
Track mouse position repeatedly in flex application

I have a container Canvas named "cnvList" which contains another component horizontal list "hlist". When i hover the mouse over "cnvList", it should display the current mouse position relative to the container cnvList. I have used cnvList.contentMouseX for this. But it should repeatedly track the mouse position repeatedly even when the m...

How can we capture a mouse event when it's already out of the client area?

Hi All, I have an application that has a list of buttons and has customized tooltips. Whenever the mouse hovers through the buttons, the tooltips come out and is working fine. However, I want to hide the tooltips when the mouse cursor is outside the client area. How can I tell my application that the mouse is already out of the client ...

Actionscript Retrieving BitmapData From Sprite Mouse Event

i've created a bitmap with data and placed it into a sprite so to receive mouse events. however, i'm struggling with reading the BitmapData within the sprite. function showBitmapData(e:Event):void { var bData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(video.width, video.height); bData.draw(video); var bmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bData);...

Post MouseUp alteration of datagrid!

Hi guys, I have .NET CF app, with a form that contains a datagrid which I've bound to a BindingList using a solution derived mainly from this article: I've hooked it up so that when a column header is clicked, I get the HitTest information and check for the Type. If the Type is Colu...

getting JSlider bar to move on mouse click event

Hi, I have a JSlider which shows bet sizes (for a poker game) I am trying to achieve the effect that when a mouse click occurs the slider jumps forward by a bet amount (i.e. a big blind amount) rather than just incrementing by one. If the mouse click happens to the left of the bar i want it to decrement by a fixed amount else increment...

Mouse Event BHO

I want my BHO to listen to onmousedown event of some element in a certain webpage. I have all the code that find the specific element, and in msdn its says that I need to use the get_onmousedown event. I came up with this code. CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> someElement; VARIANT mouse_eve; someElement->get_onmousedown(&mouse_eve); The que...

How to get mouse position in float or double with exact resolution?

I need to take the mouse click position in float or double, how can I do that?In mouse listener, I take the point like this, e.getPoint(); but Point object's x and y values are integer, I need position in float or double. Any help will be appreciated. Edit *I need exact resolution.* ...

how to create up/down movement of sprite with as3 with a mouse

I need to move a sprite only vertically on mouse move. How do I implement it with as3? Thanks ...

Java Robot key activity seems to stop working while certain software is running

I'm writing a Java application to automate character actions in an online game overnight (specifically, it catches fish in Final Fantasy XI). The app makes heavy use of java's Robot class both for emulating user keyboard input and for detecting color changes on certain parts of the screen. It also uses multithreading and a swing GUI. ...

Flash AS3 undefined property MouseEvent in document class

Hi guys, this is my first time trying to use document classes in AS3 and im struggling. I am trying to add event listeners to a 2 levels deep movie clip, waiting for a click however i am getting the following error. ERROR: Access of undefined property MouseEvent package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import

How do you add a click event handler to the vertical axis of a BarChart in FLEX?

Does anyone know if it is possible to add a click event handler to the vertical axis (or any axis) of a barchart in flex? If I add the handler to the BarChart itself, it looks as though the event doesn't fire unless you click on the actual chart, not the axes. Any help is appreciated, if you need more info let me know. Thanks ...

Sticky scrollbars in Flex

I have this situation with some scrollbars in my Flex app: If I click on a scrollbar and drag off the Flex stage, the bar stays focused. As I move and click around the page outside of Flex, the bar follows me. Here's a video of the problem I've tried putting an Event.MOUSE_LEAVE handler on my app but that won't fire if I mouse down and...

How to Detect Forward and Back Mouse Button Events in Delphi?

If a mouse has other buttons in addition to the standard left/right/middle (e.g. forward/back), how can we detect those button clicks in Delphi? An example of how this is used is the Internet Explorer, where the forward/back button on the side of a Logitech or MS mouse cycles forward and back between any loaded web pages. This seems to ...

Java mouse motion anywhere on screen

I'm sure this is possible but all my searching is coming up blank. In Java is it possible to register for a mouse motion event outside of a Java app? So if the mouse pointer moves anywhere on the screen I get a call back. An approximation is possible with polling MouseInfo.getPointerInfo but there must be a better way. Thanks To expla...

mouse tracking on IE

Consider the following snippet: $(document).bind('mousemove', function(e) { $('#someDiv').css({left: e.pageX+'px', top: e.pageY+'px'}); }); This should make #someDiv follow the mouse (tooltip), when the css value for "position" is set to absolute. Works as expected, except when yo...

Javascript to use mouse click-hold to navigate?

I have a scrollable div tag (overflow). Now I'd like to use mouse to click and hold and move to navigate up and down (like how the hand cursor feature in Adobe Reader works). Is there any js script to achieve this? Specifically, I'm using jquery, any jquery plugins to achieve this? ...

Not catching all mouse events with wxWidgets

Hi I am am trying to catch mouse movements for a MouseOver function in an app created with Code::Blocks using the wxSmith plugin. I have stumbled upon a puzzling problem. EVT_MOUSEWHEEL calling the function in the EventTable works well, but all other macros have no result at all. And the mousewheel is not really want I want (I just ...

are scala's mouse events working? how?

Hi, I'm trying to create link-like label in scala. But no mouse events works for me. How are they supposed to work? class Hyperlink extends Label{ text = "hyperlink" reactions += { case MouseClicked(_,_,_,_,_) => println("mouse clicked")}} I put this in some panel and click over the label like a pro minesweeper player... a...

EventDispatcher between an as and an fla?

Hi everyone. I am making a fighting game in Flash and while I have everything running, I am missing something: a victory/loss screen. Logically, I know how to do it: if character.hp < 0 { character.dead = true; dispatchevent("death", event) } My problem is that I have no idea as to how to code it. I know I will use two classes...

AS3 Access of undefined property

Hi, first of all I am completely new to AS3. I want to create a simple website, with 3 buttons. Once you click on the button, content should appear next to it. But i have trouble programming even one button. Here is the script: stop(); photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, photoclick); function photoclick(event:MouseEvent...