
How much memory is my iphone app using (from Simulator)

I know this has something to do with Instruments, but well it's kind of confusing and searching for Instruments on Google doesn't help much. I'd like to know how well my app runs, like how much memory it uses. I just don't know where to find something like: "As close as we can tell from the simulator you'll app will currently be using x...

How can I see a specific page's memory consumption of a browser ?

Hi, What way or which profiler tool I should use to see a specific web page's memory consumption? Does it make a difference if it belongs to a TAB in an individual browser window? Thanks ...

Im Stumped, Why is UIImage\Texture2d memory not being freed

I've been looking everywhere trying to find a solution to this problem. Nothing seems to help. I've set up this basic test to try to find the cause of why my memory wasn't being freed up: if (texture != nil) { [texture release]; texture = nil; } else { UIImage* ui = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResourc...

Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted...

HI, I upload my php testing script to online vps server just now. The script used to parse a big size XML file(about 4M, 7000Lines). But my IE explorer show the online error message below. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77 bytes) in /var/www/test/result/index.php on line 26 I am sure I ...

msvcrt: memory usage goes wild, but not under debugger

I have a C++ code compiled with Intel compiler, 32bit, in MS VC6 mode, so using either msvcrt.dll or msvcrtd.dll. The process makes heavy memory allocation and deallocation. I monitor the memory usage with WMI and look at VirtualSize and WorkingSetSize. with debug runtime (msvcrtd.dll): virtual constant 1.7GB, working constant 1.2GB w...

Measuring debug vs release of ASP.NET applications

Which has the biggest impact? Building ASP.NET applications in release vs debug mode Setting <compilation debug="true"> in web.config Has anyone done any testing to get actual numbers about what the differences are, considering performance and memory usage? (Perhaps other metrics are useful as well?) For example, something like: E...

How efficient is PHP's substr?

I'm writing a parser in PHP which must be able to handle large in-memory strings, so this is a somewhat important issue. (ie, please don't "premature optimize" flame me, please) How does the substr function work? Does it make a second copy of the string data in memory, or does it reference the original? Should I worry about calling, for...

Java class and instance variables memory usage in a web application?

I have a Java class in which every method was defined as static. So that I don't have to re-write the class, and then a good bit of code that depends upon it, I'm adding in some error reporting via an instance variable. However, Java doesn't seem to be able to access instance variables from class methods. I read Sun's description of clas...

Why does IIS use so much more RAM than WebDev (ASP.NET development web server)?

As I was investigating excessive memory usage problems in my ASP.NET application I noticed that the production server seems to use a lot more RAM than my development machine for the exact same input. It turned out to be the difference between IIS (w3wp.exe) and WebDev.WebServer.EXE. I ran the same test on my machine in IIS and WebDev wit...

Mysqli results memory usage

Why is the memory consumption in this query continuing to rise as the internal pointer progresses through loop? How to make this more efficient and lean? $link = mysqli_connect(...); $result = mysqli_query($link,$query); // 403,268 rows in result set while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { // print time, (get memory usage), -- ...

Safest way to idle delphi application to wait for timer?

I am doing a delphi application that will run on my pc 24/7 in the background and will check if it has to do some actions or not, wait 30 minutes and check again, and so on. How can I make sure the application will not overload cpu or memory because of being running all the time. ...

code throws std::bad_alloc, not enough memory or can it be a bug?

I am parsing using a pretty large grammar (1.1 GB, it's data-oriented parsing). The parser I use (bitpar) is said to be optimized for highly ambiguous grammars. I'm getting this error: 1terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): St9bad_alloc line 11: 16686 Aborted bitpar -p -b 1...

how to force operating system to give java more memory?

Hello, I've got problem with java jar files and memory. I use netbeans 6.7 to develop an application and this application need more memory to run because it converts another files. Whenever this application convert a 6-10 mb file, it'll crash. So I set netbeans VM Options : -Xms32m -Xmx256m and the application can convert 6-10mb files w...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when simply casting a pointer in Obj-C

Hi all, Frequent visitor but first post here on StackOverflow, I'm hoping that you guys might be able to help me out with this. I'm fairly new to Obj-C and XCode, and I'm faced with this really... weird... problem. Googling hasn't turned up anything whatsoever. Basically, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal on a line that doesn't do any dere...

How to deal with memory problem - MATLAB

I am getting 3 camera input to MATLAB with Infinite Trigger. But after minutes, cameras fill up my memory, and I have to restart MATLAB. How can I deal with this memory problem? ...

C# - free all resources used by an object

Is there some way to free all resources used by certain object ? If not, why wouldn't I use the GC.Collect() method ? ...

Storage requirements of primitive types in Win x64

For either List with n elements, which (if any) requires more storage on x64 machine: List<int> -or- List<long> I guess the question can be rephrased as: On x64, does an int take any less space than a long? ...

CPU usage extremely high on TS deployment

Hi, Our application is written in .NET (framework 3.5). We are experiencing problems with the applications performance when deployed in a terminal services environment. The client is using a TS farm. They have 4GB ram and a decent xeon processor. When the application is opened in this environment, it sits at 25% CPU usage even when id...

Xcode Instruments. What is the meaing of Virtual Memory? iPhone OS has no VM?

Hello, I've been staring at the Memory Monitor in Instruments and I am scratching my had. Why is it displaying virtual memory? iPhone OS has no virtual memory. What does it mean? My concern is that I am getting memory warnings for my iPad app but the apps real memory never exceeds 70MB and the virtual memory never exceeds 180MB? Could...

Android OutOfMemoryError - Loading JSON File

The app I am working on needs to read a JSON file that may be anywhere from 1.5 to 3 MB in size. It seems to have no problem opening the file and converting the data to a string, but when it attempts to convert the string to a JSONArray, OutOfMemoryErrors are thrown. The exceptions look something like this: E/dalvikvm-heap( 5307): Out ...