
Limit appearing to the right of the limit sign in LaTeX

Why doesn't the u->infinity appear under the limit when I compile? Instead it is appearing to the right of the limit. How do I correct this? \frac{1}{\lim_{u \rightarrow \infty}} ...

Latex citation question

Is it possible to cite something in Latex so that the end result is (e.g. Author, 200X)? At the moment I use (e.g. \citep{Author200X}) but I was wondering if there was a better strategy. I'm using TeXshop, and natbib. Thank you. ...

Importing images using subfloats in LaTeX

I am using subfloats to import 2 .png files in a figure to basically generate subfigures. There's no space between the figures when I compile it. How do I put some white space in between them? And is it possible to convert them to black and white using LaTeX? ...

Latex newenvironment

There's something wrong with this code: \newenvironment{Tbl} {\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|} \hline} {\end{tabularx}} but this is fine: \newenvironment{Tbl} {\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline} {\end{tabular}} Why? And how can I get the first to work? Here is the full latex file: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage...

Positioning table captions in LaTeX

When I try centering my table & getting a caption so that it reads something like "Table 1. This is the caption." the table appears at the top of the page no matter what I do. If I don't do the caption then I can get it in the part of the document that I want. How do I fix this problem? \begin{table} \caption{This is the caption.} ...

How do I merge cells of the same column in LyX?

I have 3 subfigures I want to arrange so that 1 will be in the left and 2 will be in the right (one above the other): Figure 1 | Figure 2 Figure 1 | Figure 3 Figure 1 should appear only once of course - across the entire column. I thought I should use 2x2 table to arrange them, but I can't find a way to merge the two cells ...

Changing the colour of \textbullet in LaTeX Beamer

I don't want to use Beamer's standard blue colour theme. I want to use beaver, which is deep reds. Everything looks nice, except that if I use itemize the bullet points are still blue. Is there a nice way to have the bullets vary with what colour theme I was using? (If I were to opt for a yellowish colour theme, I'd expect the bullets to...

LaTeX: typesetting chapter and section number in margin

I'm trying to typeset something in LaTeX and I would like to know if I'm doing it right. The basic idea is that section number hangs in the left margin. The number takes the height of the header+2 lines for a chapter heading, +1 line for section heading, and has the same height as the header for subsections, and is aligned to the top of ...

Lifting a math symbol in LaTeX

I'm using the symbol \otimes as a unary operator and it's vertical alignment doesn't seem right to me. It wants to sit a bit below the baseline. For example, if I define \newcommand{\myop}{\ensuremath \otimes}, then $\myop I$ becomes and $F_{\myop I}$ becomes I tried using \raisebox to fix this, e.g., \newcommand{\myop}{\ensurem...

lyx problem: ps, pdf "Authors not shown"

I'm trying to write a paper based on VLDB .cls and .tex files, it can be reached from here.It uses ACM SIG Proceedings Style.After fixing many errors, now i don't get any errors, However when i save my file as pdf or ps,i can not see the author names. The title and abstract are shown just not the code between these is not shown. i'm us...

Increasing nesting in sub headings with LaTeX

The following is an example of what I currently have: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \chapter{The Chapter} \section{First Section} \subsection{First sub Section} \subsubsection{First sub sub Section} which renders something like this: Chapter 1 The Chapter 1.1 First Section 1.1.1 First Sub Section First sub sub Section No...

LaTeX verbatim that can break too long lines?

I want to generate a PDF of user-submitted text using LaTeX. To handle crazy user input, I first thought about using the verbatim package, but of course it doesn't break up too long lines. Is there some package that works similar to verbatim (i.e., accept any input) but formats the text nicely? ...

Controlling LaTeX column flow

What I'm trying to do: I have a page that consists of pairs of two sentences each. The pairs are separated by a whole line break. My problem is that when I have an odd number of pairs, the second sentence will automatically be placed on the next column. How can I use LaTeX to make block structures that multicol does not ignore, to keep ...

Creating a list of symbols in latex

I'm trying to get an auto generated list of symbols in my latex project. Here is the macro that I have so far... \newcommand{\addsymbol}[3]{% \symboldisplay{#1}{#2}\\% \setelem{#3}{#1} } \newcommand{\symboldisplay}[2]{% $#1$ \parbox{5in}{\dotfill #2}% } \def\setelem#1{\expandafter\def\csname myarray(#1)\endcsname} \def\dispsymbol...

How to enable absolute paths in LaTeX

Hey, I have one document under ~/my_files/test.tex and want to include in test.tex some styling informations, which can be found under ~/latex/styles/info_hypersetup.tex. When I include the following statement into my test.tex: %% setting the infos for the pdf \include{home/helex/latex/styles/info_hypersetup.tex} I get the following...

LaTeX package for writing algorithms

Hi all, which package would you use for writing algorithms in LaTeX? I know about algorithm, algorithmic and algorithms packages. Thanks ...

Footnotes for tables in LaTeX

When I do \footnote{} for a value in a table, the footnote doesn't show up. How do I get it to show up? Also, is it possible to get it to show up at the bottom of the table rather than the bottom of the page? ...

Quality for images in LaTeX documents

Hey all, What are some of the pointers that I need to follow if I want to have good quality images in a LaTeX document. These images are mostly screenshots of an software application or flow charts. Below are two such images. Flow Chart Screenshot Thanx Ladislav ...

MLA-style bibliography with BibLaTeX: How to organise by section?

I'm using the MLA authoring style. I would like to print out a bibliography subdivided into different sections. I also want annotations on each source. Is this possible with BibLaTeX? Should I just do it manually? ...

Figures in LaTeX

How do you have a figure imported so that it appears on the bottom of a page with a caption? When I import it and put a caption on it normally, it always appears at the top of a page. ...