
SQL Transaction Oddity with concurrent processes from C#

We have a C# system throwing up an oddity we can't get to the bottom of with SQL (SQL2k5). The situation is that we have two seperate processes running simultaneously looking at the same table, both running inside their own transaction in two different serviced COM+ components on two different clusters. Both are talking to Order and Ord...

XHTML validating block level element as a link

I need a way to make an entire DL element clickable with only one anchor tag, that validates as XHTML. As in: <a> <dl> <dt>Data term</dt> <dd>Data definition</dd> </dl> </a> This currently doesn't validate as XHTML as the anchor tag cannot contain the DL. The only way I can get it to validate is if I make two a...

Set compression level when generating a ZIP file using RubyZip

Hi, I have a Ruby program that zips a directory tree of XML files using the rubyzip gem. My problem is that the file is starting to be heavy and I would like to increase the compression level, since compression time is not an issue. I could not find in the rubyzip documentation a way to specify the compression level for the created ZIP...

Jquery sortable each level for it own

i have this code: link text i want my UL and LI to have level (for now i guess only second level but who knows) and to be able to sort parent with all siblings and childs between their siblings ...

Access to iTunes Sound Check Results on iPhone

I would like to propose to the user some songs whose volume doesn't exceed a certain level. Is there any way to access to the results of the 'Sound Check' option, from the iPhone ? If not, do you know if I can calculate that with the audio tools in the iPhone SDK ? Thanks a lot. ...

Securing Struts Application in Action Level

I have a struts application. I would like to secure it. I have a set of roles for the application and my requirement is I have to restrict access to Actions based on user role and restrict access url based on URL. Further i use the same roles for creating menu using Struts-Menu (Roles set in menu-config.xml) Please suggest solutions. ...

Browser zoom level: detecting, adjusting with Javascript

In the 2-frame 'rows=' frameset I have, a user change of the zoom level to less than the 125% I coded for produces "dead space" between the frames. In JS, is the browser's zoom level detectable, and can it be adjusted? Or have I simply forgotten a default coding consideration of some kind? (I've seen CSS's 'zoom' style, where presumably...

How to get first level of children by LINQ

I have such XMl <root> <list> <list> <topic></topic> <topic></topic> </list> <topic></topic> <topic></topic> </list> <topic></topic> <topic></topic> <topic></topic> </root> I need to get the first level of children: <list></list> <topic></topic> <topic></topi...

objective c audio meter

Is it possible for xcode to have an audio level indicator? I want to do something like this: if (audioLevel = 100) { } or something similar... Any ideas?? Example code please? I'm VERY new to objective c so the more explaining the beter! :D ...

Sharepoint 2007: granting edit permissions to "Assigned To" user in a task list

Hi, I've recently begun developing for sharepoint. I've just written an event receiver for a task list in order to grant edit permissions for the item to the user who is entered in the assigned to field. Unfortunately my code doesn't work, and I think, I've also found the reason. The list grants by default contribute rights to all use...

Android Webview Zoom Density

I would like to set the zoomlevel on my WebView (WebChromeClient). According to the API WebSettings holds a static method ZoomDensity that should do the trick but I just can't make it work. It looks like WebSettings does not have the method, Content Assistant does not suggest it or show it to me.. Neither the Webview or the WebSettings...

Updating Aggregate Column In Isolation Question

I have a deal and transaction table, where the deal table has an aggregated column, 'TotalSales', which is simply a count of transactions per deal. With the following command, is there ever a chance the transaction row count and total sales count would not be in sync (not including deleting rows)? Does the default isolation level work f...

How to get one level in XML by linq

I have an XML <item id="1"> <item id="1.1"> <item id="1.1.1" /> <item id="1.1.2" /> <item id="1.1.3" /> </item> <item id="1.2" /> </item> <item id="2"> <item id="2.1" /> <item id="2.2" /> <item id="2.3" /> </item> <item id="3" /> I need LINQ to get the first level, without children <ite...

'Microsoft.SharePoint.MailMessage' is inaccessible due to its protection level

'Microsoft.SharePoint.MailMessage' is inaccessible due to its protection level On this code: MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.From = "[email protected]"; mail.To = "[email protected]"; mail.Subject = "Testing Code"; mail.BodyText = what; mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; Smtp.Send(mail, "smtp.xxxxx.edu"); How can remidy this...

Level based Logging in Oracle

Hi, I am Kanagaraj. In our stored procedure, we are logging messages at 500 places and logs are stored in a table where we are having some performance issues. We need to split these messages into Debug, Info and Error messages. Based on the level, only limited messages should be logged. If necessary, we will be enabling the next level a...

java.util.logging: how to set level by logger package (or prefix)?

My app uses many libraries and I'm using java.util.logging for logging. I'd like to be able to set different logging levels for each library by doing something like: org.datanucleus.*.level = WARNING com.google.apphosting.*.level = WARNING com.myapp.*.level = FINE Is is possible? ...

sql server compatibility level

hi there, i've to downgrade a bunch of queries from sql server 2008 to 2000. some functions are not supported in 2k, like cte or row_number(). i've copied the database to an sql-2008 server, setting compatibility level to 80, hoping this db would behave like in a 2k-server. but i can easily run a query using cte or "not-supported" func...

android api level

How do I get the Api level of the phone curently running my application? I am sure its simple but I can not find it as all my searches bring up tons of junk. ...

C#, DeviceIOControl: How to control mouse using it?

Hello, Does anybody could explain me how to use it to perform mouse input in driver level? I would like to know how to perform mouse (particular button) down/down/press events, also how to do move mouse and, finally, how scroll (horizontaly/verticaly) with mouse? I have already used SendInput, SendMessage and even MouseKeys (Windows a...