
How to change the height of a annotation callout bubble for a mapview

Hi, I've added a custom View to a callout bubble. The view is too large for the callout itself. Is it possible to change the height for a callout bubble? Thanks. ...

MKMapKit exception when using canShowCallout on annotation view

I'm trying to use a pretty straightforward custom map annotation view and callout - the annotation view when I create it, just adds a UIImageView as a subview to itself. That works fine. However, when I call canShowCallout on the annotation view, An exception is thrown in MapKit immediately after returning the view. The end of the sta...

Best Geocoding Service for iPhone Developers

I have made an app that gets an array of addresses from a web service and I want to map them. I know Apple left this out in MapKit, including only a reverse GeoCoder. I was wondering what the best way to approach this problem was. Web Service? Google Maps API (How do API keys work?)? CloudMade? What is your opinions on which service is ...

How retrieve already diplayed MkAnnotation pin in MapView

Hey, one part of my applikation covers an MkMapview. Therefore i load a list of geocode information from my server and place each tuple as a MkAnnotation pin on my map. After being placed each MkAnnotation object will be released. Now i want to search for a specific MkAnnotation already being placed on my map and if available popup the a...

iPhone MKMapView : the map can’t load completely.

I don't know what's make wrong, my map can load, but the image on the map is not completely load. plx help. thz a lot. Here is the simulate map from the iPhone: (Added more example image.) Here is the code: MKCoordinateRegion theRegion; MKCoordinateSpan theSpan; theS...

Monotouch MKMapKit - changing default map tiles

Hey I know that in the google maps API it's possible to replace the existing tiles with my own - and using their tile server - feed my own maps. i'm interested in doing this using monotouch - is there any way of doing this atm - or does anyone know of a way of achieving this any other way? w:// ...

How can I get lat from userlocation?

Hello Users, I have a little (and I hope not hard, for you ) question: How can I get the latitude and longtitude from mapView.userLocation? I need that to get the distance between userLocation and another point on the map. I hope you can help me and thank you beforehand! Best Regards, Marco ...

Refresh my mapView

Hello community, i have a mapView with pins on it, and the following code for CLLocation and getDistance between me and another points on the map: - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation{ Koordinate *kunde = [[Koordina...

Multiple annotation callouts displaying in MKMapView

Hello, Is it possible to open simultaneously more then one callout? The code: - (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:(MKMapView *)theMapView { for (id<MKAnnotation> currentAnnotation in theMapView.annotations) { [theMapView selectAnnotation:currentAnnotation animated:YES]; } } opens only one callout. ...

How can I update the MKMapView?

I can use this method to show my location at first. -(void)displayRegion:(double)latitudeDouble: (double)longitudeDouble{ CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = {latitude: latitudeDouble, longitude: longitudeDouble}; MKCoordinateSpan span = {latitudeDelta: .005, longitudeDelta: .005}; MKCoordinateRegion region = {coord, span}; ...

Zoom on userLocation

Hello, how can I zoom the map on my userLocation automatically in my app? I have the following code to zomm in the map but i must zoom on the userLocation and the following code zooms always to africa? MKCoordinateRegion zoomIn = mapView.region; zoomIn.span.latitudeDelta *= 0.2; zoomIn.span.longitudeDelta *= 0.2; zoomIn.cen...

MyAnnotation does not implement the MKAnnotation protocol

Hi, I have a warning "MyAnnotation does not implement the MKAnnotation protocol" everytime I use this: [mapView addAnnotation:annotation]; or [mapView removeAnnotation:mapView.annotations]; Someone have an idea? ...

map view inside table view cell

Hello, i have another (probably unanswered) question about map views. I have a map view inside a table view cell and i want to disable the table view scrolling if the scrolling begins in the map view. Also the zooming gesture does not function normally. It only functions if the zooming gesture is done horizontally on the iphone display. ...

Get TopLeft and BottomRight from MKCoordinateRegion MKMapView

I checked the properties in documentation for MKCoordinateRegion, MKCoordinateSpan and MKMapView to see there is a way to get the TopLeft and BottomRight Lat Long from the map view and I didn't find any. I know that the span gives me the Lat long delta but is there a way to get the actual TopLeft and BottomRight lat longs from map view w...

Are tile overlays possible with the iPhone's MapKit

I already have a tile source set up for use with the Google Maps JavaScript API. I am trying to translate this for use with the iPhone MapKit. I have correctly implemented the javascript zooming levels into mapkit. Whenever - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated is called, I snap the region to the ...

Issue with overlapping annotations (MKAnnotationView) on map

In my iphone application, I'm using MapKit with MKMapView and custom MKAnnotationView. The problem is when annotations overlap on map (in my app, annotations are photos and those photos may overlap) and when you tap on the annotation that appears on front, it's another annotation (on back) which receives the event (seems to be random). ...

How do I zoom an MKMapView to the users current location without CLLocationManager?

With the MKMapView there's an option called "Show users current location" which will automatically show a users location on the map. I'd like to move and zoom to this location when it's found (and if it changes). The problem is, there doesn't appear to be any method called when the user location is updated on the map, so I have nowhere...

contentoffset during flick gesture

Hi all, Does anyone else notice that the contentOffset of UIScrollView doesnt update during a flick gesture? It only updates after the flick gesture has totally completed, when the flick gesture is finished. After the finger has left the screen, the scrollview keeps moving, in the decelerating phase. but this isnt reflected in the co...

MKMap showing detail of annotations

I have encountered a problem of populating the description for each annotation. Each annotation works, but there is somehow an area when trying to click on it. Here is the code. the one in bold is the one that has the problem. -(void)viewDidLoad{ FlickrFetcher *fetcher=[FlickrFetcher sharedInstance]; NSArray *rec=[fetcher re...

Drawing elements on an MKMapView of a specified size in meters

I'm attempting to draw a circle around a point on a mapview, which I have successfully done, but not quite the way I wanted to. The CG methods are always going to be drawing relative to the screen size, and basically I want to draw things in meters, not pixels. Anyone have experience doing this? ...