
android: Source Not Found when setOnClickListener

I have a listview that I want to add event listener to it. The following simple code exits with "Source Not Found" when debugging. I remembered using exactly the same code for Button object and it did not caused any problem. mArticleList = (ListView)findViewById(; populateArticleList(); mArticleList.setOnClickL...

what is the Flash event listener when flash is exiting?

Hi Guys, anybody knows how to make event listener for flash exiting? By mean exiting is when a tag that hold the flash object is removed so that you cant see the flash anymore... Thanks ...

Android: how to change a low quality image to the hi quality one when the animation stops in gallery?

I want to do an image gallery like in iphone. I want to show low quality (pre-resized) images and when the image is active I want to process the big image and show the result in the gallery. I have two questions. How to attach a listener on the animation stop in gallery? And how to access an image after this action? ...

JMeter Graph Results for multiple http requests

I created a simple JMeter Http test. I specified 50 users, each users will do do 30 http requests (one after the other), and the user's ramp up time is 1 second. Then I added a Graph Result Listener, then recorded the performance of my application for 10minutes. Question : What is Graph Results Listener measuring - per http request of...

Why does Checkstyle tries to create a Check for my Listener

I have implemented a Checkstyle Listener. It worked before, (I think with a 5.0 beta release), but now (with 5.0), checkstyle fails with the following CallStack Unable to create Checker: cannot initialize module - Unable to instantiate

How do I Hook a JPanel into parent/ancestor Container's windowClosing/Closed listener?

I want to create a 'generic' JPanel which can be rendered in any of the higher level Window classes (JFrame, JDialog, or JInternalFrame to be somewhat precise.) I want to be able to 'clean up' some static values when that window is no longer being rendered on screen. Normally, I would do this with a Window class (like JFrame) and simply...

Can I intercept calls for my WSDL on Glassfish (or on any app server)?

I've created a Java web service using the @WebService annotation and deployed the service to a Glassfish server that lives behind a proxy server. The problem is when someone accesses our WSDL and looks at the service endpoint address location they see http://app server url/service... instead of http://proxy server url/service... I...

swing: appropriate Listener for JTextField change events

Which type of Listener do I use for listening to changed text events in a JTextField? (I should know this or be able to tell from the Javadoc but I can't seem to figure it out.) ...

Java socket listener load problem

Hello all, I have made a socket listener in java that listens on 2 ports for data and does operation on the listened data. Now the scenario is such that when both the listener and the device that transmits data are up and running, the listener receives data, one at a time ( each data starts with a "#S" and ends with a ".") and when the ...

PHP: run class method when another class method is run?

PHP: run function when a specific class method is run what I want is to run some additional functions when a class method is run without altering the already existing class. how? ...

Initializing JCheckBoxes when they are generated by a Table Model

In Java Swing I have created a JTable which uses a table model class which extends DefaultTableModel. As the values of one row of the table are of boolean type, these are displayed as check-boxes. As I want to add to these check-boxes 'item listeners' classes, I do need to initialize each of these check-boxes. But how do I do if these ar...

JFormattedTextField Caret Position on Focus

I am utilizing a few JFormattedTextFields in my program. For some reason when the text field gains focus after a click on the text field, the caret position always jumps to the left (position 0). I would like the caret to end up at the location clicked by the user. So if I click in between two digits, the caret should end up in between t...

Using a callback instead of returning state object

In my application, I'm executing a transaction which can be in three different states at the end of the execution: Success Failure Pending Depending on the state, the application client will want to perform different actions. In the case of success, they will want to retrieve the transaction result (a Widget). In the case of failur...

listener c# like java

hello, i have field string in struct, and i want learn real-time changed this field. struct example { public string ex; } examp = new example(); examp.ex = "test"; ////// then program work and eamp.ex = "bing"; i need method on_ex_changed() { if examp.ex changed then ..... } online and simple plz ...

JSF Adding Action Listeners

I'm creating a MenuItem dynamically and I want to add a custom listener when the MenuItem is clicked. I've tried adding addActionListener and setActionListener but neither of these get called when the link is clicked. It appears that there is a List called "listeners" attached to MenuItem (I can see this when debugging a MenuItem set...

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I am trying to connect to oracle 11g installed on Linux EL 5 and and getting the following error SQL> connect sys/password@ud06 as sysdba ERROR: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor my listener.ora under network/admin is as follows LISTENER= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= ...

How to disable onItemSelectedListener to be invoked when setting selected item by code

Hi there! Just wondering how you handle the following problem: a result is calculated depending on two spinners' selected items. To handle the UI things, i.e. a user picks a new item in one of the spinners, I install a listener using setOnItemSelectedListener for the spinner in my onCreate() method of the activity. Now: that works, of ...

How to recognise mouseDragged and mousePressed events in one listener?

In following code, mouseDragged is not recognized. What do I do wrong? addMouseListener(new MouseInputAdapter() { @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { ... } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { ... } }); ...

Which is the event listener after doSave() in Symfony?

Hi, I've been looking at this event-listeners page and I'm not sure which is the listener I have to use to make a change after the doSave() method in the BaseModelForm.class.php. // PlaceForm.class.php protected function doSave ( $con = null ) { ... parent:...

Declaring Hibernate event listeners in a JPA environment

Hy guys, I am working on a project developed in JEE 5 environment. I want to know how I can declare a Hibernate event listener so that I can be informed when CRUD operation are performed. I've read that I must declare in the Hibernate configuration file *cfg.xml something like this: <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> ...