
Int Array Length C++

Hi guys. I have to use a dynamic length int array in my program, and want to be able to get the number of objects in it at various points in my code. I am not that familiar with C++, but here is what I have. Why is it not giving me the right length? Thanks. <#include <iostream> Using Namespace std; int length(int*); void main() { in...

Windows Username maximim length

How long is the maximium lenght of a windows username incl. domain? domain\username regards ...

How to work out 1D array If I can't predict it's length?

Duplicate Array of Unknown Length in C# How do I initialize string[] without a need of initializing the length? I want it to be dynamic array, so when I add something, Length increases and no Exception raises? Should I just use some kind of List? ...

Is string.Length in C# (.NET) instant variable?

I'm wondering if string.Length in C# is an instant variable. By instant variable I mean, when I create the string: string A = ""; A = "Som Boh"; Is length being computed now? OR Is it computed only after I try to get A.Length? ...

Is there any function that compares lengths of strings accordingly in C# (.NET)?

I'm sorry, didn't know that Length is computed at construction time!! I got 200 char long string A, 5 char long string B If I do int Al = A.length; int Bl = B.length; and compare it -- all seems fine BUT If I do this few million times to calculate something, it's too expensive for the thing I need. Much simpler and neater way wou...

Web Hosting URL Length Limit?

Hello, I am designing a web application which is a tie in to my iPhone application. It sends massively large URLs to the web server (15000 about.) I was using NearlyFreeSpeech.net, but they only support URLS up to 2000 characters. I was wondering if anybody knows of web hosting that will support really large URLs? Thanks, Isaac Edit: ...

Max length of an openID

I'm planning to add openid support for a web application I'm building. I can't seem to find the maximum length of a valid openid so I can store it in my database. I've seen some vague references to 255 but I'd rather be sure. In addition is it useful to use the openid as the username (recommendations)? ...

Need user to input string /check string length (C++)

I'll need to accept a string of 5 numbers from the user (only 5). Should I use istringstream for the same ? Can't I get away with something like this ? int main() { char *InputMain; InputMain=(char *)malloc(5+1); cout << "Enter the number : " <<endl; cin.getline ( InputMain, 5, '\n' ); // Input goes int...

In PHP can I get the total number of case statements in a switch statement?

Is there a way to return the total number of (case) instances there are in a switch statement? Something like this: $id = $_GET['id']; switch ($id) { case "item1" : $data = 'something1'; break; case "item2" : $data = 'something2'; break; } echo $data; But the reasoning for it is there are multiple files with these switc...

Setting maxlength for each row in a multiline texbox

I want to set maxlength to 5 characters for each row in a mulitiline textbox. ...

How do you determine the length of an unsigned char*?

How do you determine the length of an unsigned char*? ...

What's the size of an ASP.NET 3.5 session ID?

Is it 32 bit, or 64 bit or 128 bit or bigger? ...

Is comparing string sizes an acceptable alternative to comparing characters?

I'm writing a grep function in C++ (as a self assigned exercise - I realize this doesn't have the functionality of an actual grep feature) to take an original string and the search string you are looking for. In the code, I enter all the characters in a grep string up to the first space it sees. Then I compare the characters in the grep ...

C++ String Length?

How should I get the number of characters in a string in C++? ...

mp3 length in milliseconds

I need a script or cmd line tool get an mp3 length in milliseconds. The files are 64 kbits mono cbr encoded with lame. (I looked for a libmad for ruby, my language of choice, but found nothing noteworthy...) ...

Find length ofa list with jQuery

I have a simple list like this: <ul id="cyclelist"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul> and I am using jQuery to cycle through the list. The first problem is finding if the list has more than one elements to start with. I expect something like this to work: var $list = $('#cyclelist'); if ($list.length > 1...

List is conceived as integer by length function

I'm trying to learn Erlang using the Karate Chop Kata. I translated the runit test supplied in the kata to an eunit test and coded up a small function to perform the task at hand. -module(chop). -export([chop/2]). -import(lists). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -ifdef(TEST). chop_test_() -> [ ?_assertMatch(-1, chop(3, []))...

"Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes"

I can't create index on varchar(500). Mysql:"Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes" ...

Not able to compare range.length to an integer

I am developing an app in iPhone I am using an NSRange object in my code. if (range.length == 0) { do something } When I print the the value of range.length on the console it writes 0. Which means my if condition holds valid. But it never enter inside the loop to do something. Any clue what I might be doing wrong? Thanks...

Measuring fileinfo.Length objects into kbs

I have the following code: foreach (string p in dirs) { string path = p; string lastAccessTime = File.GetLastAccessTime(path).ToString(); bool DirFile = File.Exists(path); FileInfo fInf = new FileInfo(path); DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(p); ...