
MySQL inner join problem

I have 2 tables : users : contains id and name friends : contains id1 and id2 Let's suppose I have this data in the users table : id : 1 , name : FinalDestiny id : 2 , name : George And this data in the friends table: id1: 1 , id2: 2 So this means that 1 is friend with 2. I need with one single query to say that id1 is friend ...

Displaying text in correct column

After getting a helpful answer here, I have run into yet another problem: displaying two or more strings in the column I want it to be displayed in. For an example of the problem I have, I want this output: Come here! where? not here! but instead get Come here! where? not here! when I use the code c...

Replace returned null values in LEFT OUTER JOIN

SELECT WO_BreakerRail.ID, indRailType.RailType, indRailType.RailCode, WO_BreakerRail.CreatedPieces, WO_BreakerRail.OutsideSource, WO_BreakerRail.Charged, WO_BreakerRail.Rejected, WO_BreakerRail.RejectedToCrop, WO_BreakerRail.Date FROM indRailType LEFT OUTER JOIN WO_BreakerRail ON indRailType.Rai...

LEFT OUTER JOIN in NHibernate with SQL semantics

Hi, Is it possible to use HQL/ICritera to produce a query with the same semantics as the following SQL query: select table1.A, table2.B, count(*) from table1 left join (select table2.parent_id, table2.B from table2 where table2.C = 'Some value') as table2 on table2.parent_id = table1.id group by table1.A, table2.B order by table1.A ...

How do I join these queries?

query1: SELECT category.id, category.name, category.level, category.description, category.cat1, category.cat2, category.cat3, category.cat4, category.pri_color, category.sec_color, category.last_report AS report_id FROM category, reports_category_layout WHERE category.id = reports_category_layout.catID AND reports_category_layout.site_...

Is it possible to write a SQL query to return specific rows, but then join some columns of those rows with another table?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to write this query. A hypothetical problem that is that same as the one I'm trying to solve: Say I have a table of apples. Each apple has numerous attributes, such as color_id, variety_id and the orchard_id they were picked from. The color_id, variety_id, and orchard_id all refer to thei...

Multiple left joins, how to output in php

I have 3 tables I need to join. The contracts table is the main table, the 'jobs' and 'companies' table are extra info that can be associated to the contracts table. so, since I want all entries from my 'contracts' table, and the 'jobs' and 'companies' data only if it exists, I wrote the query like this.... $sql = "SELECT * FROM contr...

How to get MYSQL to show Zero results when left joining to self? (eg: Monthly Stats)

I have a table with typical statistics on page view and emails. An email creates a row and page view creates a row... I want to chart the page views and emails on a daily basis for the past 30 days (for example) so I need to show the day and the value... even if it ZERO. I cannot have missing days from my results or the chart breaks. ...

In PHP + MySQL, How do I join many tables with conditions

Hi, I'm trying to get the users full activity throughout the website. I need to Join many tables throughout the database, with that condition that it is one user. What I currently have written is: SELECT * FROM comments AS c JOIN rphotos AS r ON c.userID = r.userID AND c.userID = '$defineUserID'; But What it is returning is ever...

NHibernate Left Outer Join

I'm looking to create a Left outer join Nhibernate query with multiple on statements akin to this: SELECT * FROM [Database].[dbo].[Posts] p LEFT JOIN [Database].[dbo].[PostInteractions] i ON p.PostId = i.PostID_TargetPost And i.UserID_ActingUser = 202 I've been fooling around with the critera and aliases, but I haven't had a...

Customizing Hibernate Criteria - Adding conditions to a left join

I need to be able to do the following: Select * from Table1 left join Table2 on id1 = id2 AND i1 = ? Hibernate criteria doesn't allow be to specify the i1 = ? part. The existing code is using hibernate criteria and it would be a huge refactor to swap out for HQL Does anybody have any tips how I could implement this differently or ...

Help With LINQ: Mixed Joins and Specifying Default Values

I am trying to figure out how to do a mixed-join in LINQ with specific access to 2 LINQ objects. Here is an example of how the actual TSQL query might look: SELECT * FROM [User] AS [a] INNER JOIN [GroupUser] AS [b] ON [a].[UserID] = [b].[UserID] INNER JOIN [Group] AS [c] ON [b].[GroupID] = [c].[GroupID] LEFT JOIN [GroupEn...

Left Outer Join Result Issue Using Linq to Sql

We have the following query to give us a left outer join: (from t0 in context.accounts join t1 in context.addresses on new { New_AccountCode = t0.new_accountcode, New_SourceSystem = t0.new_sourcesystem, New_Mailing = t0.new_MailingAddressString } equals new { New_AccountCode = t1.new_AccountCode,...

django left join with null

The model: class Product(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length = 128) def __unicode__(self): return self.name class Receipt(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) components = models.ManyToManyField(Product, through='ReceiptComponent') class Admin: pass def __unicode__(self): return ...


My scenario: There are 3 tables for storing tv show information; season, episode and episode_translation. My data: There are 3 seasons, with 3 episodes each one, but there is only translation for one episode. My objetive: I want to get a list of all the seasons and episodes for a show. If there is a translation available in a specified...

Help with LEFT JOIN command in php & mysql

What I wanna do is replace ALL columns in the "subject" field & that has a "0" in "replyto" with the subject ( as long as it is 0) because when replying it leaves a "RE" thing which i dont like... so i just wanna replace it with the subject matching 0 How can I accomplish this?? $result = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM mybb_posts ...

How can I join 3 tables with mysql & php?

check out the page [url]http://www.mujak.com/test/test3.php[/url] It pulls the users Post,username,xbc/xlk tags etc which is perfect... BUT since I am pulling information from a MyBB bulletin board system, its quite different. When replying, people are are allowed to change the "Thread Subject" by simplying replying and changing it. I ...

top left and top right button

Dear Expert, I want to know How to create top left button and top right button element on a single row using css or jquery. Please kindly provide details step by step. Thanks MHB ...

Transact Sql LEFT function weird output

select replace(stuff('123456',2,2,'ABCD'),'1',' ') select LEFT('ABCD456',4) select left(replace(stuff('123456',2,2,'ABCD'),'1',' '),4) Ok now the first select outputs 'ABCD456', the series of functions evaluates to that exactly the first parameter to the left function in the second select second select returns 'ABCD' as expected thir...

jquery javascript find how far left an element is with position:relative

in jquery/javascript I'm trying to find how far left an element is with position:relative. There are several elements between this one and the left of the screen. since it is positioned:relative and float:left using: $(this).css('left'); gives me '0px' every time. So how do I found how far the element is from the left of the scre...