
More virtual hosts on one rails application

I would like to access one rails application through more virtual hosts. The different virtual hosts would differ in the database, images, stylesheets and in some cases the layout of the views. What do you recommend for realisation of serving multiple applications by one rails code, which is accessed through different virtual hosts? Edi...

Multi selection list box in WinForms

Hi I am looking for way to implement multi selection enabled list box in windows forms C#. Any suggestions? Thanks. ...

Use sed to delete a matched regexp and the line (or two) underneath it

OK I found this question: and just spent the last hour trying to write something that will match a string and delete the line containing the string and the line beneath it (or a variant - delete 2 lines beneath it). ...

jquery multiple load

Is it possible to load multiple items at once through jquery using $.load? For exmaple I may have something like this: <div id="test"> <div id="what"> </div> <div id="when"> </div> <div id="who"> </div> </div> Now say I wanted to load the div with the id of what and the id of when but not the who. is this possible? ...

Youtube Data API: Retrieving multiple Video entries by IDs in a single request

Hello everybody, I am wondering if there is a way to query YouTube for multiple random videos (video id's are known) in a single query? I am storing video id's in the local db and need to show multiple details(list with thumbs, rating, author name,etc.) in the web page. I am looking at the Youtube Data API and see that I can a single en...

Jquery: dialog box only shows once per click

Hello, I have a series of "links & divs" like these: <a class="pop" href="popup.asp?PD=12>Hotel XXX</a> <div class="details" title="Hotel XXX"></div> <a class="pop" href="popup.asp?PD=52>Hotel YYY</a> <div class="details" title="Hotel YYY"></div> ... I'm using the following javascript, and it works very nice except the fact that I c...

jQuery Toggle Show/Hide w/Multiple DIV ID's

CODE: $(document).ready(function() { $('.toggle').hide(); $('.show').click(function(){ $('.toggle').toggle('slow'); $(this).attr('src','images/checkmark2.jpg'); },function(){ $('.toggle').toggle('slow'); $(this).attr('src', 'images/checkmark1.jpg'); return false; }); }); ...

Worpdress Form Multiple Actions

Working on a wordpress administration form. I need it to go to options.php to update the database options there, but I also need to populate Resource objects within other functions as well. How would I go about doing both actions on the same submit button? <form name=adminForm method="post" action="options.php" onsubmit="UpdateResources...

OpenVPN TAP Driver Installation

I'm trying to control multiple instances of OpenVPN's TAP driver in windows via tapinstall. It seems that because all of the devices have the same HWID -- 'tap0901' -- I'm unable to remove any single one with tapinstall -- all of them disappear when i issue tapinstall.exe remove tap0901 Furthermore, when I do install another instance...

multiple session factories, one connection?

Hi all, To avoid XA overhead I prefixed some table names from project A and rolled it out to be inside the same mysql database as project B so I can use the same connection - and hope to get full atomicity etc. Project A and B though have very different session factory configs. I have a HibernateTransactionManager configured for projec...

Multiple Select type for Jeditable - In Place Editor plugin

Hi everyone, I use jeditable in my project where I dynamically update lots of different types of content: text, textarea and select. I would need a new type to meet one of my needs : a multi-select type that could be called "selectmulti". When editing the field typed "selectmulti", a select list appears and would allow users to select...

Jquery - save class state for multiple div #'s to a cookie?

Im trying to replicate a UI effect as on I have written a script that hides a div on click function and applies a class to a div with the #id corresponding to the div that was clicked, and the reverse. Im new to jquery, how would i save the state of these 'clicked' div's to a cookie to show which were hidden etc?? Than...

Multiple Accessories in UITableViewCell

I'm designing a program where in one tableView I need the following: 1 textLabel, 1 detailTextLabel, and 2 cellAcessories. The accessories will looke like the disclosureButton, except the left most one will be a minus sign and the right one will be an addition sign. When you click each acessory it will increment or decrement an integer...

How to populate dynamically generated select boxes with ajax

Hi - I haven't been able to find a solution for the particular problem I'm having with this project. I need to the following: dynamically add rows to a table that contain two select boxes AND use ajax to auto-populate the select options of the 2nd select box, based on the value of the first select box... in the respective table row (that...

sortable lists, with sortable lists...

hello there - i'm trying to have 3 levels of lists all of which are sortable & draggable into each other. Basically trying to set up an easy way to manage navigation menus with multiple levels. Its 90% there but for some reason it wont save an item into a child list. It just seems to get the parent id of the list it came from?! ie. a ...

if($ext == ('zip' || 'png')) { echo "Is it possible ?" }

Hi all :) I'm currently writing sort of a download manager and I was asking myself if that was possible: if($ext == ('zip' || 'png')) { echo "Is it possible ?" } It returns true everytime, so I guess it's not possible. But do you have an idea about how I could easily do this ? I mean, not with plenty of "if" or "switch"... Thanks an...

select multiple images from photobook library at once

hello i would like to know if there is a way to load multiple images from a photobook on the iphone in one step into an array or something like that. i've seen a iApp with this kind of feuture before, but can't remember the name of this app anymore. in this app I had the possibilty to choose the first image. after that, a menu from bel...

GWT Failure to load module '<mymodule>'

Hi, When configuring a second Entrypoint and second module in my gwt application I receive the following warning: [WARN] Unknown module requested 'iovadmin'; all active GWT modules must be specified in the command line arguments and the following error: [ERROR] Unable to find 'iovadmin.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or ...

Git push to Assembla repository from multiple machines

I'm just getting to know git and I really can't find a documented solution to the following problem. allows only one public SSH key per user. The question is, is there a way to "push" from 2 different PCs? For example, creating a separate private/public key pair and sharing it between the 2 machines just for this use would h...

Multiple Jquery Cycle Slideshows with their own Navs

Hello, I am using the Jquery cycle plugin ( on a blog listing page. There are multiple slideshows which work fine but I'd like each on the have their own previous and next. Because these are blog posts it is difficult to sign unique IDs or classes. I currently have:- $('.article .gallery').cycle({...