
How to get accurate window information (dimensions, etc.) in Linux (X)?

How can I get accurate window information in Linux? I know that I can use wmctrl to get a window's size, but the actual size of the window can vary due to window decorations. I need the following information and methods: precise window dimensions precise available screen space (excluding panels like gnome-panel) the ability to set a wi...

doubt regarding operations on "int" flavors

Hi, I am having following doubt regarding "int" flavors (unsigned int, long int, long long int). When we do some operations(* , /, + , -) between int and its flavors (lets say long int) in 32bit system and 64bit system is the implicit typecast happen for "int" for example :- int x ; long long int y = 2000; x = y ; (Higher is assigne...

Python Popen.waitpid returns "[Errno 10] No child processes"

I have a working Python script that executes an external command and calls Popen.communicate(). However when I call this script from a C process, it fails in os.waitpid() with "[Errno 10] No child processes". Why? This looks like a certain bug in Python, but I'm not using threads. The C process forks, changes its UID, GID, and calls se...

High Performance Socket Server using Perl

Hi, i need to write a socket server using perl which will run on a 64bit linux (2.6x kernel). Is there a library to support IO Completion Ports and some equivalent on Linux? I need to listen to multiple ports. 8000-8100 is there a smart way doing this? The protocol has to use a length byte. What threading library do you recommend?...

Open-source OpenGL profiler for Linux

The title sums my question up pretty well: are there any open source OpenGL profilers for Linux? The only thing I could find was gDEBugger, but it only comes with a 7 day trial and is very much closed source. I would use this for free (as in freedom) software development so paying is not an option, though I might consider accept answers...

Can gdb automatically attach a process on a SIGSEGV

Hi, I have a faulty program that when execute receive a SIGSEGV. I can use gdb like this: $ gdb ./prog But I would prefer that gdb catch the SIGSEGV from prog and attach it automatically. $ ./prog Segmentation Fault (gdb) ... Is there a way to do that? Thanks ...

tipc protocol in windows

Hi, Any idea for TIPC protocol on Windows systems or any similar protocol which is available on windows ? Thanks Arpit ...

python execute remote program

I'm re-writing a legacy Windows application using Python and running on Linux. Initially, the new application needs to call the legacy application so that we have consistent results between customers still using the legacy application and customers using the new application. So I have a Linux box, sitting right next to a Windows box a...

Help with regular expression and grep in Linux terminal.

I'm new to regular expressions and grep, but I've been trying to learn it to help me when using console tools. I have to use cvs, and when I update some files, I don't need to see files that were't updated or with *.pyc extension for example. So, I created a script that calls: cvs update -d | grep -v 'pyc$' | grep -v '^\?' First ques...

Do threads created in Java behave differently on Windows and Linux?

As what I know, Java is using operating system threads (in contrast to i.e. Erlang), that means that the threads created with Java on Windows and Linux may behave different. Are there any differences on Java threads on Windows and Linux? What is the biggest difference? It's maybe only a difference in performance? ...

How can I control in which of my desktops the browser called by selenium remote server will pop up?

I am running tests from phpunit using selenium. Since the tests take a couple of minutes proceed, I would like to switch to another desktop and do some tasks while the tests are running in the background. However, since every test calls a new browser via selenium remote server, and a new test management window and a application window ...

Portable gcc executable?

So I'm trying to break a few rules quietly. GoDaddy doesn't seem too keen on letting me have Git, and for some reason think that one needs root access to run any gcc (crazy web-hosting support teams). As I try to convince them to do what I tell them to, I'm trying to find a gcc that I can send to my server so I can build git on my own an...

CPU contention (wait time) for a process in Linux

How can I check how long a process spends waiting for the CPU in a Linux box? For example, in a loaded system I want to check how long a SQL*Loader (sqlldr) process waits. It would be useful if there is a command line tool to do this. ...

Accessing any memory locations under Linux 2.6.x

Hey All, I'm using Slackware 12.2 on an x86 machine. I'm trying to debug/figure out things by dumping specific parts of memory. Unfortunately my knowledge on the Linux kernel is quite limited to what I need for programming/pentesting. So here's my question: Is there a way to access any point in memory? I tried doing this with a char p...

Make install - but not to default directories?

I want to run 'make install' so I have everything I need, but I'd like it to install the things in their own folder as opposed to the system's /usr/bin etc. is that possible? even if it references tools in the /usr/bin etc.? ...

What are the files from the 'make' of git that I actually need to run git?

I'm trying to "portablize" git, so I want to send the required executables from the make process of git to my hosted web server. Can I do that? Do you think the executables will work? ...

what is the c code to execute xeyes or xclock?

which function do i use to give such linux terminal calls in my c program? ...

Select behavior

It could probably be a simple question but I couldn't find a clear answer for it. I have multiple threads in c code and one of them uses select to wait for n seconds. The question that I have is that does it blocks the entire process for n seconds (like usleep) or does select blocks only the calling thread (more like nanosleep). Thanks f...

Problems adding path and calling external program from Python

I have an executable called "foo" in "/home/myname/mydir/" and am trying to call it from Python, but I am doing something basic and wrong here. Can you help me? import os, sys sys.path.append("/home/myname/mydir/") os.system("foo") # os.system("./foo") doesn't work either Thanks ...

How to `chmod -R +w` with Ant, files and folders?

I'd like to do the equivalent of a chmod -R +w foo/ in an Ant build script. So far I'm using this: <chmod perm="g+w"> <dirset dir="${basedir}/foo"> </dirset> <fileset dir="${basedir}/foo"> </fileset> </chmod> Is there a neater way to write that to include files and folders recursively? ...