
Debug a maven plugin's execution in a maven web-project

Hi all, Is there any way to actually debug a maven plugin while it is in action. What i mean is that for example we have the maven-clean-plugin. So when this plugin executes it's action can we somehow debug and check inside the source code of maven-clean-plugin? Obviously we would have to associate the java source for the plugin in ecl...

How to use hot deployment and development mode with jboss and gwt

How to configure eclipse to hot deploy to jboss server side code? And how to configure google eclipse plugin to use development mode with jboss and the hot deployed code? What projects should I create? Could someone give me step by step configuration how to do it. I just want to use ejb/jpa/jms(optional) on the server side with hot dep...

How do I increase memory given to maven-glassfish-plugin?

I'm using the Maven plugin for embedded Glassfish - here's my plugin declaration: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-glassfish-plugin</artifactId> <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging> <version>1.0-alpha-4</version> <configuration> <httpPort>8080</httpPort> </configuration> </plugin> After several clicks through my data-intensive ...

Maven2 add appassembler:assemble to package goal

Is it possible to add the "appassembler:assemble" goal to the "package" goal? I really just want assemble to run when I do a "mvn package" Thanks. ...

Maven2 assembly plugin - change root name for tar.gz

I am using the assembly plugin to tar.gz up a package. I am trying to change the root output directory from ${}-{$project.version} to just ${}, but cant seem to find the configuration option for that anywhere. Anyone know if this is possible? ...

How to deal with Maven projects containing several internal artifacts?

Hey. I'm about to start working on a web-application and I'll be using Maven. I want the web-application to be an individual artifact. The web-application will end up depending on a couple of self written libraries (for example text-formatting), and each of these libraries should be an individual artifact. What's the recommended way of...

How to use maven resources also as test resources

I have a maven project that loads an xslt file and executes the transformation along with other processing on the result. Normally when the user runs the application, the user provides the xslt file path to be loaded. But I include some default xslt files bundled inside my application that the user can use without loading any external xs...

Maven jetty plugin and the resources directory

Should I expect files in main/resources to be on the classpath when running the maven jetty plugin? Meaning will they be available to the app I'm running inside jetty? Will I be able to load them as classpath resources rather than via the file system? The same question goes for running junit tests inside Eclipse, using the Eclipse Maven...

Some sonatype nexus questions.

I deployed a sonatype nexus server inside my LAN , mapping some remote repositories to my public repositories : First question is , why these repositories not sync with the "real" repositories ? For example , I mapped maven central ( to "central" , but when I browse http://smallufo:8081/nexus/content/repo...

Can't instantiate javax.servlet.ServletException

Hello, experts! I am trying to create instance of class javax.servlet.ServletException with following code public class MyTroubleViewer { public static void main(String[] args) { javax.servlet.ServletException servletException = new javax.servlet.ServletException("Hello"); System.out.println(servletException.getMessage()); } } ...

maven test cannot load cross-module resources/properties ?

I have a maven mantained project with some modules . One module contains one XML file and one parsing class. Second module depends on the first module. There is a class that calls the parsing class in the first module , but maven seems cannot test the class in the second module. Maven test reports : java.lang.NullPointerException at j...

How to embed revision information using mercurial and maven (and svn)

Our project had a nice hack (although I'm guessing there are better ways to do it) to embed revision information into the artifacts (jar etc.) when we used svn. Now we have migrated to mercurial, and we want to have a similar thing, but before I start working on a similar hack with mercurial, I wanted to know if there are better ways ...

Configuring hibernate.reveng.xml to detect a sequence PK generator with hibernate3-maven-plugin and Postgre

Hi, is there a way to configure hibernate3-maven-plugin so that a sequence generator is detected for a primary-key? I'm using a bottom-up approach for hibernate configuration (which means letting hibernate-tools generate the hibernate configuration using a jdbc-connection for you via reverse-engineering on an existing database schema). ...

java-maven2: How to include the a jar as depedency in pom so that I will be able to access test classes or classes in src/test/java folder.

Hi, I have a set of functional jars(more than 3) that tests my source code. These jars just contains test classes and assisting asserter classes. I am creating a new performance jar that would import all the functional tests from these jars so that all can be run simultaneously. But when I include them as test dependencies in pom of cur...

ivy dependency on external JAR

Dear All: I am battling with Ivy (I tried maven but had an event more difficult time setting up the JBoss repository for Hibernate). Quick question - I am using this wonderful package: Unfortunately, the JAR is only available through Sourceforge:

defaultLibBundleDir restrict to copy all the jar files

I am using defaultLibBundleDir to copy all the jars to APP-INF/lib of the ear.There are lot of jar files which are not actually required or to be part of ear.Is there anyway i can restrict to copy only selected jars in the APP-INF/lib. ...

How to use pom.xml/Maven to initialize a local thoughtsite (App Engine sample) project in Eclipse?

This sample app ("thoughtsite") for App Engine contains a pom.xml in its trunk: But I don't know what command to run in Maven to set up the project locally. (The README doesn't mention anything about Maven.) I tried to just import the project code directly into Eclipse but ...

Confusion about maven-war-plugin and jetty-maven-plugin

I am trying to get the run-exploded goal of the jetty-maven-plugin to work correctly. I find the documentation somewhat lacking on what I need to do to set this up. I believe I have a standard WAR-file setup. (The reason I wrote "believe" is that I find the maven-war-plugin documentation lacking as well.) When I build my webapp using ma...

Automating upload of artifacts in Nexus using Maven

Hi , Am trying to automate the process of uploading an artifact generated by Maven into a Nexus hosted repository (like a maven goal, which will upload the generated jar into a specified repository in Nexus). Is this possible? In the Nexus docs they have talked only about manual uploading. I also looked at the nexus maven plugins and...

Problems using Maven to initialize a local thoughtsite (App Engine sample) project in Eclipse

This sample app ("thoughtsite") for App Engine contains a pom.xml in its trunk: I ran mvn eclipse:eclipse and also tried using m2eclipse to import this source code into an Eclipse project. But I end up with this error despite the fact that I have the Google App Engine plugi...