
How to use MVC Contrib Grid to make better table?

There are actually 2 question i want to cover in this topic. 1) Is there anyway to put table footer into a MVCContrib Grid? (tf) 2) Im writing a small code to display result image into a grid: ----------------------------------- | I || I || I || I || I || I || I | ----------------------------------- | I || I || I || I || I || I || I |...

Using MvcContrib Grid with dictionaries and lists

I have a class that contains a property-value (property bag) dictionary beside normal properties. I'd like to display a collection of this object in a table using the grid from MvcContrib. The class: public class ObjectWithPropertyBag { public string Property1 { get; set; } public string Property2 { get; set; } public Dic...

Show a nice error view in ASP.NET MVC and still cause ELMAH to send a message

I'm using the filter from MvcContrib which causes nice error pages, my own views, to be shown when an error occurs. The problem is that when that happens, ELMAH doesn't send me an email about the problem and I still would like to know that something went wrong. It seems the key is in ExceptionContext's exceptionHandled. When set to true...

how to apply css class to mvccontrib grid

I am using mvccontrib grid in mvc(C#) application. How can i apply css class to the grid thats created for the mvccontrib grid Attributes? I am looking to construct like: <table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="usertable">....</table> By default, the mvccontrib grid has the class "grid". I need to change it to my custom css...

Edit links in GridModel (MVCContrib) I've read this article and it's quite useful but I can't apply this. I don't know if in the newest MVCContrib, they removed the ".Action()" because somehow I cannot access this. Is there someway i can put the ActionLink of th...

how to tack on an extra row at the end for the mvccontrib grid?

I am using the MVCContrib Grid to display a simple shopping cart. I would like to tack on an extra row at the end for the Total? Anyone have any idea of how to do this? ...

Problem creating a custom input element using FluentHtml (MVCContrib)

Hi there, I just recently started dabbling in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and came across the wonderful MVCContrib. I had originally gone down the path of creating some extended html helpers, but after finding FluentHTML decided to try my hand at creating a custom input element. Basically I am wanting to ultimately create several custom input elemen...

How can I set attributes on <ul> tag that MvcConrib's MenuBuilder rendered?

I use this code the render the menu <% Html.Menu(GridSampleMenu.AdminMenu(Url)); %> but I don't see any option to set the id on the rendered ul tag. Are this is a known limit? ...

mvccontrib test helper and verifying http post routes and parameters

In my MVC app, I have two methods on a controller, one for when the user first arrives on the view and then one when they submit the form on said view. public ActionResult Foo() {} [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Foo(string id, Account accountToFoo) {} In the second action, there's a custom model binder that...

Making mvccontrib testhelper work with actions that get route data automapped to objects

This is ASP.NET MVC v1 (not using the v2 yet) I have a route entry like this: routes.MapRoute( "Srp", "soeg-{searchQuery}/{listingType}", new { controller = "Srp", action = "Search", listingType = string.Empty }, new { listingType = "privat|forhandler|"} ); and a...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Widgets

Hi, is it possible to create kind of widgets that are pluggable in ASP.NET MVC? I'd like to give my users the option to upload and attach a widget that I provide (ie. zip format). Recently I thought about deploying Areas in different project assemblies. Is it still possible with MVC RC2 (later RTM) and is there an option to dynamically ...

MvcConrib Grid's Sortable property don't seems to to do any effect

I need a way to generate the header texts in the grid as sortalbe link. Do I need to use custom renderer to get this behavior? ...

MVC Contrib VerificationException

Hello all. I have read this post and I wanted to use ControllerExtensions.RedirectToAction method. But I have System.Security.VerificationException Which says: type argument '[MyController type]' violates the constraint of type parameter 'T'. My controller is declared as follows: public class ProductsSearchController : Controller ...

MvcContrib Windsor Setup Component With Parameter

I am using the MvcContrib library with Castle Windsor and I am having a problem with setting a parameter when I register a component. I have the following interfaces for classes that wrap a DataContext. I want to be able to specify which DataContext to use for different services because I am connecting to several databases to retrieve ...

Asp.NET MVC strong typed controllers

I saw somewhere code like this: return View(x=>x.List()); Instead of return View("List"); What do I need to achieve this ? I'm using MVC 2 RC 2 EDIT I do not mean strong typed views Next example return this.RedirectToAction(c => c.Speaker()); ...

Can footers be added to MVCContrib grids?

I'd like for my column header to also be footers using MVCContrib grid. How can I add footers? <% Html.Grid(Model).Columns(col => { col.For(c => c.sub_id).Named("Id"); col.For(c =>"Name"); col.For(c =>"Group"); col.For(c => c.insurance_GL).Named("Insurance").Format("{0:d}"); }).Attributes(id => "list").Re...

Is MVC Contrib Grid part of Asp.Net MVC 2.0?

Is it part of Asp.Net MVC 2.0. If not then does Asp.Net MVC 2.0 ship with in built GridView support? ...

How to set the "float" style using FluentHtml in MVCContrib

I'm working in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 using MvcContrib FluentHtml version 1.0. The following code doesn't work because float is a C# keyword. <%= this.TextBox(m => m.Name).Styles(float => "left") %> How do I define the "float" css style using the Styles method in FluentHtml? ...

Inclusion Handling in MVC 2 / MVCContrib

I'd like to improve my page by combining and minifying javascript and CSS files. Since MVCContrib already contains a project called IncludeHandling, I took a look at that which unfortunately left me with unanswered questions: There is quite a set of interfaces and objects involved in the process. Now I'm using Ninject.Mvc, but it seems ... MVC 2, MvcContrib, and a base controller with redirect actions

I've got a base controller that takes a couple generics, nothing overly fancy. public class SystemBaseController<TForm, TFormViewModel> : Controller where TForm : class, IForm where TFormViewModel : class, IViewModel ok, no big deal. I have a method "CompleteForm" that takes in the viewModel, looks kinda like this ... pu...