
problem with MKMapView and navigation controller

Hi there, I have a UITableView (on a navigation controller stack) which is showing details for a custom model object. The object has an array property to hold child objects which each have a latitude and longitude property. As I am 'lazy-loading' everything from a web service API, the array of child objects is not populated until the f...

Delay the call to the delegate method - mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:

Whenever the user scrolls map or zooms in/out, this method gets called instantaneously. I want to delay the call to this method by say 2 secs. Is it possible to do that? ...

Unable to pass variables from one view to another

I have a detail view that includes three UIButtons, each of which pushes a different view on to the stack. One of the buttons is connected to a MKMapView. When that button is pushed I need to send the latitude and longitude variables from the detail view to the map view. I'm trying to add the string declaration in the IBAction: - (IBAct...

How can I pass latitude and longitude values from UIViewController to MKMapView?

I have a detail view that includes three UIButtons, each of which pushes a different view on to the stack. One of the buttons is connected to a MKMapView. When that button is pushed I need to send the latitude and longitude variables from the detail view to the map view. I'm trying to add the string declaration in the IBAction: - (IBAct...

Drop Pin on Default Google Map from My App. How???

Hi I am new to iphone development. In my application, I have address for a location in group table cell, when i click the address text in group table cell. The pin should be dropped in default google map app to the corresponding address. is there any in-built functionality available for that?.Any Idea?? ...

Draw Road Line from current location to target place.

Hi I am new to iphone development. In my application, i want to draw a road map(driving/walking mode) from current location (wherever we are in) into target place which is given by user via textfield. All things should be done inside my application. Is there any idea? or any sample? ...

Strange behaviour of MKMapView.SelectedAnnotations with MonoTouch

In short, my problem is as follows: I am adding somem custom annotations on a MKMapVIew. I want to be able to hide selected annotations when i move the map. To do that, i used the method of intercepting map touches as described here:

Overlays with MkMapView do not scroll smoothly

By overriding the drawrect of my MkAnnotationViews, I am displaying paths using CoreGraphics. The problem I have is when I zoom in pretty close and scroll the map view, the paths drawn by CoreGraphics seem to be really jumpy, as if they are updated only after a shift of three or more pixels. When zoomed out, the scrolling is perfectly sm...

MkMapView Zoom Level

I m using MkMapView with google maps.I succeed to show map view and address with annotation pin.But I want increased zoom level.How Can I Set it programmatically???? (void)showMyAddress { //Hide the keypad MKCoordinateRegion region; MKCoordinateSpan span; span.latitudeDelta=0.2; span.longitudeDelta=0.2; CLLocationCoordinate2D loca...

what is the difference between latitude, longitude and their delat values.

Hi! I'm new to the MKMapView (iPhone). I want to add several annotations to the map of Copenhagen (Denmark). I have the latitude and longitude values of different locations of the city. But I don't know how to get the longitudeDelta and latitudeDelta of these locations. I'm using the Google Map API's to calculate the latitude and longit...

MKMapView span doubling bug

Setting the region in MKMapView occasionally results in the span being doubled. This bug seems to appear early in the map initialization phase. Although it's been reported elsewhere I wasn't able to find a descent existing workaround, so I'm posting my fix here. It relies on the fact that the regionThatFits method also produces the bug. ...

remove Annotation removes random amount of annotations at a time

I've got this code to erase an annotations (pins) in my mkmapview without erasing my blue dot (userLocation). The problem is that it erasing the pins I've added in seemingly random numbers. when it's called through an IBAction it removes the first 5 then click again it removes the next 3, then the next 2, then the last one. When presse...

How to know when all pins have been plotted?

The method: - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)_mapView viewForAnnotation:(AddressNote*) annotation is called each time a pin is plotted on a MKMapView. Is there anything called once all pins have been plotted? ...

MKAnnotations are being made successfully, however they sometimes fail to render on MKMapView

I'm working on an iPhone app using the 3.1.3 SDK, my app finds the users current location, displays it on a MKMapView and then finds nearby locations and renders them as MKAnnotations. My code is working, however sometimes the nearby annotations do not appear on the map. They are still being made as I see the correct data in the console ...

iphone mapview current location

I'm able to show current location on mapview. It shows round blue color circle. When I click on the circle, it shows "Current Location". I want to show users current location as green pin. on click of pin, i want to show "My Location" annotation. How to do it. Please suggest me how to do it. ...

iPhone MKMapView force callout bubble

Is it possible to force the call out bubble to be open all the time? I tried putting the following code in didAddAnnotionViews: for (id<MKAnnotation> currentAnnotation in mapView.annotations) { [mapView selectAnnotation:currentAnnotation animated:NO]; } Which works, however, when I single tap the MKMapView the bubble dis...

MKMapView crash on removeAnnotation

I'm trying to remove annotaenter code heretion some a MKMapView but am crashing on this line: [self.mapView removeAnnotation:p]; p is an object that implements the MKAnnotation protocol and already has an annotation on that map. This is the message I'm getting when I crash: objc[46534]: FREED(id): message release sent to freed objec...

monotouch compass overlaying mapview

Hi I need to display a small compass over the mapview. Is there a standard way of achieving this? It obv needs to update as the direction the phone is pointed in changes. w:// ...

iPhone: Remove annotation from MKMapView which is in another view

I have two views. The first is a MKMapView with some annotations. Clicking a UIButton pushes a second view on the stack. This has a UITableView with a list of annotations which correspond to the map annotations. So, when you click the delete button, how can I call my MKMapView which is in another view, so that I can remove the annota...

How do I add a button to the subtitle of an MkMapView custom annotation?

Basically my program displays many annotations on a map. after the user clicks on one, It displays the title of the location. How can I add a button under the title that will display a new window with more information on the location? I would also be content with a button at the bottom of the screen that is greyed out until one location ...