
Perform separate compilation of Latex documents

When compiling latex documents the compiler emits a lot of "object" files. This clutters the directories I'm working on and it difficults the use of VCS like SVN. When I work with C++ code I have separate directories for the code and the objects, I can run make on the source directory but the .o files go to the build directory. Is there...

How can I make a custom layout / change header background color … with Tex, Latex, ConTeXt ?

Hi, currently I produce dynamically this document with Python Report Labs… to produce pdf documents. Now, I would like try to produce this document with Tex / Latex / ConTeXt… I've some questions : how can I make the layout ? how can I make header background color ? how can I ...

How do i append a paper in appendix in latex?

In my Master thesis i want to append a paper as an appendix to the thesis. I am writing in LateX in the "report" style. At the end of the thesis there are some code in Appendix A, and in Appendix B i want to add a paper, written in latex. How do i append the paper at the end, as a standalone paper, with its own bibliography etc? ...

Is there a way to override LaTeX's errors about double subscripts and superscripts?

Minor point about LaTeX that bothers me. When one writes a^b^c, a_b_c or a'^b in math mode, LaTeX gives an error message complaining about multiple super/subscripts. This is particularly annoying after replacing a string containing a super/subscript or when using the apostrophe, '. Is there a way to override the error an...

Creating problem-sets with answers in Latex

Hello everyone. I want to typeset Mathematical problem-sets in Latex. My requirements are as follows: When I type them in, I want the questions and the answers to be next to each other in the source-code so that fixing errors, etc. can be done easily. However, when the document is typeset, I want the answers to appear in a separate "...

latex padding / margin hell

hi everyone I have been wrestling with a latex table for far too long. I need a table that has has centered headers, and body cells that contain text that may wrap around. Because of the wrap-around requirement, i'm using p{xxx} instead of l for specifying cell widths. The problem this causes is that cell contents are not left justif...

Getting "longnamesfirst" option to work with natbib in LaTeX - custom .bst

Hey all, I'm writing an MSc dissertation and I'm having difficulty getting the longnamesfirst option working in natbib. My University has a very specific referencing style a little like APA, but not quite the same. I've used the docstrip utility to build a basic framework and then edited it to fit the requirements of my University. Ha...

What is the difference between "Page Break" and "New Page"?

In LyX/LaTeX, What is the difference between "Page Break" and "New Page"? They both seem to do the same to me. ...

get height on a block of latex output

Hello, I am trying to determine how to get the height on a block of latex output (not the whole document, and not the code..but rather a block of output). As an example of what I am trying to accomplish: i were to have the latex code $\sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n}>\infty$ \newline hello world \newline hello universe The height of the...

ESS/AucTeX/Sweave integration

I'm using GNU/Linux distro (Arch, if that's relevant), Emacs v23.2.1, ESS v5.9 and AucTeX v11.86. I want to setup AucTeX to recognize .Rnw files, so I can run LaTeX on .Rnw files with C-c C-c and get .dvi file automatically. I reckon it's quite manageable by editing .emacs file, but I still haven't got a firm grasp on Elisp. Yet anoth...

Tikz: horizontal centering of group of nodes

Hi, I need to align each row of the graph to the center. I am trying to do it with xshift. Here the code: \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto, text centered] \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,ball]; \begin{scope}[xshift=1.5cm] \node (A) {A}; \node [right of=A] (B) {B}; \node [right of=B] (C) {C};...

How do i center a quote, vertically and horizontally in latex?

I have a quote on a blank page in latex. I have managed to center it horizontally, however, when i try to center it vertically it gives me some problems. I have tried \vspace{} \begin{quote} \centering quote \end{quote} However it doesnt work. ...

Showing latex commands in text string using mathjax

I have a text string, for ex. 'A vehicle travels from A to B, distance {$d} km at constant speed. While returning back to A on same path it {$variation} its speed by {$v} km/hr. The total time of journey is {$t} hours. Find the original speed of vehicle.' The variables in the curly brackets are to be replaced by appropriate latex equat...

.tex files not found when placed in a folder declared in TEXINPUTS

I have a set of documents based on a LaTeX template. Every document has its own folder, as following: docs-folder |-doc #1 |-doc #2 ... |-doc #n |-texmf |-tex |-bibtex |-fonts |-docs |-misc |-logo.jpg |-acronyms.tex I wrote the template on my own, and, for every document (from #1 to #n) it loads the files...

Supress title of listings created with the LaTeX listings package

I'm using LaTeX in conjunction with the listings package and I'm trying to suppress the title of a listing such that it is neither viewed below the actual listing nor in the list of listings. Setting the option title to title="" or title= does not work. It only leads to the suppression of the listing in the list of listings. However, in...

typeset problem/solution pair (example) in latex

Hey guys, I'd like to know if there is a way in latex to show the following: Example 1: problem statement here Solution: solution here and wrap that in a box so that it will be noticeable. Seems like a common enough problem that there should be ready made solutions If there are any suggestions it would be much appreciated! ...

dvi generation: no bounding box

I wrote a research paper in latex and generated pdf using kile. It worked perfectly well. Now conference people are asking for dvi file also. But Kile's quick build process does not give a dvi file, but its 'Latex' compile process does. So I tried to compile the document, and it gave errors for includegraphics saying figure not found. Wh...

acknowledgments in latex

I'm in a \documentclass{article} in Latex. How would I put the name of an advisor on the first page? I've seen examples in latex for things like \principaladvisor{} but that seems to be done with the thesis class. I'm guessing with the article class I'd list the advisor as a co-author or something. How do I do that? ...

temporarily change fonts in latex with T1 font

Hello, I want to temporarily change fonts in latex, to arev. Usually, this would work, as described here: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{arev} the font is temporarily changed} \end{document} it doesnt though, and I think it has to do with the fact that arev is a T1 font. I think I need to speci...

\sbox from inside an environment

I'm trying to save some text inside an environment for later use. The smallest test case I could come up with is this. The saved text in the sbox isn't available after the environment is closed. How can I work around that? Thanks. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \newsavebox{\somebox} \begin{itemize} \item hello1 \item hello1 \s...