
How to nest xsl:for-each selec

HI! My XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- Edited by XMLSpy® --> <Dokument> <Skupina id="3"> <Naziv_skupine>RAZSTAVNI PROSTOR</Naziv_skupine> <Dvorana id="295"> <Naziv_dvorane>DVORANA C</Naziv_dvorane> <Postavka id="41"> <Artikel>1105</Artikel> </Postavka> ...

Nested grids and listviews data binding problem

Here is the scenario. I have a telerik radgrid which loads a user control inside nested template. An id gets binded in the declaration. The user control (Control1) contains a listview. Inside the item template for the listview, there is another user control which also 2 IDs databinded. ClientId and ServiceId. This user cootrol (Contro...

3 Level Nested Listviews howto

I need to have nested listviews (3 levels - main -> item details -> each detail) I would like to use user controls inside as templates. Each listview must have add/edit/delete commands I keep getting Invalid postback or some other errors and want to see what is the right way to do this? ...

searching within nested list in python

I have a list: l = [['en', 60, 'command'],['sq', 34, 'komand']] I want to search for 'komand' or 'sq' and get l[1] returned. Can I somehow define my own matching function for list searches? ...

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock and nested server controls

I'm using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock on PreRender in a nested Server Control environment. The script does not get written to the page, does anyone know why this happens? protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(System.Web.UI.Page), "FMMedia", ...

RoR - Rendering nested errors on XML

Good afternoon, I'm trying to render as XML the complete ActiveRecord error list, problem is when you do something like: respond_to do |format| format.xml { render :xml => @object } end It does not render nested attributes if you don't say so, so either: you should create a template or calling explicity to_xml method and using ":i...

mass_assign, virtuell attributes, nested tables, attr_accessible, accepts_nested_attributes_for, action=>update

Hello, I don't understand the workaround with the virtuell attribute. Form Railsforum by Duplex URL: His solution: > def type_helper self.type end def type_helper=(type) self.type = type end < My application is based on RailsCast part 73,74,75 complex_forms I have two models...

jquery: tricky selector question

hi i'm having this markup: <div id="main"> <div nam="item">1</div> <div nam="item">2</div> <div> <div nam="item">3</div> <div nam="item">4</div> <div nam="item">5</div> </div> <div nam="item">6</div> <div nam="item">7</div> </div> i'm now selecting only the direct child ...

Nested Server Controls to allow nested html

Does anyone know how to make nested server controls accept nested html without "injecting" it out from serverside, ie. <uc1:CustomServerControl runat="server"> <NestedControl></NestedControl> <NestedControl2></NestedControl2> </uc1:CustomServerControl> but to do this: <uc1:CustomServerControl runat="server"> <div> ...

Programmatically define a nested masterpage's master, Is it possible?

Currently I have a site that is set up using a masterpage and a nested master page. The master page setups up the header and footer info. The nested masterpage is used once logged into the site. The issue I have is that I want to programmatically load a different masterpage to define different header and foot info. I don't think I ...

C++ nested macros?

Is there any way, in C++, to define nested macros/constants within a class, in a similiar fashion to nested typedefs, or a method to acheive similiar functionality? The motive is generally for the macros to be used by templates. class SomeClass { public: #define SomeConstant 123 }; int x=SomeClass::SomeConstant; Ofcourse, static ...

PHP RegExp for nested Div tags

I need a regexp I can use with PHP's preg_match_all() to match out content inside div-tags. The divs look like this: <div id="t1">Content</div> I've come up with this regexp so far which matches out all divs with id="t[number]" /<div id="t(\\d)">(.*?)<\\/div>/ The problem is when the content consists of more divs, nested divs like ...

RoR: before_save on nested object in form?

I have a form with a nested object (customer < order), and it works except that it keeps creating a new customer record. I'd like to have it check to see if an existing customer is already present in the database (using the customer's email address to search), and if so, just attach the order to the existing record, but if not, contin...

How to flatten a List of different types in Scala?

I have 4 elements:List[List[Object]] (Objects are different in each element) that I want to zip so that I can have a List[List[obj1],List[obj2],List[obj3],List[obj4]] I tried to zip them and I obtained a nested list that I can't apply flatten to because it says: no implicit argument matching parameter type. How can I solve this? should...

Nested link_to_function/insert_html does not work

Here is a simple example of the problem. In short, if you have a index.rhtml with: <%= link_to_function "A link to insert a partial with nested insert_html" do |page| page.insert_html :top, :with_a_nested_insert_html, :partial => 'example_partial_with_nested_insert_html' end %> And a _example_...

Saving nested XML in C#

I've go the following XML file... <A> <B> <C>ValueX</C> <D>ValueY</D> </B> </A> Which I read into a DataSet to display it in a DataGridView. DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable t = new DataTable("B"); ds.Tables.Add(t); t.Columns.Add("C", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("D", typeof(string)); // bind to DataGridView ds.Rea...

Nested Sortable JQuery list doesn't work in IE while it does in FF

Hello everybody, While I'm using this site quite often as a resource for jQuery related problems I can't seem to find an answer this time. So here is my first post. During daytime at work I'm developing an informationsystem for generating MS Word documents. One of the modules I'm developing is for defining a default chapterselection fo...

How to Decompress nested GZip (TGZ) files in C#

I am receiving a TGZ file that will contain one plain text file along with possibly one or more nested TGZ files. I have figured out how to decompress the main TGZ file and read the plain text file contained in it, but I have not been able to figure out how to recognize and decompress the nested TGZ files. Has anyone come across this p...

Is there a SQL Server 2008 method to group rows in a table so as to behave as a nested table?

This could turn out to be the dumbest question ever. I want to track groups and group members via SQL. Let's say I have 3 groups and 6 people. I could have a table such as: Then if I wanted to have find which personIDs are in groupID 1, I would just do select * from Table where GroupID=1 (Everyone knows that) My problem is I h...

How to call IsDialogMessage in a Modal Dialog

In my Win32 app, I had a modal dialog that displays settings that I had to add more settings to. In order to fit the new settings, I dropped a TabCtrl in the dialog and implemented two modeless dialogs. The UI is working switching between them but the modeless dialogs don't respond to the keyboard. In a regular app, IsDialogMessage (hW...