
iPhone SDK: Track users location using GPS

I have a few questions about CoreLocation and GPS. First, what method in core location is used to continually get the users current coordinates? And at what interval should these be retrieved? Second, should these coordinates be pushed into a NSMutableArray each time they are received, so that the array of coordinates will represent...

iPhone Map: Distinguishing Users Location from Other Pins

I have a number of annotations on my map, in addition to the users current location. This works fine, except the default color for the users current location is the same as all of the other annotations. I'd like to make the pin green for the users current location so that it's uniquely identifiable from the other pins. How do I do this? ...

Change color of group of MKPinAnnotationView

Hi, I have several annotation pins (aprox 700) in a MapView. Is there any way I can select from an UITableView a row and change the color of a group of pins? Lets say each row representing a group of pins.. Thank you in advance! ...

iPhone: Create MKAnnotation

Can I create an MKAnnotation, or is it read only? I have coordinates, but I am not finding it easy to manually create an MKAnnotation with using setCoordinate. Ideas? ...

Creating an Drop Pin MKPinAnnotation supporting dragging like the Drop Pin in Maps App.

Hi! I wonder if it's possible to create an MKPinAnnotation in a Custom MKMapView, which answers to touch and drag just like the "Drop Pin" annotation in the Maps App. I would like a way to drop a pin at a location given by the GPS. Then let the user fine tune the exact location by touching the Pin and dragging it right, if the GPS is a...

Scaling MKMapView Annotations relative to the zoom level

The Problem I'm trying to create a visual radius circle around a annonation, that remains at a fixed size in real terms. Eg. So If i set the radius to 100m, as you zoom out of the Map view the radius circle gets progressively smaller. I've been able to achieve the scaling, however the radius rect/circle seems to "Jitter" away from the P...

iPhone: addAnnotation not working when called from another view

I have two views, the first view has an MKMapView on it named ridesMap. The second view is just a view with a UITableView in it. When you click the save button in the second view, it calls a method from the first view: // Get my first views class MyRidesMapViewController *rideMapView = [[MyRidesMapViewController alloc] init]; // Call ...

iPhone Mapkit: Annotation coordinate inconsistances when saved in core data

Here is my situation. For some reason my annotation coordinates that are saved in core data do not seem to match the coordinates that I can retrieve from the pins location on the map. So, I save my data into core data using something like: [ride setLatitude:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:newRidePlacemark.coordinate.latitude]]; [ride setLo...

How to know when MKPinAnnotationView pin callout opens/closes

I want to update pin callout (popup) subtitle either realtime, when I receive some new info from server, or at least when callout opens. So far it looks like pin + callout are created only once at... - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)aMapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation ...and then used as-is as l...

how do I get the program to Know which annotation is selected and be able to access properties of it?

So far my program can display a database of custom annotation views. Eventually I want my program to be able to display extra information after a button on the annotation bubble is clicked. Each element in the database has a unique entry Number, so I thought it would be a good idea to add this entry number as a property of the custom ann...

mkmapview cpu usage on iphone 3G

Hello all, I have some troubles with iphone 3G and Mkmapview. After a certain random time, my application freeze. When I launch with performances tool, I can see that the application a lot of time to retrieve map tiles in cache. 19.6 7006 Foundation +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) 18.5 6613 GMM GMM::TileCachePrivate::...

iphone annotations pins and buttons

Can anyone help me on how to use the - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control { method. I am trying to tell the annotation pins on my project appart and I can't figure out how. Every pin has a disclosure button but I can't figure out how the progra...

MKMapView: Getting the relative zoom ratio?

I need to get some kind of scaling factor which tells me by how much the map has zoomed (whenever the region changes). My first idea was to use the span's delta latitude or longitude values. I would keep a track of the 'old' value and then update the value when the map region changes and compare the ratio with the old value. I'm using...

Can the memory used by MKMapView be released some how?

I am using an MKMapView in my iPhone application. When I load this view, the activity monitor instrument shows that the real memory of my App is increasing significantly. It keeps going up as you move the map around or zoom in and out. Once the View controller that loads this view is removed, the memory that was allocated due to the usag...

MKMapView: Bring some annotation views above others?

I have an MKAnnotationView subclass called ImageAnnotationView. It basically displays an image on the map. I want the regular MKAnnotationView views (the default pins) to appear above the ImageAnnotationView views. This is what I've tried so far but it doesn't seem to work: - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)imapView didAddAnnotationViews:...

Linking CallOut Button to DetailView in other Tab

Hi, I have a Tab-based iPhone Application. One tab is a UITableView + DetailView, the second is a MKMapView. In the MapView I have Callouts with buttons. Those buttons, I want to link to its DetailView at the first tab. How can I do that? The Detail View has its own Controller and xib file. My MKMapView Annotation code is following: -(...

uimapview annotations ordering

i add annotation one by one but annotation may be need some overlapping but the annotation overlapping another annotation look like random. sometimes annotation 1 overlap annotation 2 sometimes annotation 2 overlap annotation 1 how can i force annotation 1 overlap annotation 2? Thank you ...

How can I tell when regionChange event on MKMapView is programatic or user-drag of map?

I have an MKMapView with a registered delegate so I can listen for region change events (specifically, regionDidChangeAnimated). I'm looking for a robust way of telling if a region change event was the result of a user dragging the map or from a programatic setRegion: request. My goal is to have an app that auto-centers the map based o...

Serialize mkcoordinateregion to store in core data?

Hi all, What is the best way to store an MKCoordinateRegion using core data? I assume there is a way to convert this to binary data somehow?? Many thanks Jules ...

How to delete all Annotations on a MKMapView

Is there a simple way to delete all the annotations on a map without iterating through all the displayed annotations in Objective-c? ...