
Android device not showing up in DDMS

Running Android 2.2 on a Galaxy S. Host is an OS X 10.6.4 machine. DDMS in Eclipse reports no devices being connected. adb devices -- nothing. I've tried: Rebooting the phone Toggling the USB development mode Plugging/unplugging the cable Restarting the server (adb kill-server). The weird thing is that sometimes computer will not d...

What are the threading semantics for Cocoa file ops? e.g. NSData read/write methods

If I have two threads in my Cocoa app, and (let's say), I'm reading from file X on the disk with an NSData +dataWithContentsOfFile:, and another thread is concurrently updating or replacing that same file X, with, say a -writeToPath:atomically:? I'm unfamiliar with what Cocoa's standard file read/writes modes are. Could the read operat...

How to Install phpunit 3.5 on mac with MAMP

Hi All, I'm trying to install PHPUnit 3.5 on Mac OS X with MAMP. I did install PHPUnit 3.5 via PEAR of MAMP. This is all correctly and phpunit is located /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/lib/php/PEAR/PHPUnit. The executable is located in /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/. But when I want to execute phpunit it doesn't do anything, even wh...

How to hook a listener to iTunes

I want to display a current track title with Cocoa. For now I could get the playing title with Scripting Bridge but I don't know how to get it just after a song is changed. Is there any way I can hook a listener to iTunes without a timer. Thank you. ...

How to add the DNS Suffix in mac machine?

How to add the DNS Suffix in mac machine? ...

How to convert CVPixelBufferRef from kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB to kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB

I'm a new Apple developer and I'm struggling with the different image representations... I would Have a CVPixelBufferRef in kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB format, and I would like to create a new kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB CVPixelBufferRef from it (i.e. discarding the alpha bits). Is there a simple way to do it, or do I have to copy it with ...

Volume changed notification in iTunes

I know how to get information about a current track in iTunes with Cocoa Scripting Bridge thanks to an answer to my following question: But I couldn't receive a notification in this way when volume changed. Is there any way to hook a listener for volume? Than...

convert .mov to .m4v with mac terminal

what do i need to type into the mac terminal to be able t convert my .mov files to .m4a its for my iphone project. thank you ...

Installation of Qt Messaging framework in mac?

Can some one explain the steps that are needed to include Messaging framework in to a Qt Application? I have downloaded the Open source Project that contains the Messaging framework from this link: UPDATE: Raised a bug with Nokia. http://bugreports.qt....

quicktime mute all files droplet

Want an applescript droplet that opens files in QuickTime and mutes them all. The script only mutes the front most opened file. on open the_Droppings tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to activate tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to open the_Droppings tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuickTime Player...

Is it possible to link libstdc++ statically in Mac OSX 10.6?

I am trying to run my C++ program on other Mac OSX machines which may have an older copy of libstdc++, but have all the other tools. I tried to follow this approach, also mentioned in this SO question, even though it discusses a linux setup. I have small program try.cpp: #include <iostream> int main() { int a = 10; std:...

Programatically get hard drive info on OS X

I need a way to get complete hard drive info on OS X, meaning all hard drive model names, SATA/ATA controllers, volumes, disk identifiers, etc. I checked out diskutil, but it doesn't contain SATA controller info, system_profiler has all the information I need but its XML output is not necessarily organized as well as I'd like. Is there a...

sqlite3 using fts3 create table in my mac terminal and how to use it in iphone xcode project?

Hi I am trying to use fts in my sqlite database, i have created a database and inserted ,all the records ,using sqlite query in my mac terminal, and used it in my iphone xcode project ,its worked fine. now i am trying to integrate fts3 using the links

apxs on MacOSX having trouble with architecture

I'm trying to set up a development environment on my aging Macbook Pro that matches my Linux EC2 production environment. I'm on the home stretch now, need only to get the mod_auth_mysql plugin for apache working. After a few hours of googling and patching and scratching my head, I think I'm almost there, but I've hit something that nothi...

Problem in creating package through "Package for Linux" in Mono 2.8

Hi, I am using mono 2.8 with Visual Studio 2008. I have installed "mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9". I am creating a windows application and its setup solution is working fine on Windows OS. But when I am creating package for Linux and follow the instruction from Step-1 to Step-5 are done but afte...

OpenCV C++ Video Capture does not seem to work

Hi, I am using a Mac OS X 10.6 machine. I have OpenCV 2.1 x64 compiled from source using Xcode and its GCC compiler. I am having trouble using the C++ video reading features of OpenCV. Here is the simple test code I am using (came straight from OpenCV documentation): #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" using namespace cv; int main(...

Virtual Mac OS X Server hosting

Looking for a virtual hosting with Mac OS X Server. Unfortunately I can't find a good overview of companies that offer these services. Can you recommend me such a virtual hosting? ...

Android emulator Mac OSX location

Hi guys, I am wondering where android emulator keeps all its data and itself? inside the SDK folder or somewhere else ? cheers, /Marcin ... works, localhost not - VH - Zend Ce, Mac

Hi guys, I am having weired problem, after adding my virtual host conf entry localhost is not working (getting forbiden 403) but does (all accessed via browser - http), here you have my conf: NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/MyData/__www/default" ServerName localhost <Location /> Order deny,allow...

How does the iOS use argc and argv?

When you create a default iphone OS project in xCode, you have a main.m in "Other Sources" on the side panel in xCode. How does the int main() in there use argc and argv and why does it need it? Thanks :) ...