
Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView?

ExpandableListView has a setOnChildClickListener method, but lacks of setOnChild*Long*ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener() on child view in getChildView(), whole sublist became completely unclickable (despite of parentView.setOnChildClickListener() present and working before). How can I enable long clicks on chil...

should I use Convert class ?

For instance, in the following scenario Convert.Int64(string somstring) or long.Parse(string somstring); appear to be doing same kind of work. Which one is a better practice ? Thanks ...

Answer to a practice interview question

I'm just going through a bunch of C++ interview questions just to make sure there's nothing obvious that I don't know. So far I haven't found anything that I didn't know already, except this: long value; //some stuff value &= 0xFFFF; The question is "what's wrong with this code?" And hints that it's something to do with target archite...

Oracle invalid character and long raws

I'm new in the Oracle world, and i'm trying to make a insert from .NET (C#) using a parametrized query. My table is: CREATE TABLE layer_mapping ( lm_id NUMBER NOT NULL, lm_layer_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, lm_layer_file LONG RAW NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT lm_pk PRIMARY KEY(lm_id) ) "INSERT INTO layer_mapping VALUES (:lm_id,...

Long Pointer to Constant Wide String, what's the function of the Long here?

When you have a LPCWSTR, why is it a Long Pointer? There's no Long in it's definition, as far as I know. Can anybody explain? ...

Fortran: handling integer values of size: ~700000000000

Hey All... Currently I'm brushing up on my Fortran95 knowledge (don't ask why)... I'm running in to a problem though. How does one handle large integers, eg. the size of: ~700000000000 INTEGER(KIND=3) cannot hold this number. If anyone is interested the compiler I have available is Silverfrost FTN95. I am using the integer to run thr...

How do I control the "long strings" compiler option?

Hello. How do I control the "long strings" compiler option? I use Delphi 2007 ...

Coldfusion CFC creation taking a variable amout of time to execute.

I've been doing some logging of object creation times in our open account process in production. Periodically, initializing an object would take way longer than expected. By initializing I mean calling it's init() and passing a couple of arguments that may be simple variables or objects. e.g. <cfset validateObj = createObject("component...

Covert from "TimeSpan" to "Long"

Hey guys how can I convert a "timespan" datatype to "long"? cheers psilos ...

How do I include extremely long literals in C++ source?

Hello everyone :) I've got a bit of a problem. Essentially, I need to store a large list of whitelisted entries inside my program, and I'd like to include such a list directly -- I don't want to have to distribute other libraries and such, and I don't want to embed the strings into a Win32 resource, for a bunch of reasons I don't want t...

problem in loading images from web

hi, I am new in android and had developed an app which get images from the website and display it. I got it working in emulator but not in real phones. In some device, it will crash or take very long loading period. Can anyone please help me or guide me in improving it as i'm not sure whether the way i loads the images is correct or not...

Stupid question: where to set wait cursor in long operation in MVP pattern?

For a long operation that will be executed in presenter, where to set the wait cursor? in View? the view shouldn't know too much about business logic, it is passive. in presenter? seems odd in presenter to call UI code. add method to View interface, like SetWait(bool), and call it in presenter? So what do you think? ...

Java: random long number in 0 <= x < n range.

Random class has a method to generate random int in a given range. For example: Random r = new Random(); int x = r.nextInt(100); This would generate an int number more or equal to 0 and less than 100. I'd like to do exactly the same with long number. long y = magicRandomLongGenerator(100); Random class has only nextLong(), but it ...

What's the difference between unsigned long/long/int in c/c++?

It seems all of them take 4 bytes of space, so what's the difference? ...

Matrices of "long"s in Java/COLT?

I'm very new to Java/COLT so apologies if this is a dumb question... But, is it possible to define (2d) matrices of type "long" using the cern.colt.matrix stuff? If so, how?! I can find an abstract class for "Object" and a concrete implementation for "double", but then I am stuck... Thanks, ...

Back-to-back ajax long poll without a recursive callback function.

I'm trying to make long poll ajax calls, back to back. The problem with the current way I'm doing it is that I make each successive call from the callback function of the previous call. Is this a problem? Firebug doesn't show any of my ajax calls as completed, even thought the data is returned and the callback is executed. The recursive ...

c++ address string -> long

I got an adress example: 0x003533 , its a string but to use it i need it to be a LONG but i dont know how to do it :S has anybody a solution? so string: "0x003533" to long 0x003533 ?? ...

Using WCF to expose underlying process

I think I must be a little dull because I'm having so much difficulty with this. I use WCF for pretty much everything in-house, it's the most appropriate technology. I have a new Silverlight 3 app that is connecting to the WCF service and that's working fine. Where the problem begins is: Because of the expense in creating the objects...

Why can't your switch statement data type be long, Java?

Here's an excerpt from Sun's Java tutorials: A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. It also works with enumerated types (discussed in Classes and Inheritance) and a few special classes that "wrap" certain primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer (discussed in Simple Data Objects ). Ther...

Converting long value to unichar* in objective-c

I'm storing large unicode characters (0x10000+) as long types which eventually need to be converted to NSStrings. Smaller unicode characters can be created as a unichar, and an NSString can be created using [NSString stringWithCharacters:(const unichar *)characters length:(NSUInteger)length] So, I imagine the best way to get an NSStri...