
Django - two projects using same database?

Hi, I'm working on my honor society's website, and I'm wondering if (1.) can two websites (Django projects) point to the same database, and (2.) if that's good practice. Background info: Currently there's only one website, and the users for it are for only for members. For our industry relations part (which we are developing now), we w...

Backup multiple Databases[MySQL] at 1 time?

Hi I have multiple databases need to back up daily. Currently, I am using cronjob to set a batch file to back it up. Here are my situation, I have about 10 databases need to backup, 3 of them are growing pretty fast, let me show you the current DB size: DB1 = 35 mb DB2 = 10 mb DB3 = 9 mb the rest: DBx = 5 mb My batch file code is: ...

SQL Server 2005 – How to split multiple Insert into... Output Select TOP (z)...From if (Approximate) Max number of child rows in a Transaction is known.

I have these staging tables: - Order (PK=OrderID), - SubOrder(PK=SubOrderID, FK=OrderID) and - Item(PK=ItemID, FK1=SubOrderID, FK2=OrderID). I established relationships on the client (C#.NET and copied tables to staging tables in SQL Server suing SQLBulCopy). Now I need to establish Parent/Child/Grand-Child relationships on the ser...

Linq Sum for Multiple Joins

Hi, Can someone help me out with the following Linq statement? I'm trying to get join 4 tables through Linq, group by the last table and sum a property of the first. var payments = ( from payment in db.Payments join payees in db.cmsMembers on payment.PayeeID equals payees.nodeId join paye...

How to validate ToCheckList jQuery plugin (or multiple select fields)?

Anyone ever use the toChecklist jQuery plugin? It basically turns a multi-select box into a list of checkboxes. Makes it easier for users to understand that they can choose more than one item - excellent plugin. However, I'm trying to make sure that users on my site pick at least 1 item in the list. ToChecklist has the capability of lim...

Multiple javascript frameworks in one webpage conflict

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/accordion_glam.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-latest.txt"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("a.switch_thumb").toggle(function(){ $(this).addClass("swap"); $("ul.display").fadeOut("fast", function() { $(this).fadeIn(...

Is something wrong with this MySQL query?

Hey guys, I'm trying to update a site that was coded horribly, and I think there is an error in this multiple IF statement. I've been Googling for a while and can't find any example of multiple IFs in a MySQL UPDATE query. The idea is, we want to update a certain column of the row based on a different column of the row. Here's the que...

iPhone SDK 3.2 beta and iPhone SDK 3.1.2

Hello, Currently I am using iPhone SDK 3.1.2 for developing iPhone apps. Apple has recently released iPhone SDK 3.2 beta and I want to try my hands with it. But my problem is that I want to use both versions of SDKs, 3.1.2 since I am currently developing apps and uploading on app store, 3.2 beta to start trying the new version (but Ap...

svn commit to multiple repositories

hello I have have a main project I am working on, which has several modules/directories. The main project is bound to local svn repository. however, whenever I do commit, I would like to push some modules/directories to Google code repository as well. However I only want to update from local repository. Is there a way to do it automat...

jQuery - overlapping click events... How to prevent one

I'm currently working with a click event that fires an ajax call. I'd like to leverage a small plugin which, will handle some form data validation. The problem is that both the ajax call and the validation function of the plugin will be fired on the same click event. In the end, I'd like the plugin to override the ajax function. I'm not...

Multiple Validation Scenarios for EntLib - .resx style?

Currently I've got a set of EntLib validation rules defined in my classes. The rules will later change based on the client. What I'd like to do is retain my classes, and simply call the different rule sets defined somewhere for the specific client. The functionality of this is similar to storing internationalization values in a .resx ...

How to mark multiple UITableViewCells and perform an action on marked cells?

Hello, I would like to do pretty much what the Mail Application does: that when I select Edit, instead of the usual Delete Button, Radio Buttons appear on the side that may be checked by the user, then the user may click on a Button to take an action on the marked cells(any kind of action not just delete). Is there any apple sample code...

multiple sessions are opened for one visitor

Hi, LAMP test server - only I am visiting it: I have a website and for some reason I get multiple sessions per user (browser). I am browsing the page with one browser only and I get 5-6-7-8 session files in /tmp. What can be the reason for it? Sessions are simple file based sessions. I noticed that I get multiple sessions when I upda...

HOW TO SERACH for string IN two mysql TABLES WITHOUT fulltext indexes

hi i have this query to searching for some string in two tables(download , news) and return column called title from that record. but there is something wrong with the code . its just showing result from second table in the code . and if i change tables place in the code again i'm getting result from second table ! $sql="SELECT downl...

CSS- multiple background image

Hey. I want to put multiple background image in css at different position(like at diff px. and at diff z-index.) Is that possible in body tag. i mean all images in body tag. or with diff ids.? body {background-image:url(img/banner.png); background-position: 50% 49px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#0000...

How to set width of jquuery ui datepicker with multiple months

How can I set the width of the datepicker div when showing multiple months? I've tried changing the css for .ui-datepicker-group and .ui-datepicker-multi, but when I view it in Firebug the width is overwritten. ...

c# multiple inheritance

I would like to achieve this in C# (Pseudocode) class A; class B : A; class C : A, B; ... A ac = (A)c; ... B bc = (B)c; Is this possible? ...

Using multiple accounts on a SVN server.

Right now, I have two different accounts on the same SVN server. Subversion saves the password for the last user, but seems to forget about the other one. The problem is that I need to authentificate myself everytime I switch from one project to another. Is there a way to avoid this? By the way, I'm using the default svn client on linu...

How to limit by multiple categories(dynamically taken) in one SQL statement?

Here is current SQL: It takes 70 new rows from table ads. But it doesn't take proper amount(for example 5) of rows for each mr.region_id from joined table map_regions. For example if I will add 50 ads in one region, it will take all 50 of them and leave 20 slots for the rest regions. Please help me...

MySQL insert multiple fixed length values manually

Hi there, I want to insert multiple values in a table where the value in one of the column increments sequentially. However, the sequence is a bit complex because of business requirements. The single insert would go something like this: INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES ('SU0001', 'myemail'); Now, col1 is the value that needs to ...