
What are alternatives to the Waterfall model

Can you please give a methodology that stands to alleviate the disadvantages of waterfall model? ...

Convert MSAccess Project Management Application to PHP/MySQL: Which Methodology?

I've got to convert a not terribly complicated bespoke project management system from MsAccess Application to PHP/MySQL. I've been programming for donkey's years but embarrassingly know practically nothing about modern methodologies. So the old 'learning curve' versus 'improved efficiency' conundrum rears its ugly head once again. Alt...

What to read as a good quick review and intro into development process methodologies?

Being mostly self-taught freestyle developer and having no experience of working in teams of professionals in serious software companies, having only a very general idea of how the software development is should really be done, I think I've came to a point, when I begin struggling from lack of order in my work. I think I should get acqua...

What initial modelling/design activities on Agile Projects do you do??

When developing an application using agile techniques, what if any initial modelling/architecture activities do you do, and how do you capture that knowledge?? I'm not after a bullet list about XP, Scrum, Crystal, DSDM..etc as I'm familiar with the methodologies. But what do you do above and beyond the guidance given by these. I find I...

Languages and development methodologies

Having never worked with Ruby on Rails, I looked it up on Wikipedia. It says It is intended to be used with an Agile development methodology that is used by web developers for rapid development. This got me asking how a given language/framework can be more appropriate for given development methodologies. Are there certain la...

What should a hobbyist do to develop good programming skills after basics?

So I'll say right here that I'm no professional coder. I'm a hobbyist. And pretty much like other people I feel like I'm doing it wrong. Like this question A feeling that I'm not a good programmer if have began to feel like that. Now I know basically that they say you shouldn't worry and that your good even if you continuously doubt you...

What are Sharepoint(MOSS 2007) Developement/Deployment best practices.

We are deploying sharepoint MOSS 2007 at our work. I'm trying to come up with a sharepoint development and deployment methodology. We have Dev/QA/Prod environments and I need a way, preferably automated to deploy changes from Dev to QA and from there to prod. We are creating site collections web parts etc. Some of it is done directly wi...

Planning a requirements gathering session using Agile

We are planning on introducing Agile into our development process (a shift from the waterfall we've been using so far). We are leaning towards a hybrid model in whcih the requirements gathering session is comprised of a business analyst, subject matter experts, technical person and a user interface person. The plan is to create user stor...

How are QA personnel supposed to accurately produce estimates?

In my last job I was working with a company that was going from NO methodology to utilizing a Scrum/Agile method. Many problems were encountered, including the fact that the Scrum "expert" really didn't know how to implement Scrum effectively. The plan they used was relatively simple: 1. Start Sprint Planning meetings where the estima...

Documentation in a Scrum Environment - how do we filter information to people not involved in the Sprint?

So my company is building an extensive piece of medical software, where there's a lot of moving parts and things selected on one screen may need to be displayed on as many as 5 others. The issue here is that when the Development Teams work with the Product Designer, they get a clear understanding of how to code the software properly, bu...

Is there any concept for activity tracking from a conceptual perspective during programming time?

I would like to learn what kind of real time activity/problem tracking methods people use. Let me clarify what I mean: When programming, I usually take a note for the current problem that I try to solve. I write down a sentence to name the problem. During research or debugging, I come across several alternative solution ideas that might...

Do you recommend procedural methodology software developement for small database application in dot net?

Hello As a new entry to the software development industry I tried to develop my programming skill using different ways. One way I found out is as many suggests by reading code from other authors. When I begin to develop, I want to use objected oriented design paradigm for any application. As a start I begin with small database progra...

Measuring code reusability

I am trying to measure how much of the code produced in our organisation is actually reusable and I'd like to set some guidelines. I'd like to have some reference to outer world: How much code is typically reused in a single application ? More specifically - if we consider all the code of a complete end-user product (and eventually excl...

Giving web designers autonomy to publish

I would like to give web designers autonomy to publish web pages but letting them to edit aspx files is a serious security risk as they don't have the required programming skills. I was thinking about two approaches: They are only able to edit html files and call services with ajax; Let them to edit xslt files associated to services t...

How do I control the definition, presentation, validation and storage of HTML form fields from one place?

I want to be able to define everything about a form field in one place, as opposed to having some info in the DB, some in HTML, some in JavaScript, some in ASP... Why do I have to worry about possibly changing things in four separate places (or more) when I want to change something about one field? I.e., I don't want to: declare the ...

What is the industry term for hermit programming?

What would the term be for someone that locked themselves away in a dark room for 3 days with only food and water, then emerged like a phoenix from the flames with a brand new solution written from scratch? ...

How Agile, lean and Kanban relate?

Hey, I'm basically familiar with Agile methodology and Scrum. But what is "Lean Software Development" and "Kanban"? Is it safe to say that Scrum, Lean and Kanban are implementations of Agile methodology? or Lean and Kanban are different methodologies? Do Lean and Kanban provide a skeleton (like Agile) and leave the implementation...

What is solo programming ?

I was searching on information about solo programming approach and I couldn't find any details. What does solo programming mean? What are the benefits and weaknesses of solo programming? When should we use it? What are the software metrics we should use when measuring solo programming? Is solo programming traditional models? I real...

The difference between "Software development methodology" and "Software development process"

What's The difference between "Software development methodology" and "Software development process" ...

Testing against testcases - how it is formally called?

Hi, Preparing test strategy, I have run into this simple (not so simple as I could not find the right name for that) problem - is there any name for this testing? I defined the testing needed as manual testing done according by gray box strategy..but as it is testing against testcases, how is it called? The opposite would be exploratory ...