
assign mysql values into multidimensional array

Hi, I am trying to display a multidimensional array into html table using php nd mysql. The array structure is like below Array ( [az] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [work] => dsdsds [time] => 2:47---2:55 [total] => 8 ) ...

How to create a list inside the another list?

I would like to create a list inside another list. How can I do this? And how do I retrieve values from the list which is inside another list? ...

extracting specific value from a multidimensional hash in ruby by key name

let's say i have a multidimensional hash, and in one of the subhashes i have a key=>value pair which i need to retrieve by key. how can i do it? example hashes: h={:x=>1,:y=>2,:z=>{:a=>{:k=>"needle"}}} h={:k=>"needle"} key is always :k, and i need to get "needle" i noticed that there is no "flatten" function for hashes in ruby 1.8, ...

C++: How to make constructor for multidimensional vector?

I want to create two and three dimensional vectors using a constructor in a class. However, I do not know how for multidimensional vectors. One dimensional works: class One{ public: vector < float > myvector; One(int length) : myvector(length){} }; Two dimensional does not work: class Two{ public: v...

R : multidimensional scaling

I have several questions: 1. What's the difference between isoMDS and cmdscale? 2. May I use asymmetric matrix? 3. Is there any way to determine optimal number of dimensions (in result)? ...

2D integrals in scipy

I am trying to integrate a multivariable function in scipy over a 2d area. What would be the equivalent of the following Mathematica code? In[1]:= F[x_, y_] := Cos[x] + Cos[y] In[2]:= Integrate[F[x, y], {x, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}, {y, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}] Out[2]= 0 Looking at the scipy documentation I could only find support for one dimensional...

c# cube / multidimensional dataset

I'm working on a problem where i need to process multi dimensional data in memory using C#. My requirement resemble OLAP cubes but are not as complex. for example i don't need calculations or aggregation or stuff like that. I basically would like to reference data using multidimensional keys. for example: var key = new Key(); key["Dim1...

Mathematica ListcontourPlot3D

I have data in the form { {x,y,z,f}...} I am using ListContourPlot3D but all I get is an empty box with dimensions -1,1 in each direction. Here is my code: ListContourPlot3D[data5, PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"[Beta]", "[Omega]", "Vo"}, Contours -> {1500}]. These are the first 5 points of my data:( the whole set has 55 points) {{200,...

How to delete duplicate vectors within a multidimensional vector?

I have a vector of vectors: vector< vector<int> > BigVec; It contains an arbitrary number of vectors, each of an arbitrary size. I want to delete not duplicate elements of each vector, but any vectors that are the exact same as another. I don't need to preserve the order of the vectors so I can sort etc.. It should be a really simple...

Best way to store 3 pieces of data as a single entry

For a game server, I want to record details when a player makes a kill, store this, and then at intervals update to a sql database. The part i'm interested in right now is the best method of storing the kill information. What i'd like to pass to the sql server on update would be {PlayerName, Kills, Deaths}, where the kills and deaths ar...

Finding indexes of each element in a multidimensional array in ruby

Eg :a=[["hello", "world"], ["good", "lord"], ["hello", "lord"]] I need to find and record the indexes of each word with respect to the super-array. i.e hello => 0,2 world => 0 lord => 1,2. here's my shot ,but its very amateurish and lengthy. all_tokens=tokens.flatten all_tokens.each do|keyword| ...

multidimensional vector rotation and angle computation -- how?

Input: two multidimensional (for example dim=8) vectors a and b. I need to find out the "directed" angle (0-2*Pi, not 0-Pi) between those vectors a and b. And if they are not parallel I need to rotate vector b in plane a,b by "directed" angle L. If they are parallel, plane does not matter, but angle of rotation is still the same L. For...

php - sort and delete duplicates?

I've got an array that looks like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( num => 09989, dis => 20 ) [1] => Array ( num => 09989, dis => 10 ) [2] => Array ( num => 56676, dis => 15 ) [3] ...

How to sort a multi-dimensional array by a 4th level value in PHP

I have an array which is converted from an XML response. What I need to do is sort the array ascending alphabetically using the 'COMPANY' value. I have attempted to use array_multisort, but I'm having no luck at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the array: array(1) { ["DATASOURCE"]=> array(1) { ["MEMBER"]=> ...

How do I pass a multi-dimensional array as a GET parameter in PHP?

I have the following code. $connect = new Connection (); $response = $connect->putFile($fileName, $destination); header("Location: /test.php?response=" . $response); When I invoke header with the response, the file will stop execution, but I will have no error in the console... I am thinking maybe this array needs to be encoded for ...

php sorting a seriously multidimensional array...

I'm trying to sort a multidimensional object, and, after looking on and around here, I get that I should write a function that I can then call via usort. I'm having some trouble with the syntax. I haven't ever written something this complicated before, and trying to figure it out feels like a mindbender... I'm working with th...

Get array's key recursively and create underscore seperated string.

Hello Everyone, Right now i got an array which has some sort of information and i need to create a table from it. e.g. Student{ [Address]{ [StreetAddress] =>"Some Street" [StreetName] => "Some Name" } [Marks1] => 100 [Marks2] => 50 } Now I want to create database table like whic...

transforming flat php array into multidimensional one based on key value?

I have a flat array that I'm trying to make multidimensional. Basically, I want to find the items that have parents and create a subarray for that parent id. Right now (and this is simplified), it looks like this: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [parent] => 0 [name ] => Parent1 ) [1] => stdClass Object...

Sorting a multidimensional array in javascript.

How would you sort a multidimensional array in JavaScript? I have an array full of arrays that contain two dates and a string. I need the main array sorted by one of the date arrays, is this possible? data stucture: events = [ { date 1, date 2, string }, { date 2, date 2, string }, ] ...

PHP - How to SUM and GROUP BY a multidimensional ARRAY by a key?

I have a multidimensional array and am trying to group by a value of one the keys. So Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Edward Foo [desc_topic] => Array ( [0] => Apple [1] => Banana [2] => Orange ) [qt...