
Using KDE4 localization mechanisms in pure QT4 application

Hi! I'm writing an application that is currently a pure QT4 app. It is designed to run cleanly on both Linux and Windows. However I plan to integrate it a bit into KDE in future and here come the problems with localization/translations. QT4 uses its own tr()/tr().arg().arg() mechanism and .ts/.qm files. KDE4 uses gettext and i18n/i18n...

Display ñ on a C# .NET application

I have a localization issue. One of my industrious coworkers has replaced all the strings throughout our application with constants that are contained in a dictionary. That dictionary gets various strings placed in it once the user selects a language (English by default, but target languages are German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Man...

Flex 3 Localization: Removing a Locale

Although I'm still poking around in the docs and online, I figured I'd ask this one here, for future folks who run into it. Using copylocale for localization, I made a typo (e.g., "en_FR" instead of "fr_FR") and mistakenly created a locale I don't want. What's the proper way to remove it? Is it enough to simply delete it from my fra...

C# Dates - Databases, Display and Localization

What are some Date (& Time) format best practices when wanting to adhere to localization in a new application. For example, what format do you use to write dates to the database. How do you display the following to the user using their own locale settings once the date has been obtained from the database. ShortDate LongDate DateTime ...

Asp.Net General Local Resource tool for user control

When I use the Visual Studio menu Tool -> Generate Local Resource, it changed aspx file by adding meta attributes to controls. But it doesnt do so for user controls that I have created. For example, If I have used a control in the page <myControl:SpecialLabelControl ID="myLabel" runat="server" Text="Localize Me!" /> I want "Localize ...

Localization of a WinForms app and later UI changes

I am using VS2008 to develop a WinForms 2.0 application. I have read about how to localize my app in the Visual Studio by setting the Localizable property to true in the designer etc. I would like to ask about your experience, how does it work when I translate the app into several languages and then make changes to the user interface. ...

How do I get all strings from a Form for localization?

All articles I've read about localization of a WinForms application assume that I already have all the strings translated. According to the articles, I should just set the Localizable property to true and edit all the controls. But how do I get all the original (English) strings from the form? Assume I have a complete application, which...

Translation repository when localizing WinForms

When I am writing translated strings into the form resx files in VS2008, is there anything like a translation repository? It was very helpful in my old C++ Builder times: Translate "Cancel" in one form to German "Abbrechnen" Add this translation to a repository, since this word is repeated in most forms When I start to translate anothe...

Global resource vs. Local resource in ASP.NET

We use resx files to localize our web applications. We usually create local resx files (that map to a specific page) when only one page uses a certain phrase, and a global resx file when more than one page needs the phrase. But the good thing about global resx files is that they are a class, and you can call the phrases like you call ...

Best practices for ASP.NET web application localization

I'm developing a web application that will need to be localized to English and Portuguese (and possible more languages later). I'm aware that the .NET Framework offers full support for UI localization, however, I'm not so sure what's the best approach to implement it. What do you consider the best practices for a web application localiz...

String.Format for C++

Looking for an implementation for C++ of a function like .NET's String.Format. Obviously there is printf and it's varieties, but I'm looking for something that is positional as in: String.Format("Hi there {0}. You are {1} years old. How does it feel to be {1}?", name, age); This is needed because we're going to try and make ...

Self-translation on a .Net MVC website to support localisation

Hi, We're a startup and we built a .net website which we are porting over to MVC. All our text was added to the site using labels so that resource files could be automatically built in the future using the tool in Visual Studio. I loved the idea which Facebook introduced encouraging the community to self-translate. I wonder if anyone...

How do I handle date and time in different time zone ?

I'm developing an international software that act as a simple project management software and I'm facing a problem. This problem is about date/hour and time zone. When a message is sent from one time zone to another time zone I can store the UTC (GMT) time in my database and then have it displayed differently according to the user's time...

Strategies for localising keyboard shortcuts

I'm currently involved in a heavily localised WPF application and we've had a bug raised about keyboard shortcuts on menus in non-English languages. The bug referred to modifer key names (Shift, Ctrl, etc.) not being translated, which is easy enough to fix. However, this got me thinking about the shortcut keys themselves, which are oft...

Changing the CurrentUICulture at runtime using locbaml method.

Using the locbaml method, I've created a new resource dll and am trying to programatically change the CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture on the fly, but it doesn't seem to be working. System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar-SA"); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; Syste...

Should I use java.text.MessageFormat for localised messages without placeholders?

We are localising the user-interface text for a web application that runs on Java 5, and have a dilemma about how we output messages that are defined in properties files - the kind used by java.util.Properties. Some messages include a placeholder that will be filled using java.text.MessageFormat. For example: search.summary = Your sear...

How do I find out whether a ResourceManager contains a key without calling ResourceManager.GetString() and catching the exception?

So I have a ResourceManager that points to a resource file with a bunch of strings in it. When I call GetString() with a key that doesn't exist in the file, I get a System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException. I need to find out whether the Resource contains the specified key without using exception handling to control program flow...

WinAPI and UTF-8 support

Quick question regarding UTF-8 support and various Win32 API's. In a typical C++ MFC project, is it possible for MessageBox() to display a UTF-8 encoded string? Thanks, Andrew ...

Localization and internationalization, what's the difference?

I was going to ask a question about preparing a desktop application to support multiple languages on the UI. In my search for existing questions on the topic I was thinking the word "International", so I selected the Internationalization tag and read through some matching questions. Eventually I realized I should probably be looking ...

How do I get the Localizable property and support in my own design tool?

Overview In another question, I asked about deploying localizations for some runtime compiled UserControl's. However, before I can get to deploying the localizations, I need a way of localizing the controls. Background The controls are created by our own WinForms-style designer (using .NET's support for design surfaces, etc.) and save...