
Context menu shows up completely black

I followed the instructions and examples on Android website to create a context menu but mine shows up completely black and i cannot change any options in it ; anyone out there had the same experience and can help me solve this issue. FWIW, here are my class .java and the menu .xml files <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xml...

JavaFx: How to develop a visual rich menu interface?

I'm trying to develop a desktop program, unifying java and javafx. For now, I want to know recommendations about how to create a rich menu interface for my program, something like the menu of Office 2007 or Modellus. So, what you recommend to start developing that? ...

menu control css based on childitems

Hi I need to set the css on some menu items on its hover based on whether they have childitems or not. "Home" "Manage Customer" "Manage Employee" "Customer List" "Employee List" "Customer Detail" "Employee Detail" The sample menuitems are shown above. I want "Home","...

Drop down menu selection with loop

I am creating 2 drop down menus where the first is a start time, e.g. 8:00 am which uses a loop to generate the times, this works fine and the drop down menu has the desired time frames, now i need to create a script which returns as false if the start time is greater than the finish time and i have this: var conting_timefrom=frm_contin...

JOOMFISH MENU LOCALISATION PLUGIN doesn't work... any help please...

Hi im ghop'z, Here's the error I encountered after I enabled the joomfish menu localisation plugin in my joomla website: No valid database connection Table 'database.jos_gwesys_mlmenu' doesn't exist SQL=Select * from jos_gwesys_mlmenu where menuid in (4) I don't know what to do. Can anyone suggest their idea about this problem and ...

Jquery mouseover mouseout menu using setTimeout

Can someone help me with this simple code.. I'm still a noob on js and I don't know what im doing wrong. Basically Im trying to make a mouseover menu. function showQuickLinks() { //show the menu } function hideQuickLinks() { //hides the menu } //button mouseover $("#quick-links-dd").mouseover(function() { showQuickLinks(); }); var m...

Codeigniter Dynamic Menu/MY_Controller question

Hola I generate a menu from a database table using a function, and I've placed this in an extended base controller class: <?php class MY_Controller extends Controller { public function __construct() { parent::Controller(); } public function category_menu() { $this->load->model('category_model', 'c...

drupal display submenu when parent has been selected

Hi, I've have a menu structure that has a depth of 3 levels on a drupal 6 CMS. When I click on a level 1 that has children, the level 2 menu items display fine. If the level 2 has children, it is not showing the level 3. If I check the expanded box the level 3 is displayed however, it displays all the time irrespective of the level...

How to dynamically change <li> style without affecting other <li>s?

Hi, I have an unordered list of links. <ul> <li><a href="#">Link is really really really really LONNNNNNNG</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul> I have set the line-height or the list items to 30px. ul {width:100px;} ul li {line-height:...

CSS Dropdown Menu: Circles into Ovals

I'm trying to make a dropdown menu which starts with a line of circles for the top-level items. Some lead to another page, but others have sub-items which are presented inside an oval, i.e. the circle transforms into an oval with the subitems inside on mouseover. All of the items change color when moused over. I have scads of exam...

Menu for MFC application

Hi, I am new to MFC programming. My application is an OpenGL based game using MFC. I have completed the graphics part of the app, but is stuck at adding a landing menu for my game. How does one add different dialog to an MFC application? Regards, Aibin ...

ASP.NET Horizontal Menu in Verticral Menu

Hi friends ! I'am coding on e-trade project with ASP.NET.I want to ASP.NET Menu control or HTML+CSS menus.I have a screen shot ; ![alt text][1] or web site address here : I want a menu like it.Horizontal and verticral menu :) Thanks for all replies :) Kannouh Ganer ...

Floating Menu in PrototypeJS

Hi, can someone please help me make a floating menu in prototypeJS? I found documentation to do it in jQuery, like here: and here:, but can't figure out where to start for prototypeJS. So I got it work...

change color of selected menu tab

so i have grabbed a snippet from another question <script type='text/javascript' > $(document).ready(function () { $("div.content ul li a") .mouseover(function () { var t = $(this); if (!t.hasClass("clicked")) { // very easy to check if element has a set of styles t.addClass('mouseover'); } }) .mouseout(function () { // a...

jQuery multiple effects on hover (navigation bar)

Hi! I'm new to jQuery, so I think this will be trivial for many. I'm making a navigation bar with sub menus that appear when the main menu are hovered on. I want to change the background image of the main menu and, in the same time, show the sub menu. Here is my code: $('#nav-list li.products').hover( function() { ...

During jQuery Animation, top level UL element disappears

I have a nested set of unordered lists that I'm using for a dropdown menu structure: UL > LI > DIV > UL > LI * n > A I'm using jQuery to animate the dropdown/display of the div and child ul: jQuery('').hover(function() { jQuery(this).animate({height:"150px"},200); jQuery(this).find('div').animate...

Menu stop second function from firing off upon other element using same function

I have 3 menus that use this .toggle and when I switch between menus it requires a second click for the menu to click on again. How do I make the second function stop if another menu is shown? $(".dd").toggle(function() { $("ul a", this).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".contextMenu").hide(); ...

Android Menu XML : Error Parsing XML:unbound prefix (not xmlns:android ???)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <menu xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:id="@+id/options" andoid:icon="@drawable/icon" android:title="@string/main_options" /> </menu> i keep getting the "Error Parsing XML: unbound prefix" This usually happens when the xmlns:android is missing, bu...

How can I add a menu item to launch the Send intent

Hi, I am trying to a menu item to launch the Send intent. This is what I did, I see the menu item but i don't see send intent launch when i select the menu item. public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.Action_Send); menu.add(Menu.NONE, 0...

Eclipse MenuManager: get ImageDescriptor of Image?

Hi folks! I cannot get this to work so I thought it might be a wise idea posting over here... I have a context menu in SWT (actually its an Eclipse plugin). It's a cascaded menu, so it expands as soon as you hover over a certain entry... My problem is, that I want to attach a small icon to the menu but I struggle with that! Code: ...