
What happens to my app when my Mac goes to sleep?

When Mac OS X goes to sleep, due to closing a laptop or selecting "Sleep" from the Apple menu, how does it suspend an executing process? I suppose non-windowed processes are simply suspended at an arbitrary point of execution. Is that also true for Cocoa apps, or does the OS wait until control returns to the run loop dispatcher, and go...

How do I develop and create a self-contained PyGTK application bundle for MacOS, with native-looking widgets?

I have read that it is possible to build GTK+ on MacOS X. I know that it's possible to create a bundle of a GTK+ application on MacOS. I also know that it's possible to create widgets that look sort of native. However, searching around I am not really clear on how to create a bundle that includes the native theme stuff, and uses Pytho...

Open multiple Eclipse workspaces on the Mac

How can I open multiple Eclipse workspaces at the same time on the Mac? On other platforms, I can just launch extra Eclipse instances, but the Mac will not let me open the same application twice. Is there a better way than keeping two copies of Eclipse? ...

Determine if a directory is a bundle or package in the Mac OS X terminal?

I'd like to be able to determine if a directory such as a '.app' is considered to be a package or bundle from Finder's point of view on the command line. I don't think this would be difficult to do with a small shell program, but I'd rather not re-invent the wheel if I don't have to. ...

How do I sign a Java applet using a certificate in my Mac keychain?

I have a self-signed root certificate with just the code signing extension (no other extensions) in my Mac keychain; I use it to sign all code coming out of ∞labs using Apple's codesign tool and it works great. I was looking to expand myself a little and doing some Java development. I know Apple provides a KeyStore implementation that r...

Using Caps Lock as Esc on a Mac

How do I make Caps Lock work like Esc on a Mac? ...

How do I enable applets on Mac Firefox 3.0.1?

I have Java 1.5.0 installed on a Mac OS machine. I have the Java Embedding Plugin installed and java enabled on the preferences panel. When I go to the applet appears blank. Does anyone has an idea of what is happening? ...

Using AppleScript to hide Keynote Text Fields in A Slide

I am no AppleScript Jedi, I've only done a few simple things, but I haven't been able to figure this one out and could use some help: My wife uses slides for her Art History courses and would like to use the same slides for exams (sans identifying names). Rather than create a new presentation, I'd like a tool that iterates through the s...

Applescriptable mySQL client - low cost or free?

Can anyone recommend a MySQL front end client or OS X that is AppleScriptable? Preferably low cost or free. ...

Java Developer meets Objective-C on Mac OS

I have developed in C++ many years ago, but these days I am primarily a Java software engineer. Given I own an iPhone, am ready to spring for a MacBook next month, and am generally interested in getting started with Mac OS developmentmt (using Objective C), I thought I would just put this question out there: What Next? More specificall...

Setting environment variables in OS X?

What is the proper way to modify environment variables like PATH in OS X? I've looked on google a little bit and found 3 different files to edit: /etc/paths ~/.profile ~/.tcshrc I don't even have some of these, and I'm pretty sure that .tcshrc is wrong, since osx uses bash now. Anybody have any idea where these variables, especially...

Where can I find tools for learning assembler on OS X?

I'd like to learn assembler. However, there are very few resources for doing assembler with OS X. Is there anyone out there who has programmed in assembly on a Mac? Where did you learn? And, is there any reason I shouldn't be doing assembly? Do I risk (significantly) crashing my computer irreparably? ...

Spell-check in Aquamacs Emacs won't work: "Wrong endian order."

This is aquamacs 1.5 on a macbook. Exact error when I try to spell-check: Error: The file "/Library/Application Support/cocoAspell/aspell6-en-6.0-0//en-common.rws" is not in the proper format. Wrong endian order. ADDED: I indeed had the wrong version of cocoAspell. But installing the right version didn't work until I actually wiped (...

How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?

I'm trying to copy a bunch of files below a directory and a number of the files have spaces and single-quotes in their names. When I try to string together find and grep with xargs, I get the following error: find .|grep "FooBar"|xargs -I{} cp "{}" ~/foo/bar xargs: unterminated quote Any suggestions for a more robust usage of xargs? ...

Adding custom log locations to the OS X console application...

After searching online, the best solution I've found so far is to just make a symbolic link in either "/Library/logs/" or "~/Library/logs/" to get it to show up in the Console application. I'm wondering if it would be possible to add a new directory or log file to the "root" level directly under the "LOG FILES" section in the console. ...

What are some recommendations for porting C++ code to the MacOS?

For a upcoming project, there are plans to port the existing C++ code that compiles on Windows and Linux to the MacOS(leopard). The software is command line application, but a GUI front end might be planned. The MacOS uses the g++ compiler. By having the same compiler as Linux, it does not seem like there would be any issues, but there...

how to set a menubar icon on mac osx using wx

I could not find any pointers on how to create a menubar icon on OSX using wx. I originally thought that the wxTaskBarIcon class would do, but it actually creates an icon on the Dock. On Windows, wxTaskBarIcon creates a Systray icon and associated menu, and I would think that on mac osx it would create a menubar icon, I guess not. ...

Crafting .webloc file

I'm writing a program (for Mac OS X, using Objective-C) and I need to create a bunch of .webloc files programmatically. The .webloc file is simply file which is created after you drag-n-drop an URL from Safari's location bar to some folder. Generally speaking, I need an approach to create items in a filesystem which point to some locat...

Best way to make NSRunLoop wait for a flag to be set?

In the Apple documentation for NSRunLoop there is sample code demonstrating suspending execution while waiting for a flag to be set by something else. BOOL shouldKeepRunning = YES; // global NSRunLoop *theRL = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; while (shouldKeepRunning && [theRL runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFut...

Explain the JVM Directory Layout on Mac OSX Leopard

Here is the directory layout that was installed with Leopard. What is the "A" directory and why the "Current" directory in addition to the "CurrentJDK"? It seems like you can easily switch the current JDK by move the CurrentJDK link, but then the contents under Current and A will be out of sync. lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 Jun 14 ...