
convert xml to excel with multiple worksheet.

Hi.. if I export the below xml to excel 2007...i am able to get the excel sheet correctly. <Workbook> <Worksheet > <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> </Worksheet> </Workbook> But I need a workbook with more than one worksheet...How do i specify the xml in this case ? ...

Multiple UIViews, dealloc and retain

I have a small application for displaying several UIImageViews in a UIScroller in a similar fashion to the Photo app. I have a TableView which, when i select an item, parses an XML document of photos (added to an array) and adds a UIViewController which displays the images. The problem is I have a tab bar controller which, upon clickin...

Multiple file upload like orkut style with mvc..

Hai Guys, Recently i am working with mvc... Now i want to upload multiple file uploads like orkut style with mvc ... I dont know how to get started ... ...

EnumDisplaySettings reports wrong values on Win7 with Nvidia cards

I've been encountering a problem when trying to query all available resolutions on some nvidia cards under Win7. for(int i = 0; EnumDisplaySettings( deviceName.c_str(), i, &dm) != 0; ++i) reports resolution which aren't available like 866 x 650. Most supported resolutions on the other hand are missing. Changing driver/monitor setup di...

[C#] Multiple Consoles at Once

Is there an easy way to do this? I am testing my networking application using just the console for now. What would be nice is to have multiple consoles from one project and one press of the "Debug Now" menu item. I could, like I have in the past, use multiple projects but that's seems unwieldy. Ideally I could launch multiple console i...

how to use one jar that depends on another jar

suppose in my application "MyClass", I want to use class A in jar1, and some part of class A depends on some class B in jar2. If I put both jar1 and jar2 on my classpath and run MyClass, it still complains that class B can not be found. Could anybody tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot. ...

multiple select

hi I need to get all the values selected in a drop down box.Please see the example. <html> <head> <script> function getSelected() { alert(document.myform.mytextarea.value); return false; } </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <form name=myform> <select id=mytextarea size=3 multiple> <option id=one value=one> one </option> <option id...

django fixtures: load multiple fixtures on syncdb

Hi, I have a lot of things in my initial_data.json right now. I wondered if there is a way to split the data in files (by model) so that all of the files are loaded via same manage syncdb command? Thanks, Nick I recently revisited the problem, and came up with a better way of hooking code to 'real' post_syncdb signal: http://www.dja...

Win7: Monitor DC of secondary Monitor gets offset if disabling Aero

Scenario: Screen capturing on multi display machines. Capture screen of secondary monitor [which is the only affected] Turn off Aero: DwmEnableComposition(DWM\_EC_DISABLECOMPOSITION) Create a [new] DC for the secondary monitor via: m_DC->CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), _T("\\.\DISPALY2", NULL, NULL); Result: The DC will get an offset w...

server side get multiple select values

A continuation of the previous question: Is there a way to get the selected values in jsp(server side) ? ...

Running multiple functions in php

I need to run several functions at the same time. I had successfully implemented in C# by creating an ElapsedEventHandler and executing it when a timer gets elapsed. In this way I could run a number of functions at the same time (delegates). How can I do the same thing using php? ...

Multiple downloads in flex

Hello, can someone help me? I want to download files from the server side to client side without prompting a window to the user to download when any updates happen at server side. Right now I am using urlstream class but first file is downloading completely rest of the files contents downloading partially. edit Code sample taken from...

MySQL - JOIN 2 tables with 2 ID's in common

Hi, I have 2 tables that I need to get information from, and would like to get the information in one single query. The situation is this : table "matches" : id team_A_id team_B_id table "teams" : id name The objective is to retrieve information from table "matches" (football matches) and join the information with the table "team...

Curved Menu Tabs

I am trying to make rounded corners on a tabbed dynamic menu using Drupal ad the dynamic-peristent-menu module, (hence the dynamic-persistant style definitions in the code below) You can see the code and the menu is 99% right here: Can anyone make my solution 100% correct and make it so the navi_top_right...

how to connect to mutiple databases in hibernate

Hi, I am new bee to Hibernate and trying out things. One thing that seems to amuse all is how to connect to different databases? I have two questions here a) if in the same web app i need to connect to mysql and oracle how do i do it? b) i am using mysql and have two databases test1 and test2, how to connect and retrieve data? I have rea...

PHP - preg_replace with multiple matches

Let's say I have a string like: $text = "<object>item_id1a2b3</object>xxx<object>item_id4c5d6</object>" I want to convert it to: %ITEM:1a2b3xxx%ITEM:4c5d6 Here's what I've got: $text = preg_replace("/<object.*item_id([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*<\/object/","%ITEM:$1",$text); This isn't quite right, as the search is greedy. Thoughts? Than...

symfony inserting multiple records

i have problems inserting multiple records in symfony what happens is the 2nd up to the last records just updates the first record ex: $n = new Object(); // start loop until i = 5 $n->count = $i; $n->text = 'a'.$i; $n->save(); i++; //end loop after this loop theres only 1 record... count = 5, text= a5; is there a way to clear $n so...

How to Make Browser Detect Concurrent Loggin into 2 A/C

I am playing a browser based online game and is wondering how it can detect I am trying to login using 2 separate accounts on the same machine. I've tested a few things. First it is not based on detecting same IP since I can login concurrently using firefox/IE and it wont be a good idea to ban users sharing the same IP using a router (...

Multifile plugin - help

Hi, I am using Multifile plugin to select the multiple file. I am trying to get the final file count for each browser selection . Any help is appreciated. Here is the sample code i am using <html> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.MultiFile.js"></script> <script>...

Servlet - how to download multiples files from database

I look around and it seems that zipping all the files together is the way to go. If that the case this is the design I am thinking of doing. Please let me know if there is more efficient way of doing this Client select multiples file of downloading, then click Download servlet receive the requests, then do multiple SELECT (files are sa...