
How can I force maven to leave the version number out of dependency file names?

I'm using maven to build a ".ear" project that resolves dependencies from a maven repository, and then packages them into an ear (that's probably a redundant sentence...). When the dependencies show up in the ear file, they're named according to this format: <artifactId>-<version>.<type> I'd like them to be named: <artifactId>.<type...

Maven command to list lifecycle phases along with bound goals?

I'm just learning Maven, and so this might be obvious, but I can't find an easy way to list the goals associated for each maven lifecycle phase for a given project. I saw that the Maven default life cycle phases and corresponding default goals are documented here. My understanding so far is that each pom.xml can bind additional goals t...

Failed to proxy to maven repo via Nexus

Hi all, I am working with Nexus free addition (1.3.6) and I am trying to add a proxy repository as described in the Nexus book - Google Caja: After adding a new proxy repository and configure the remote location, I tried to re-index the repository but could not see the related artifacts. wa...

Publish CruiseControl LATEST build artifacts to a static URL

I have a Java multi-module maven project that I want to build a mvn site and javadocs and have CruiseControl publish the latest daily builds to a configured static location. The trouble is the CruiseControl artifactPublisher allows you to specify a dest directory but it is timestamped with the latest time of the last build. I want to be...

open source tool to generate Javadocs through Maven2 with automatic UML diagrams like ydoc

I want to generate javadocs through maven's site generation plugin and I want to have automatic UML diagrams created and embedded in the javadoc. The statsvn project uses yDoc to generate their UML documentation but I think they're using Maven1. yDoc is a commercial shareware product, so I'm unsure how the open source statsvn project in...

UmlGraph vs APIViz for Maven javadoc generation

I'm wondering if there are any clear reasons to choose UmlGraph over APIViz for javadoc UML diagram generation in a Maven2 build. Are there any integration or features that one has over the other, they seem pretty similar? ...

Is there a way to just copy resources when using a Maven archetype (no Velocity)?

We are using a Maven archetype to create an initial setup for projects using our framework, which relies heavily on Freemarker. As a consequence we need to copy a few Freemarker templates when the archetype is used to generate a new project. The problem we ran into is that Maven seems to run Velocity on all of the files listed as resour...

Java Equivalent of distcc

Distcc makes it easy to distribute a C or C++ compile job across a number of machines, and is a godsend for working with large, frequently-built codebases. An increasing number of our large projects are built in Java these days, however. Does anyone know of something equivalent or similar for Java? While it would be great if it would go...

How to find out what jar file provides a class during runtime using maven?

Hi! I run my application using mvn jetty:run At compile time everything is fine, my row Tidy tidier = new Tidy(); tidier.setInputEncoding("UTF-8"); compiles fine and the classpath shows the appropriate jar. However, at runtime I get the following exception and I cannot undestand why: 2009-11-11 17:48:53.384::WARN: Error st...

How do I change the location of ejb-jar.xml in my maven project?

When building my EJB project with maven, maven expects the ejb-jar.xml to be in META-INF/. However; I need to be able to put it in directoryA/META-INF. maven-ejb-plugin doesn't seem to provide a parameter for specifying where ejb-jar.xml is. Can you point me in the right direction? ...

How to override maven-core-2.0.7-uber.jar ?

My problem is that I am trying to use a specific JTidy version with maven (v8.0 or something). Everything works fine during compile time, but at runtime maven overrides the JTidy in the pom.xml with its own implementation in maven-core-2.0.7-uber.jar. See also previous question. What can be done? My application compiles fine but fails ...

maven site plugin not deploying subprojects in a multimodule project or generating index.html

I have a multimodule project that I want to deploy a site for, but it seems like my site deployment configuration is not being inherited by subproject child modules. parent moduleA moduleB On the filesystem they are located relative to each other: /parent/ /moduleA/ /moduleB/ When I run: mvn site-deploy -P documentation My...

maven use a different directory for site source files than src/site

I need to configure where my Maven 2 project's site files are located, by default they are src/site/, I'd like to point them to src-documentation/site, how would I override Maven's default conventin? ...

Is there a good Rhino Javascript compiler available as Maven plug-in?

Commons JCI project doesn't seem to be maintained since a long time. Are there other options? ...

Maven test dependency in multi module project

I use maven to build a multi module project. My module 2 depends on Module 1 src at compile scope and module 1 tests in test scope. Module 2 - <dependency> <groupId>blah</groupId> <artifactId>MODULE1</artifactId> <version>blah</version> <classifier>tests</classifier> <scope>test</scope> </...

Maven - making child projects that can be independent of their parent

I'm a bit of a Maven newb, and I'm trying to setup a maven project that builds several child projects, but still allows someone to just grab one of the child projects and build it independently without the parent. parentfolder ->pom.xml ->project1 ->pom.xml ->src ->project2 ->pom.xml ->src ->project3 ->pom.xm...

Tool to determine licenses for pom.xml dependencies

I'm looking for a tool that given a maven pom.xml file tells me all the licenses that are used by the dependencies (and recursively their dependencies). Does such a thing exist? Ideally it would tell me: For each dependency all licenses that apply A summary list of a different licenses referenced. ...

Maven webstart plugin not finding dependencies

Hoping someone can help me with this strange one. I’m trying to run the webstart plugin but it doesn’t seem to be able to find the main class within the jar being produce. The pom is as simple as it can get, and the class Test exists, and is being compiled and placed in the jar. Can someone please point me in the right direction? 4...

include dependencies into jar

Hi, is there a way to force maven(2.0.9) to include all the dependencies into jar file? I have a project the builds into a single jar file. I want that the classes from dependencies will be copied as well. Update: I know that I cant just include a jar file into a jar file. I'm searching for a way to unpack the jars that are specified as ...

Ice grid plugin for maven

Does anyone know if there is an Ice grid plugin for Maven2? Currently I will have to call an Ant task from Maven as follows: ...