get rid of navigation bars in beamer

How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? By the way, in my preamble, I wrote: \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} ...

generating equation representations in python/on the web

Is it possible to take something like x^2+5 and have it generate this: I'll be using Python so anything based in Python would work, but I'm open to other solutions such as latex output. ...

En/em space in LaTeX removed by pdflatex

I'm trying to include all the Unicode whitespace characters in a LaTeX document as verbatim text (e.g. \verb#start end#), but I've gotten three different results: With no packages, the spaces are simply not there in the PDF file. with \usepackage[utf8x,utf8]{inputenc} I get an error: "Unicode char \u8:  not set up for use with LaTeX." ...

makefile option to generate latex documentation

I have a project that can be built via makefile, and I would like to add the ability for someone in the base directory to not only be able to build the executable via make, but also to build the documentation pdfs from LaTeX in a separate directory by typing make docs or something similar. I only need one pass to generate the documentati...

How to prevent linebreaks after \subsection or \section.

Here I queried how to identify the counters for \subsection and \theorem. The resulting look would be the same (except for the math-specific things, like the content inside a theorem is put in emphasis) if only there is a way to prevent linebreaks after \subsection. Is there a way to do this? Thanks. ...

How to remove entry "Listings" from table of content (toc)

How can I use \lstlistoflistings to create a list of listings, but not have this list as an entry in the table of content? Normally, a star helps to hide things like that and I use memoir as document class which supports and helps hiding lists like \tableofcontents*, \listoffigures*, \listoftables*, ... But adding the star like that: \l...

(La)TeX Base 10 fixed point arithmetic

I'm trying to implement decimal arithmetic in (La)TeX. I'm trying to use dimens to store the values. I want the arithmetic to be exact to some (fixed) number of decimal places. If I use 1pt as my base unit, then this fails, because \divide rounds down, so 1pt / 10 gives 0.09999pt. If I use something like 1000sp as my base unit, then ...

The environment wrapfigure is in conflict with another environment i'm using, is it possible to overcome this?

I have defined an environment : \newenvironment{exemple}% {% \par \stepcounter{exemple} \setlength{\leftmargin}{\exlen} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \advance\linewidth -\leftmargin \advance\@totalleftmargin\leftmargin \@setpar{{\@@par}}% \parshape 1 \@totalleftmargin \linewidth \ignorespaces \hspace{-\exlen}{\bf Exemple \arabic{chapter}....

How to cite a document with multiple authors using natbib

Hello, I would like to cite a paper by three authors so that all three of them appear in the text. I'm using natbib with the apalike bibliography style. According to natbib's documentation, the way to do this (and the way I remember doing it a few years ago) is to write \citet*{bibliographykeyhere}. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work...

Verbatim environment inside LaTeX cell?

Hello, I would like to insert some XML inside a LaTeX table, so I thought that \begin{verbatim}.. will be a good solution for preserving the syntax, but it does not work like this: \begin{tabular}{ ll } sample & \begin{verbatim} <how> <to value="make" /> <this value="work" /> </how> \end{verbat...

How to change font size on part of the page in LaTeX?

Hello, I'd like to change text size for some page part, e.g. for verbatim block: \begin{verbatim} <how to set font size here to 10 px ? /> \end{verbatim} Regards ...

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman?

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman in preamble? Thanks! ...

Latex: text should automatically fill the frame in Beamer slides

In beamer frames I want the contents to be spread out evenly across the frame. Using option \documentclass[slidestop]{beamer} I can easily specify the contents to be top/center aligned but when I have only few bullets on a slide they get clustered together at the top, I want beamer to decide the spacing between them automatically to spr...

Text and Plots in Matlab to LaTeX

I like to create a "report generation" script in Matlab. Suppose we have a Matlab array, data and we want to export the following to a .tex file: "The information in the first element of data is X." This would be followed by a plot of X. I have already tried help latex in Matlab and aware of the various packages on Matlab file exchang...

XeTeX - Detect when re-run is needed

Hello everyone. I'm trying to determine when a re-run of Xe(La)TeX is required because of undefined references. I've posted a related question on the SCons mailing list, and the problem is as follows: Page counts and other references that require multiple runs of XeLaTeX are sometimes not at present detected by SCons and other build s...

LaTeX - defining a custom 'wrapfig' environment

I'm typesetting a book with LaTeX. The text design includes pull quotes, which are supposed to look something like this: Chicken chicken chicken chicken ------------- chicken chicken chicken chicken CHICKEN chicken chicken chicken chicken CHICKEN chicken chicken chicken chicken ------------- chicken chicken chicken chicken ch...