
Localization, MUI and the CLR

I am having some strange behavior when attempting to view my app in a different language. When using a box with a MUI installed (German in this case) and I switch the language to German (the setting is "Language used in menus and dialogs" in the regional and language options) all my forms and controls are translated into pseudo-German (...

Localization: How to map culture info to a script name or Unicode character range?

I need some information about localization. I am using .net 2.0 with C# 2.0 which takes care of most of the localization related issues. However, I need to manually draw the alphabets corresponding to the current culture on the screen in one particular screen. This would be similar to the Contacts screen in Microsoft Outlook (Address Ca...

Asp.net multilingual web application - localization

What's your opinion for the best possible way to build asp.net multilingual localized web application (only UI localization of string resources). Especially this two things: How to store resources? Xml files, resx files or something else? How to handle URL's? I don't want to keep language parameter in query string all the time so I nee...

Best-practices for localizing a SQL Server (2005/2008) database

Question I'm sure many of you have been faced by the challenge of localizing a database backend to an application. If you've not then I'd be pretty confident in saying that the odds of you having to do so in the future is quite large. I'm talking anout storing multiple translations of texts (and the same can be said for currency etc.) f...

Best way to implement languages menu in an ASP.NET application

I trying to implement a typical languages menu where users can select the language they want to view the site in through a menu that appears throughout all pages in the site. The menu will appear on multiple master pages (currently one for pages where users are logged in and one for pages where users are not). My current implementation...

Is there something like a translating database for strings?

I am in search for a database with translations so I can have comonly used phrases and words translated by a machine and not by an expensive translator. Is there such a thing as a translation database with words and often used phrases? If you don't know any would you use such a service? edit: the database should only be monitored by pe...

What things should be localized in an application

When thinking about what areas should be taken into account for a localized version of an application a number of things pop up right away: Text display Date and time Units Numbers and decimals User input formats LeftToRight support Dialog and control sizes Are there other things/areas to remember or keep in mind when building a loca...

Localization with xml without compilation?

I am looking for the best way to implement a winform with different languages, but i don't want to use the resources files of Visual Studio because you always have to recompile. I have found the following solution to use XML files without compilation: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/miscctrl/xml_localization.aspx I find it is OK, users c...

Combine LocBaml and Resources in single satellite assembly

Its my understanding that the recommended approach to localization in WPF is to use the LocBaml tool to extract the localizable items into e.g. a csv file, translate the items into the desired language and regenerate a new sattelite assembly from this csv file. However from my experiments this seems to conflict with the generation of sat...

Enumerating all strings in resx

We would like to enumerate all strings in a resource file in .NET (resx file). We want this to generate a javascript object containing all these key-value pairs. We do this now for satellite assemblies with code like this (this is VB.NET, but any example code is fine): Dim rm As ResourceManager rm = New ResourceManager([resource name], ...

Localization for Winforms from designmode?

I need to bind labels or items in a toolstrip to variables in Design Mode. I don't use the buit-in resources not the settings, so the section Data is not useful. I am taking the values out from an XML that I map to a class. I know there are many programs like: http://www.jollans.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=MultilangVsNetQuickTourForm...

Suggestions for Localising Exceptions

I need to add localization to the exceptions thrown by my application as a lot are ApplicationExceptions and handled and logged to an error report. Ideally I want to create a new Exception, imheriting from ApplicationException that I can pass the resource key as well as arguments to, so that the exception messsage can be built up from t...

Localization with SharpDevelop

I'm working on a localized application which I develop in SharpDevelop. Based on a tutorial I ran into an error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) on disk. baseName: I created the ressource file using Project | Add | New item respective "Empty ressource file" (I couldn't fi...

Where to use Zend Framework translation tool

Hi! I have the whole MVC-Model set up and use HTML views as templates. But I have german strings in there that I would like to translate to other languages at some point. What is the best way to do this? I know I have to use Zend_Translate, but do I have to implement a single call to a translate function for every word that I have in m...

Localization of date-time using custom patterns.

I am working on localization for an app where custom patterns are used to format the date-time. one example is: dd-MM HH:mm I need to get localized versions of this custom format for dates, so that I get the date using numbers, and the time, basically using the local order (dd MM or MM dd) and the local seperator for both date and tim...

How do you internationalise text in the database?

Having a fully internationalised application is a necessity if you want to sell worldwide. In Java we're using resource bundles and that solves things for static text codeside. But what do you do about text that is stored in the database? Starting with static definitions, to user modifiable objects, ending with user entered data. Assum...

Localization: Do all locales put the weekday before the date?

Here's a simple (hopefully) L10N question: Do all locales want this format: Sunday, Nov 23, 2008 with the weekday before the date, or do some locales want it after the date like this? Nov 23, 2008, Sunday ...

Controller's actions names localization

Hello, I am facing a problem. I would like to localize my action names in my project so french people can have clean urls with french names. http://www.test.com/Home should be http://www.test.com/Accueil It is a good thing too for google indexing. Moreover I would like to be Restful on the application, so I would like too keep english...

Schema for a multilanguage database

I'm developing a multilanguage software. As far as the application code goes, localizability is not an issue. We can use language specific resources and have all kinds of tools that work well with them. But what is the best approach in defining a multilanguage database schema? Let's say we have a lot of tables (100 or more), and each ta...

Unite two different MSDN libraries (2008 sp1 english and 2008 sp1 russian) into one document explorer?

I'm russian and i've downloaded and installed localized MSDN library. But if an article is translated into russian, there is no english original. I have to launch original MSDN and have two document explorers open simultaneously. Is there a way to unite two libraries (eng and rus MSDN) in one UI? ...