
maintaining configuration differences between dev and live environments during deployment from SVN

We use the ExpressionEngine CMS (php) to create websites. For each site, we set up a subversion repository and commit the EE installation as well as any custom templates, images, javascript, etc. that are used. Included in the repository is the file containing all of the environment variables and the .htaccess file. We have a developmen...

How can i remove the make warning..following..?

hi i have got the following warning while building my code: gcc -o uartsim.exe xtmpmain.o uartsim.o fiber_driver.o xtmp_options.o getopt.o D:\usr\xtensa\XtDev ToolsDE\install\tools\RB-2008.4-win32\XtensaTools\lib\iss\xtmp.lib mt -V manifest uartsim.exe.manifest '-f outputresource:uartsim.exe;1' mt V2.3, Corinna Vinschen, Apr 19 2004 ...

What do $< and $@ represent in a Makefile?

can anybody please explain the working of '$< and $@' in Makefile? ...

How can I ignore command line variable assignment in a recursive build?

I'm trying to glue two build systems together. Both are recursive (rules in the makefile use make to call other makefiles to build components of the project). I'll call them 'A' and 'B' where 'A' builds the application and 'B' builds libraries used by 'A'. The top level makefile in A calls 'make TARGET=whatever' which means that all ...

nmake Makefile to Place object files in a separate directory

Hi, I have all my source files in the Source folder, The makefile is in the Makefile folder and I want all object files to be placed in Objects folder. It is a C project iam working on. All these three folders are in a folder named Project. Project folder contains: Source Makefile ...

How can I link *.c files in Visual Studio 2005 using make file option?

What is the option for linking the source files in Visual Studio in makefile? I have given it as 'link', but that doesn't work. The option for compilation is 'cl'. This is working well. I want to know the link option. ...

Make error -- how can I fix this?

I have many C files and I have built it by Visual Studio 2005 by commandline using a makefile. All the object files are produced correctly and the linking process also works, but the final *.exe is not produced. At the last line, there is the error below. I understand nothing. Can anybody help me? Here is the error: process_begin: ...

makedepend equivalent for use with nmake?

Just wondering if there is a 'makedepends' equivalent that ships with visual studio that I can use with nmake. Does anyone know? ...

makefile camelcase pattern matching

Hi, I want to do pattern matching rule for camelcase in my makefile: e.g. Explicit rule: my_file_name.proto protoc --java_out=. $< I need Pattern matching rule for the above so that just one rule does the job of creating java target of camelcase form from corresponding proto file. Thnx in advance !! ...

makefile query

Hi, I have a few questions about makefiles. I have defined my own version of a dependency file (.d) by creating it in code and called it say .dd(Looks just like a normal .c dependency file except that this is for some internal file format). Now this file I have included in the makefile with the include statement. (There are a whole bunc...

how do you make a makefile

I would like to know how to makefile for Unix. ...

Iterating over lists in Makefiles?

I find I'm writing a lot of Makefiles that could be cleaned up with the use of n-tuple lists. But I can't find any way to do this properly (and cleanly). So far I've only been able to come up with using $(shell ...) and tr, sed, or otherwise non-Makefile standards. For example, I'd like to do this: XYZs = \ dog.c pull_tail bark \...

How do you compile without linking in Automake?

I am new to Automake and I am attempting to compile without linking. My goal is to generate a simple Makefile as shown below using Automake. CFLAG = -Wall build: Thread.o Thread.o: Thread.h g++ $(CFLAG) -c clean: rm -f *.o My attempt so far has brought me to the following noinst_PROGRAMS =...

Autoconf compilation of dependency before application

I have been tooling around with autotools for the past couple of days, and finally have made significant progress. One problem I am having is that I have two libraries that need to be compiled before the main application code. I'm not quite sure how to do this. My directory structure is below and a snippet from my as well. ...

Makefile dependency for unknown files in known directory (for DocBook)

As part of the build I'm processing DocBook file that produces multiple HTML files (one file per chapter). I want to postprocess those HTML files and copy them elsewhere. Those files depend on DocBook source, but I cannot know filenames in advance (filenames depend on DocBook source too). I've got rule that sort-of works if the files ...

is it possible to create an object file from other object files in gcc?

I was trying to do something like this in a makefile: program.exe: ui.o main.o gcc ......etc ui.o: window1.o window2.o gcc -c window1.o window2.o -o ui.o #this doesn't want to work window1.o: window1.c window1.h window1_events.c window1_controls.c ... gcc -c window1.c window1_events.c window1_controls.c... -o window1.o window2....

How to make configure script check the dependencies

Hi I generated a configure script with autoconf to build my project. It works fine unless I don't have some needed library installed. Make returns error when lacking some files, but it should be actually checked by the configure script i think? So my question is: How to modify an autoconf generated script to seek for dependencies and ...

Makefile which compresses javascript

I want to compress javascript in yui compressor, How to write Make file for compress javascript. Because grammar is difficult and does not understand it, Could you give me a sample Makefile for me? ...

Autotools library and object file output control

My goal is to have all object files built in a .objs directory instead of the root of the Makefile, and to have the binaries (and libraries) copied into the project's bin/ directory. But I have been unable to find any resources to explain how to do this. How would I go about doing this? Here is my and src/ - I ha...

Import a variable into a C program from a Makefile

Hi all, I am required to make some changes in an existing long C source code. There is a top-level Makefile which defines the various compiler options like directory locations of libraries used by the linker. Something like : LD_OPTIONS = $(PATH_TO_MYLIB1) $(PATH_TO_MYLIB2) Now, I am thinking of using dlsym() and dlopen() to use the...