
DLL redirection using manifests

Hi, I need to reliably redirect an applications look up of a specific DLL. Using the app.exe.local approach does not work because local files are ignored if the application has a manifest (embedded or separate file). So I am trying to do DLL redirection by defining the DLL as a private assembly in the manifests. I have a test applicati...

Is there a way to define both assemblies and non-assembly files that need to be deployed in a ClickOnce application, from within a Visual Studio project?

So I am trying to figure out if there is a way to define the files and assemblies I need deployed with a ClickOnce app, from within Visual Studio. I would like to "Publish" the application and not have to make any more modifications with Mage. Especially for continuous integration. Is this possible? Can I add something to the

Make android app icon available to other applications

I would like my application icon to be available to other applications. I understand this is a bit unclear so will try explain: Applications such as Astros program manager lists applications with their icon. For all apps this is the correct icon as on the launcher, except mine which is displaying the standard android icon. I have set...

Dll loaded twice with Dll redirection through manifest

Hi there, I'm including python.h in my VC++ dll project which causes an implicit linking with python25.dll. However I want to load a specific python25.dll (several can be present on the computer) so I created a very simple manifest file named test.manifest: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <assembly xmlns='urn:sc...

Create SxS manifest from managed COM assemblies

Hi, I have a C# dll that implements COM. Is there a way to configure the project to create the SxS manifest for this dll (exposing COM information) and embed it into resources. As I understand, running the mt tool as post-build step could be an option. But there are 2 problems: 1. manifest created with mt does not expose the Prog_ID 2. ...

Why is jar ignoring my manifest?

I tried to create an executable jar using this command: jar -cvfm h.jar Whatever1.class Whatever2.class The manifest contains this: Main-Class: Whatever1 But if I try to run the jar, I get: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from my.jar. I extracted the jar, and I saw that the contents of it's manifest were th...

Embedding an application manifest into a VB6 exe

I have recently gone through a bunch of standalone utility apps written in VB6 to make sure that registry virtualization is turned off for Windows Vista and above. I created a standalone manifest file for each exe, set the requestedExecutionLevel appropriately (some of them need to modify HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry keys, others do not),...

Can values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically?

Can I access the values defined in a java manifest from code? ...

RAD doesn't recognize changed MANIFEST.MF files (Rational Application Developer)

Hi All, I am part of a team that is working on a project that is under version control in ClearCase. This project is a single EAR, and 4 WARs as part of the EAR. Since all of the WARs use the same JARs, we store them in the \lib folder of the EAR, and then for each WAR, we reference the JARs in the EAR\lib folder in each WARs MANIFEST.M...

How do I resolve a permission error installing a custom built gem?

I'm attempting to build my first ruby gem and all seemed to go well until I attempted to install the gem. I'm using RVM so no need for 'sudo gem install' here. First I attempted to do the following: jim:~/Desktop/spectest \ [git:master] → rake manifest (in /Users/jim/Desktop/spectest) Cleaning - pkg rm -rf pkg Building Manifest Man...

Need insight into how manifest is being generated for C++ program

When I run an executable that I built, I get the following error: The system cannot execute the specified program My immediate thought was that it was a dependency problem with one of the VC8.0 re-distributable DLLs (msvcr80d.dll et al.). We have had a few problems with patched versions of these DLLs affecting our programs. When I...

Get manifest-file from executed JAR

Let's say I have: core.jar client.jar (contains main-method) (uses core.jar) super_mega_client.jar (uses core.jar, client.jar) To run my program I use "java -jar super_mega_client.jar" How could I get the manifest-file from "super_mega_client.jar" knowing nothing about it's name and content? Actualy I need to create an util in core.ja...

Create JAR file without including external dependencies

Is it possible to create a JAR file that requires external dependencies without including those dependencies in the JAR file? My google-fu has failed to give me an answer; everything that I have found shows how to include them in the JAR file, but not what to put in the manifest file to say "I haven't got them, look in the user's class...

What do I need to do to make sure my app launches as Admin?

I'm writing an app that allows you to script the buttons from a wiimote into actions on your PC. It currently supports all of the features of the main remote control, except for the speaker. Now, I'm running in to trouble when I run it on Vista with UAC turned on. Any time a UAC'd window has focus, my app fails to move the mouse succe...

Tab Layout tutorial incomplete?

Hi there, I've been trying to implement the tab UI described in this tutorial: I follow all the steps described in the process but I keep getting a runtime exception which I believe has something to do with the fact that nowhere in the tutorial I added t...

Manifest vs Properties file format

After some searching on Google and here, I still haven't found any answer to the following: Is there a reason that JAR manifests don't just use the properties format? I am guessing this is historical but it would be nice to know how exactly this came to be was the decision not to use properties format explicitly made or was the proper...

LoadLibrary() fails to load DLL with manifest and private assembly

I am working on a Windows application (EXE) that uses multiple DLLs. Development is in VCExpress 2005 (VC 8.0), using C only. Some of these DLLs are plug-ins/add-ons/extensions that are dynamically loaded using [LoadLibrary]( according to a configuration file read by the EXE....

Launch Activity From URL

I am trying to have my application launch when the user browses to a certain url. I have found a few examples and they all have the same things in the manifests but it's not working for me. I have put the intent-filter under an Activity as well as a Receiver. Here is my manifest snippet: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android....

Programmatically grabbing DLL manifest information with Python or other common scripting language / tool.

Hi, I am having a problem like this one: Except that the app is our own (sorry, won't give you confidential details). Although, it is not our fault that SideBySide is so flawed. Anyhow, version X works and version Y bombs right at the start. I am facing the task of walking throug...

What do I have to add to the manifest to debug an Android application on an actual Device?

What kind of permission/Flag do I have to add to the manifest to debug my application on an actual Android device? ...