
Suggestions for a fast two way encrypt?

Can someone suggest a fast 2 way encryption algorithm for long ints? My candidates are: AES: the Advanced Encryption Standard specified by NIST FIPS-197. BLOWFISH: the Blowfish algorithm defined by Bruce Schneier. DES: the Data Encryption Standard algorithm defined by NIST FIPS-46-3. DESEDE: the "Triple DES" algorithm defined by NIST ...

Strange problem when trying to read data

When I write: var tagType = _reader.ReadByte(); while (tagType != 8) { var skip = ReadNext3Bytes() + 11; _reader.BaseStream.Position += skip; tagType = _reader.ReadByte(); } ...it's working, but when I write: var tagType = _reader.ReadByte(); while (tagType != 8) { _reader.BaseStream.Position += ReadNext3Bytes() + ...

Oracle: LONG RAW to ?

I am writing a program in java where I need to create a copy of a table (without data). for that I am using the following query CREATE TABLE NEW_TABLE AS SELECT * FROM OLD_TABLE I have come across a table where one of the columns has the data type LONG RAW which is depricated. I tried using the query below but it did not work. (ORA-0...

More efficient method for this calculation?

a = 218500000000 s = 6 f = 2 k = 49 d = k + f + s r = a i = 0 while (r >= d): r = r - d #print ('r = ',r) i = i+1 #print ('i = ',i) print (i) I think it does what I expect it to, but its way too slow to calculate such a large number, I waited 5 mins for i to print (while python used 100% cpu to calculate..), but it didn't. ...

Python type long vs C 'long long'

I would like to represent a value as a 64bit signed long, such that values larger than (2**63)-1 are represented as negative, however Python long has infinite precision. Is there a 'quick' way for me to achieve this? ...

long long int in ObjC

Hi All, I am using this NSURLConnection Delegate method - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response { long long rdata = [response expectedContentLength]; NSLog(@"Response Length : %lld", rdata); } its always showing -1 What is the format specifier for long long variable ? T...

Multiplying two long long ints C

I am working on a program in C as a part of Homework in which I have to get the product of two long numbers which are taken as character string. eg: 123456789021 and 132456789098. Since it is taken as a string, I converted them to long long int for the multiplication. But the resulting product will be very large(larger than long long int...

what is the use of Long.reverse(long ) method?

I found one method in Long class public static long reverse(long i) {..} What is the use of this method? ...

Make Scrollbar Max as long? - Vb6

Hey guys, I was working on my vb6 project, and I needed my scrollbar max to reach 40000. Though I can assume that the max was around 32000 since the scrollbar max is an integer. How can I change this? Thanks, Kevin ...

Fractions with decimal precision

Is there a pure python implementation of fractions.Fraction that supports longs as numerator and denominator? Unfortunately, exponentiation appears to be coded in to return a float (ack!!!), which should at least support using decimal.Decimal. If there isn't, I suppose I can probably make a copy of the library and try to replace occurre...

Subtracting long numbers in javascript

Why is q == 0 in the following script? <script> var start = 1234567890123456789; var end = 1234567890123456799; var q = end - start; alert(q); </script> I would think the result should be 10. What is the correct way to subtract these two numbers? ...

iterable long-object?

Hello! This is a problem from euler-project. No.13 import math #no.13 sum = [] number = 0 a = 3710728753390210279879799822083759024651013574025046376937677490009712648124896970078050417018260538743249861995247410594742333095130581237266173096299194221336357416157252243056330181107240615490825023067588207539346171171980310421047513778...

Checking if value of int[] can be long

I have an array of ints ie. [1,2,3,4,5] . Each row corresponds to decimal value, so 5 is 1's, 4 is 10's, 3 is 100's which gives value of 12345 that I calculate and store as long. This is the function : public long valueOf(int[]x) { int multiplier = 1; value = 0; for (int i=x.length-1; i >=0; i--) { value += x[i]*mul...

Is "long x = 1/2" equal to 1 or 0, and why?

if I have something like: long x = 1/2; shouldn't this be rounded up to 1? When I print it on the screen it say 0. ...

Why does RandomAccessFile use int as offset

I am writing some data access test implementation and I need random access to file content. Here's the code: RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rwd"); final byte b[] = IOUtils.toByteArray(source); randomAccessFile.write(b, (int) offset, size); where offset has type long. Why doesn't RandomAccessFile provi...

long vs Guid for the Id (Entity), what are the pros and cons

I am doing a web-application on asp.net mvc and I'm choosing between the long and Guid data type for my entities, but I don't know which one is better. Some say that long is much faster. Guid also might have some advantages. Anybody knows ? ...

How to arrange long (time consuming) actions on Android?

For instance, we are in SomeActivity and the activity has a button that invokes moving files from one dir to another (let's call it job). On BlackBerry I would: push a non-cancellable popup (Dialog screen) saying "Please wait..." start a thread that fulfills the job on thread completion close the popup This approach 99.99% can guara...

Wrapping 4 integers in a 64 bit long - java bitwise

Alright, so I have 4 integers I want to wrap in a long. The 4 integers all contains 3 values, positioned in the first 2 bytes: +--------+--------+ |xxpppppp|hdcsrrrr| +--------+--------+ {pppppp} represents one value, {hdcs} represents the second and {rrrr} the last. I want to pack 4 of these integers, in a long. I've tried the f...

Maximum value of long number?

I'm trying to declare a long value in Java, which unfortunately does not work. This is my code. It results in the following error message: "The literal 4294967296 of type int is out of range". long bytes = 4294967296; I need this value to make a file filter that filters out files that are bigger than 4294967296 bytes (4GB). The other...

Object to long - java

Hi i have a hashtable named table. The type value is long. I am getting values using .values() Now i want to access these values. Collection val = table.values(); Iterator itr = val.iterator(); long a = (long)itr.next(); But when i try to get it it gives me error. Because i cant convert from type object to long. How can i go aro...