
MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine tutorial(s)

Hi! I am studying the CodeCampServer. I am confused about the ASP.NET MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine. Are there any tutorials about the RulesEngine of the MvcContrib? Or can anybody of you explain me how does this work and what benefits I gain? ...

How do I combine MVCContrib's "Rescue" with Elmah?

I got the Rescue attribute working. It properly serves up the DefaultError view when there is an unhandled exception. However, these exceptions will not get logged or emailed. This SO question is answered by Atif Aziz and it looks pretty solid, but it applies to the built-in HandleErrorAttribute, which Rescue replaces, right? How do I g...

asp mvc unit test HttpContext.Current.Cache?

Here is the first part of my controller code: public class ControlMController : Controller { IControlMService _controlMservice; public IList<User> Users { get { if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["users"] == null) { System.Web...

How do I retrieve row ID from an MVCContrib HTML Grid?

Hi, I currently have a product view page that contains an MVCContrib HTML Grid with a select link at the beginning of each row. If the select link is clicked, it takes me to a different page. My question is whether it is possible to retrieve the productID from the row that is selected and pass that to the next page. Maybe this is pos...

MVCContrib input builder vs MVC 2 editor templates.

Is there any comparison? Pros and cons? ...

is there a difference between HttpPost AcceptPost and PostOnly attributes from mvc2 and mvccontrib

is there a difference between HttpPost from mvc2 and AcceptPost, PostOnly attributes from mvccontrib ? ...

MVC Portable Areas not working with Typed views

When using MvcContrib Portable Areas I can't get the strongly typed views to work. I get the error message 'Could not load typeSystem.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<blah> I've tried with built in types to check if it's an error with my type. ...

ASP.NET MVC Futures 2 and MVCContrib 2 in the same web app / project

I have referenced both Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll (MVC Futures 2) and MVCContrib.dll (from MVC Contrib 2), both current releases from Codeplex and I have a problem with strongly-typed RedirecToAction<>() function of Controller. It worked fine until I referenced Futures 2.. This is the compile time error. Apparently this function is implemen...

How is other content besides views handled with PortableAreas from the MVCContrib library?

I have seen blog entries like ASP.Net MVC Portable Areas - Part 2 that indicate that the build action for views must be set to Embedded Resource. What about other content such as images and CSS? Should they be set to Embedded Resource as well? Will the PortableArea ViewEngine pull that content out as well? ...

MVCContrib Testing Route with Areas

Hi, I am using MVC 2 with Area. To test routing, I am using MvcContrib. This is the testing code: [Test] public void Home() { MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); "~/".ShouldMapTo(x => x.Login("Nps")); } I am not sure how to call routing definition that are stored in Areas. Calling AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAre...

where to find a windsor controller factory for mvc 2 ? There is no mvccontrib.castle.dll anymore o_O

I was using WindsorControllerFactory from mvccontrib.castle lib until now, after i migrated to mvc 2 it doesn't work anymore, I've downloaded the latest mvccontrib release and no factories in there ...

who's faster mvc2's Templated Helpers or mvccontrib's Input Builders

anybody knows which ones works faster ? ...

MVC + Repository Pattern - Still depends on Data Model?

I've started a project for school in which I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 + LINQ2SQL, and a business layer so my UI doesnt interact with the DB directly. My question is this: In my MVC project, when bringing up views and passing around data, I still have to include my Data project for access to the classes in my Linq2Sql project. Is this corr...

MvcContrib Test Helper problem

I am using MVC2 with MvcContrib HelpTester. I have problem with testing Controllers which are in Areas. Here is my Test class : [TestFixture] public class RouteTests { [TestFixtureSetUp] public void Setup() { RouteTable.Routes.Clear(); MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.R...

How to display invalid call exceptions from fluent controller in MVCContrib?

How can I pass the exception thorwn by the action in MVCContrib.FluentController CheckValidCall(action)? [ExportModelStateToTempData] public ActionResult Index(int itemId, int page) { return CheckValidCall(() => MyService.GetResults(itemId, page)) .Valid(x => View(x)) .Invalid(() => RedirectT...

MvcContrib Grid - AutoGenerateColumns possible with complex objects?

I like MvcContrib Grid's AutoGenerateColumns feature, however it only seems to work with simple objects. Is it possible to get it to traverse the properties of a complex object? Or is it neccesary to do this manually with column.For()? An example would be a User object that has an Address object as one of its properties. ...

MvcContrib CheckBoxList

Hi guy’s, May be some one could explain that behavior: I am using CheckBoxList from the latest version of MvcContrib When my page is loading first time - I am simply return my view return View(Product.GetProduct(productId)); and all seams to be fine. All html simple controls populated successfulenter code herely, including checkboxlist...

MvcContrib Portable Areas View Intellisense?

I've started using Portable Areas from the MvcContrib project. Everything works great with the exception of Visual Studio Intellisense. Has anyone been able to get their View intellisense to work... Html. <-- does not exist in the current context. I'm also not able to get intellisense on any of the models created in the same project......

MvcContrib Grid and Display/Edit Templates

Has anyone come across a good solution for using ./Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates and ./Views/Shared/EditTemplates with the MvcContrib.UI Grid? I guess I could wireup a CustomItemRenderer, but I would much rather be able to do something like: <% Html.Grid<Person>(Model.People) .Sort(new GridSortOptions {Column = Model.Column, D...

MVCContrib grid - select row

I have a MVCContrib grid that shows selected properties from an Account object. I want the user to select a row and be taken to another page to view the full properties of the object represented by the row they clicked. How do I add a .Selected action to the rows of the grid? ...