
Assign sage variable values into R objects via sagetex and Sweave

I am writing a short Sweave document that outputs into a Beamer presentation, in which I am using the sagetex package to solve an equation for two parameters in the beta binomial distribution, and I need to assign the parameter values into the R session so I can do additional processing on those values. The following code excerpt shows ...

fresh installation of PGF/TikZ crashes, why?

I have a clean CentOS 5.5 machine with tetex installed. Next, I installed PGF/TikZ: wget unzip \cp -r tex /usr/share/texmf texhash This is my document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} test \end{document} I'm trying to c...

How to only round selected corners in a fancytitle box with Tikz

If you take a look at the boxes there are with rounded corners. In the examples, both the box itself and the title is a box. I want the title box to not have the bottom corners rounded. On page 120 in the manual, there is a description of how to draw with and without rounde...

Latex two captioned verbatim environments side-by-side

How to get two verbatim environments inside floats with automatic captioning side-by-side? \usepackage{float,fancyvrb} ... \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{filecontents}{Verbatim}% {fontsize=\small, fontfamily=tt, gobble=4, frame=single, framesep=5mm, baselinestretch=0.8, labelposition=topli...

Specifying a no-indent for a list, with LaTeX

I have the following: This is just normal text... \begin{enumerate} \item First Item ?\\\\ This is the text of the first item \item Second Item ?\\\\ This is the text of the second item \end{enumerate} Which renders the following: This is just normal text... 1. First Item ? This is the text of the first item 2. Second Item ? ...

Include all entries / equivalent to nocite in latex glossaries package

Hi There, I'm trying to create a glossary using the glossaries package in latex. Is there a way to force all defined terms to appear in the output glossary, even if they are unused in the text? I see this as the equivalent to \nocite for glossary entries. Cheers, Ken. ...

How to draw a graph in LaTeX?

First of all, let me say I'm using LyX, though I have no problem using ERT. Secondly, what is the most simplest way to draw a simple graph like this in Latex? I've seen some documents with graphs and I've seen some examples, but I couldn't figure out how to just draw a simple graph - what packages do I need, etc? ...

LaTeX: How to make a fullpage vertical rule on every page?

I'm using LaTeX and I would like to have vertical rule along left side of page, topmargin to bottommargin, 0.5in from the left edge of the page. I want this on every page, so I assume that means it must somehow be tied to the header or the footer? I've made no progress at all, so I need help with (1) making the full-length rule itself ...

How to change the margin of code's frame of showexpl.sty when numbers=none?

I want to align the code's frame with the formated text's frame. If the numbers=left,the mission is accomplished by configuring xleftmargin, xrightmargin, framesep, and numbersep. However, when I set numbers=none, I cannot accomplish my mission by configuring those properties. Regardless of the values set to those properties, the code'...

Changing the textwidth of the notes in Beamer (LaTeX)

I've been using the beamer class to create presentations in LaTeX and I love it. Recently I started using the \note command to add notes to my handout so that I have a printed version with some pointers to remind myself of things I want to say in the lecture. I have a problem with the longer lines in the notes environment as they seems t...

Subfloat figures in latex

I am inputting a bunch of figures in Latex using \begin{figure}[h] \centering \subfloat etc. How do I get the subfloat figures to go to the next page? What I mean is, I'm inputting a ton of figures so it'll definitely be more than one page but if I do separate figures for each the a, b, c, d, etc. for the captions will change, ...

Use LaTeX Listings to correctly detect and syntax highlight embedded code of a different language in a script

I have scripts that have one-liners or sort scripts from other languages within them. How can I have LaTeX listings detect this and change the syntax formating language within the script? This would be especially useful for awk within bash I believe. Bash #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" R --vanilla << EOF # Data on motor octane rati...

Mathematical annotations in a PDF file

I like to annotate papers I read in a digital way. Numerous programs exist to help in this process. For example, on OS X one can use programs such as Skim or even Preview. However, making annotations is dreadful when one wishes to add mathematical annotations, such as formulas or greek letters. A cumbersome "solution" is to select the de...

Mixing a4 and a3 in one Latex file

Hello, I am finishing my thesis and have a large appendix. Some tables only look good, if first done on a3 and then (paper)printed on a4. Anyhow, working all the files seperalty is fine, but I struggle to compile all in one. I use the geometry package and start the document with: \usepackage[a4paper,left=30mm,right=20mm,top=20mm, bott...

How can I include a .eps figure within a Tikz simple flow chart?

Hi, I would like to create a simple flow chart in latex with the TikZ package similar to the following example However I would like to include figures (a time series plot created in R, as eps or something else) within the flowchart (e.g. for example within a {block}? \documentc...

Which technology should I use to transform my latex documents into html documents

Hey, I want to write a little program that transforms my TeX files into HTML. I want to parse the documents and turn the macros (the build-in and of course my own) into HTML pieces. Here are my requirements: predefined rules (e.g. begin{itemize} \item text \end{itemize} => <br> <p>text </p> <br/>) defining own CSS style ability to co...

how to insert a visible box around a set of content in latex?

Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how the books draw a box perhaps with different background around a digression/example? Preferably how this would be accomplished in lyx, but latex solution would be welcomed as well :D ...

How can I get BibTeX to show months in another language than English?

I'm using three-letter abbreviations in BibTex for the months, but when I compile my document, the month-names come out in English. Can I somehow change the output language? I'm using natbib, but don't mind switching back to vanilla BibTeX if that's required. ...

Can I remove the labels from the bibliography, while keeping them in citations?

I'm writing the bibliography of my report with thebibliography environment because I don't need a BibTeX database (or I don't have the time for learn how to customize or write a style). Well, using the optional argument [label] I can specify as I want the cite references are show, for example: \bibitem[PNUD1996]{PNUD1996} PNUD. Desarro...

Using special characters as keywords in latex listings package

Hi, I am using the listings package for latex. I am using the SQL language definition and am adding some new keywords that I need, using morekeywords=. I have trouble defining some special characters as keywords, for example, I need [], <>, &, and -> to be considered as keywords and use the keyword style. I have tried adding these ...