
Where could I find the log configuration file in Weblogic server?

We could modify this file to change the log generation way. For example, We could change the log rolling way, by hour or by day; and show different log types: info,error and etc. Thanks. ...

log4j for standalone java project

I was thinking to use log4j for my standalone java project. Is it possible to use it for java project(not a web app). If its possible then how should I be able to initialize the properties file and where should I put the properties file(directory structure). Any help is appreciated. ...

Log4j: from where it initializes itself

We are bundling Log4j 1.2.15 with our plain Swing application and load our own properties file from the file system at startup: import org.apache.log4j.*; ... System.setProperty("log4j.defaultInitOverride", "true"); ... File log4jPropertiesFile = ... PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()); ... In logs w...

how to make log4j to write to the console as well

Hi, Is there any way to tell to log4j to write its log to the file and to the console? thanks there are my properties: log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,console,R log4j.rootLogger=INFO, FILE log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.CONSOLE.Target=System.out log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout...

How do I configure Spring and SLF4J so that I can get logging?

I've got a maven & spring app that I want logging in. I'm keen to use SLF4J. I want to put all my config files into a directory {classpath}/config including log4j.xml and then init using a spring bean. e.g. <bean id="log4jInitialization" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean"> <property name="ta...

JBoss AS 6 Logging Patterns

In the deployment directory of JBoss 6, there is jboss-logging.xml: The FILE appender has following pattern: <pattern-formatter pattern="%d %-5p [%c] (%t:%x) %s%E%n"/> This outputs something as follows: 2010-08-02 17:41:43,845 INFO [STDOUT] (http- 2010-08-02 17:41:43,844 INFO [http-] (XyzPageCon...

Glassfish logging to multiple .log files

We have Glassfish v2 server and some modules there: EJBs, web-apps, etc... We need logging from different modules goes to different log files, the same way like Tomcat or other app server allowed to do. Glassfish forced us to use its own logging system with all logs in single server.log and viewed with admin console. It may be a good...

Log4j trim common category prefix

I have a project that uses Apache Commons Logging & log4j with a large number of classes doing logging. 95% of my logs show up with the same prefix log4j.appender.MyCompany.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d][%-5p][%c] %m%n [2010-08-05 11:44:18,940][DEBUG][com.mycompany.projectname.config.XMLConfigSource] Loading config from [filepath] [20...

How to embed app with log4cocoa?

Hi, Guys. I'm having some trouble to embed my application with the log4cocoa framework.I've embed frameworks in my application before with no trouble, but I cannot fix this one. First of all, this is my system out: dyld: Library not loaded: @loader_path/Frameworks/Log4Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Log4Cocoa Referenced from: /Users/lean...

What is the pattern used in log4j

Hi, I needed to understand the design pattern(s) used in log4j library. Since it provides loggers for various classes, it it a factory ? Any more inputs/pointers on these is greatly appreciated.. ...

log4j (Rolling appenders) Add first and last line automatically

Hi, I'm using log4j as my logging system. In addition, I'm using it as a usefull mechanism to save output into files that supports automatic file rolling based on time or size. For that purpose it would have been very usefull, if there was a way to configure log4j rolling appenders (RollingFileAppender and DailyRollingFileAppender) to ...

Getting a build logfile by maven

Hello, is it possible to get a logfile of the maven-build process with not using a pipe-operator? I mean the output that normally comes in console window like that: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building base_project 01.00.000 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------...

Java:- log4j - how to make custom jar package use same log4j settings as main application

Hi, Please excuse me if this is a trivial question. I have a main application that uses log4j and there is a GUI interface to change the log level at run time. I can't touch the main application. I am building a package(jar) which simply interfaces the application to an external system. Now I need to have this jar that I am building to...

log4j.properties being ignored

I have a Java EE 6 Wicket application deployed with maven using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3 on glassfish v3.0.1. I use slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6 with slf4j-api-1.5.8 and log4j-1.2.16 for logging. It was previously working fine when I deployed through netbeans or eclipse, however when I deploy with IntelliJ IDEA my log4j.properties file is ignored an...

Can I use a more advanced template for extracting $PROGRAM in syslog-ng?

Hi I am sending messages to Syslog using two Apache SyslogAppenders in Java. My ConversionPatterns are: Instance-${jboss.server.name}: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n Application-MyApp: ${jboss.server.name} - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n I then have different Log4J categories configured to send different messages to either one of, or both appenders...

Convert Hibernate persistable object to SQL Insert Statement

Is there a way to convert a Persistable object into an SQL Insert Statement using Hibernate? This has to be possible because thats what Hibernate does behind the scenes, But I just need to write out the SQL Stmt to a log file for error handling purposes in cases where the Database goes down and the saving of the Hibernate Object failed. ...

Logging / Log4J to database

In my Grails application, I run some batch processes asynchronously, and would like the process to log various status messages so that the administrator later can examine them. I thought of using log4j JDBC appender as the simplest solution, but from what I can tell it doesn't use DataSource. Has anybody gotten it to work or wrote the...

Is it possible to prefix every line of a stacktrace in log4j ?

Hi, when you write logger.error("message", exception); log4j produces the message and the complete stack trace : Aug 9 06:26:13 myPrefix: [error] [TP-Processor114] [my.class.Name] message : exception at fatherOfException at fatherof_fatherOfException at fatherof_fatherof_fatherOfException ... my conversion pattern is...

using log4j with hibernate and glassfish 3.0.1

I'm trying to setup hibernate 3.5.3 with JPA on glassfish 3.0.1; I'm using a netbeans 6.9.1 enterprise project; I added all the required hibernate files and everything is fine except logging... I added to the project classpath like the docs say the following (only the log related jars listed): -slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar -slf4j-log4j12-1.5....

JDBC-appender Log4j [RESOLVED]

Hey folks. Re-thinked IDEA! So, I've been thinking over the weekend and couldn't let this one go. I've decided to re-try the idea of getting log4j to work. I've been doing some coding and think I got it to work. Except, I do not really understand how to insert into the logger. I've created an JDBC-appender and the SQL looks like this:...