
TeX on iPad compatible with Apple's policy?

Hi, As a nerd, I think it would be nice to have a TeX editor on the iPad. But TeX is a Turing-complete language, and it is arguably a general-purpose compiler/interpreter. Does that make it unacceptable to the App Store? Furthermore, if somebody ports TeX compiler to javascript and runs inside WebKit, does it make acceptable to the App ...

Advanced table in LaTeX with multiline cells

Hello everyone I'm trying to achieve something like this in LaTeX: (sample made in The most important part is the multiline verbatim-environment inside a cell. Is this possible at all? I will be very grateful to any answers, since this has been bugging me quite a ...

How to place caption (figure / table) into margin?

I write thesis and need to put a lot of small pictures into it. I also need to use captions (with labels) for better navigation and referring to these pictures. In the same time I want to spare space and put captions beside (next to) pictures, in margin, like marginpar does. I tried sidecap package but it didn't work, neither mcaption pa...

Setting 0 margin in header using LaTeX's fancyhdr

Hi, I'm trying to define a custom layout for my report for which I'm using fancyhdr. On the pages which contains a chapter start I want my header to contain a colorbox spanning across the whole page (0 cm margins) although keeping my defaults margin in the text area. I can get the box to span across the "margin notes" area, but not the ...

[LaTeX] positions of page numbers, position of chapter headings, chapters AND Table of Contents, References...

I am writing my PhD thesis (120+ pages) in latex, the deadline is approaching and I am struggling with layout problems. I am using the documentstyle book. I am posting both problems in this one thread because I am not sure if the solution might be related to both problems or not. Problems are: 1.) The page numbers are mostly located...

Latex: Extracting the sty files of all the used packages

Hi. So after writing a large .tex file and using many packages I want to archive everything, not just the .tex .jpg files, but also the .sty files. This is because sometimes some options in the sty files are changed, and then I can't compile the file. The "problem" is that in using Ubuntu, I already installed all the packages in my s...

[LaTex]: Add in the TOC an included PDF

In my document I include a PDF using \includepdf[pages=-]{./mypdf.pdf} The problem I'm having is how to add a TOC entry for this pdf. It supposed to be an appendix. I tried adding a new section in the appendix but of course the section name can't be printed on the same page than the included pdf, so the resulting TOC line directs...

How do I fix problem with layout of tables and text in LaTeX?

Hi, my problem is that my full tables and text are coming about 15 cm away from left side, so my text has very little space on right side, about 3 cm. How can I change my text and tables to start from 5 cm away from left and 5 cm before right side? \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{color} ...

In LaTeX prefer figures on text-heavy pages.

Hi LaTeX seems to have a preference for placing figures together on a page, and placing surrounding text on a separate page. Can I somehow change that balance a bit, as I prefer figures to break up the text to avoid too black text-heavy pages. Example: \section{Some section} [Half a page of text] \begin{figure} [...] \captio...

[LaTeX] Math symbols in listings

Hi, I have a problem with Latex -- I don't know how to put mathematical equations and symbols in listings. I use --listings-- package and it's offers great looking listings, but it doesn't allow math symbols in $ .. $. Another package --algorithms-- allows math, but listings doesn't look as good as in --listings-- (the problem is that -...

Insert FLV video in latex document

Hi, I'm trying to insert a flv video in a latex document. I've tried the following : \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1]{animation/animation1.flv} \caption{My animation} \label{Anim1} \end{figure} But it's not working at all ! Does anyone know how to do this ? I would avoid to convert the video because I don't know...

Change paper size in the middle of a latex document?

Does anyone know how to change these length parameters in the middle of a latex document? \paperwidth \paperheight I would like to define a page size for a single page (possibly two or three). I tried v5.3 of the geometry package, which just added some new features; like \newgeometry. Unfortunately \newgeometry cannot be used to rede...

[LaTeX] How to change title in listings?

Hi, I have a question about --listings-- package. Do you know how to change it to get sth like this "Algorithm " rather than casual "Listing " in the title line? Thanks for reply ...

LaTex, align alignment characters between align blocks

I would like to align two alignment characters between two align blocks so that I can have some text in the middle of a derivation with equations maintaining the horizontal alignment. For example the following excerpt of latex using align \begin{align*} \frac{\delta \phi}{\delta x_1} = {} &\frac{9}{8}\frac{\delta_1\phi}{\delta_1x_1...

Automatically capitalize first letter of first word in a new sentence in LaTeX

I know one of LaTeX's bragging points is that it doesn't have this Microsoftish behavior. Nevertheless, it's sometimes useful. LaTeX already adds an extra space after you type a (non-backslashed) period, so it should be possible to make it automatically capitalize the following letter as well. Is there an obvious way to write a macro t...

Need help to compile latex document using a private compiler with LaTeX Lab

I'm using latex and recently an online latex interface to Google docs was released: For the most part this online latex compiler is great and I can get a document such as this to compile: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \title{\LaTeX without extra usepack...

How do you change the image of a bullet point in LaTeX Beamer

When I use the itemize environment, i.e. \begin{itemize} \item one \item two \item three \end{itemize} The bullet points are ugly bitmap graphics that have harsh (aliased) edges. I'd like it to be a nice, clean font character or vector graphic ...

LaTex left arrow over letter in math mode

Hello, I want to put a left arrow over letter in math mode. I am looking for exactly the reverse of the vector symbol in \vec{x}. I tried to put it with \stackrel{\leftarrow}{x}, but it doesn't look good. Thanks. ...

Latex: Text cannot be placed below image

I love latex! But sometimes, it does not love me... I'm having a problem with an image and some text. I have this code: Some text...\\ \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.75]{picture.jpg} \caption{The caption} \label{fig:picture} \end{figure} Some more text... Basically, I want this: Some text. (Above image in...

[LaTeX] breaking an environment across pages - the smart way

Hi I am using the exercise package to display exercises in a book. I have redefined some commands like this, which basically adds some space, a pencil, and two hrule's before and after the exercise: \renewcommand{\ExerciseHeader}{\vskip 1em\hrule\vskip 1em\centerline{\textbf{\large\smallpencil \ExerciseHeaderNB\ExerciseHeaderTitle% \Ex...