
Having issues with file permissions through VSFTPD

So I've activated the virtual users option for VSFTPD which allows any user names that much a directory under /var/www/ to be a user. I've configured it properly so that users can login, but once logged in, can't make any changes to the directory. It's 755 and it's ownership is set to www-data:users. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks. ...

possible to connect a tcp client on windows to a server on linux ?

writing a server that runs on linux (Ubuntu) using mono. and a client that runs on windows using .net, can i connect to the server in linux. i will use c# for both server and client programming. ...

back-up database in Linux partition from windows partition!!

Hello I am in a very embarrassing situation, I was trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from ubuntu 9.10 yesterday and while updating I forgot to put my laptop on charger and the battery ran out. Since we know that there is no track back process in linux, all I get now is a blank terminal screen at the start up. Even if I login, I still am ...

what is the best windows x server to use to connect linux GUI

Hello all im searching for free fast x server to connect Linux GUI . any recommendations? ...

Clearing terminal in Linux with C++ code.

Okay, I have been researching on how to do this, but say I am running a program that has a whole bit of output on the terminal, how would I clear the screen from within my program so that I can keep my program running? I know I can just type clear in terminal and it clears it fine, but like I said, for this program it would be more bene...

Problem with simple pipe communication in C

I have a problem with this exercise: Write a program in C that creates a child and between father and child, there will be two-way communication using pipes. His father would read a file (whose name will be given the user) and will send letters to the child. The child will count the number of words starting from with 'a'; if the number...

redirect to

Hello, How do I redirect to, when someone types in or anything Thanks Jean ...

How do I make my dependencies call my global operator new?

Hi, I have a test app that is linked with some DLLs (or .so's). In my main app I defined a global new/delete like this: void* operator new(size_t n) { .... } void operator delete(void* p) { ... } But I noticed the operators are only called for things I allocate in my main app, but not if one of the DLLs does. How do I make ...

How to generate truly random numbers (NOT pseudo) in Linux

Hello, What is the (best) way to create a secure random numbers in Linux (C/ C++ code), more random than the general rand() results, and not pseudo as OpenSSL BN_rand? In Windows I found CryptGenRandom() as a good option. Is there any equivalent in Linux? Thank you in advance. ...

How can I use two pipes in c;

Write a program in C that creates a child and between father and child, there will be two-way communication using pipes. His father would read a file (whose name will give the user) and will send letters to the child. The child will count the number of words starting from 'a' if the number is, whether X is greater than 5, then the child ...

Inotify - how to use it? - linux

hi, I want to use inotify mechanism in linux. I want my application to know when a file "aaa" has a change. can you please send me a sample that do it? thanks! ...

CPU Usage of a Process(task) Linux Kernel

Hi, how can i learn cpu usage percentage of a process in kernel-space? We are trying to limit cpu usage of a process looking at a field added to task_struct. Forexample if the field is 10 and the process has already consumed the %10 percent of total timeslice we need to prevent the process from runnning. thanks ...

Amarok 1.4 script: knowing who's running you

Hi all, I've been using Amarok 1.4 for a long time, switching to Bogdan Butnaru's packages when KDE stopped supporting it, and I'm now giving Pana a try. I realised that a script I wrote in Python for Amarok 1.4 will not immediately run without changes under Pana. But instead of converting my script, which basically comes down to repl...

Recording and charting boot process information in Linux

Hello everyone. I need to write a command line tool that records the boot process information in Linux, and then renders it in a chart format (a textual chart would do). How do I programmatically obtain the this boot process information? Languages that I am allowed to use are C and C++. Thanks in advance. :-) ...

Linux kernel module compiling

Hello, I try to compile simple linux kernel module: #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> int init_module(void) { printk("Hello world 1.\n"); return 0; } void cleanup_module(void) { printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye world 1.\n"); } My makefile: obj-m = testmodule.o KVERSION = $(shell uname...

Distribute static/dynamic library to Linux via .deb

I have created a static and dynamic library that I want to distribute. How should I make my .deb file so the headers are put in /usr/include/, the libraries in /usr/lib/, etc. ...

How does telnet port forwarding work?

With that command what does really happen? telnet somehost 25 Does it mean that I create a connection between my host and somehost on port 23 with telnet and that telnet of somehost forward it after to the port 25? thank your for your help! cheers Daniel ...

Linux mount points

I have a linux device (proprietary embedded device) that has the following mount points (when I type "mount") for two key directories. /dev/sda1 on /home/user/Personal type ufsd (rw,nls=utf8,uid=60,gid=144,fmask=0,dmask=0,force) /dev/sda1 on /home/user/Backup type ufsd (rw,nls=utf8,uid=60,gid=144,fmask=0,dmask=0,force) I want to creat...

how i install java binding zeromq ubuntu?

i follow this steps to install jzmq, but after install i don't find the class/jars to import in my eclpse project. my enviroment variables are: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin CLASSPATH=/usr...

hard drive wont boot - fedora 11

i was trying to install Linux on a old usb hard drive i have and i installed it onto the drive (from a .iso cd, i clicked install onto hard drive from the desktop) then rebooted. i tried to boot Linux from it but it did not work then i tried booting of the my main hard drive that has windows 7 on it and i get "failure to boot hard drive"...