
Is there a way to get the function a decorator has wrapped?

Suppose I have @someDecorator def func(): '''this function does something''' print 1 Now, the object func is an instance of someDecorator. Is there some way I can access the function it holds, i.e something like func.getInnerFunction(). For instance, if I need to retrieve the doc string of func(). ...

Sharing App_Code and master pages with nested ASP.NET applications

Is it possible to share the App_Code directory and master pages with a nested application? I have a third-party newsletter application installed in my web app and I want it to share the same look and feel as the "parent" application. When I try, though, I get an error saying that the child application can't reference any of the exterio...

a xsd general tree structure, to be compiled to object model with xsd.exe

hi, say i want my xml to include any number of CONTAINER tags, which every one of those to include yet again any number of container tags, and so on. how would the xsd look like? p.s. i want this xsd to be compiled to classes. thank you very much. ...

Sybase 15 performance issue

I am working with Sybase 15 in my application and there is performance issue related with nested joins. I have stored procedure which selects 2 columns from 2 tables and compares equalities of over 10 columns between this 2 tables. But when I run this stor. proc., the result takes 40 minutes. I added "set merge-join off" statement to top...

jquery - Collapsing / Expanding divs?

Trying to create collapsible / expandable divs using jQuery, but it's not working for me at all... Each h3 should expand/collapse the div beneath it, and I'm not sure why this isn't working... Granted, is a heavily nested div, but I thought that the script below would find the uforms class regardless of how much other markup is on the...

Is LINQ Join operator using Nested Loop, Merge, or HashSet Joins?

Hello Does anyone know what Join algorith does LINQ performs with its Join operator. Is it NestedLoop, Merge, or HashSet? Is there any way to specify a different one, if supported? Regards Albert ...

Find element and add class (jQuery)

<ul> <li><a href="#">LEVEL 1</a> <ul> <li>...</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">LEVEL 1</a> <ul> <li>...</li> </ul> </li> </ul> I have a nested list and I want to use jQuery to add class to the LI that containts A>LEVEL 1 based on this condition: if a nested UL exists AFTER UL LI A, ...

How can I solve an ODE without using nested functions?

I have some differential equations that I need to solve using MATLAB's ODE solvers. While the differential equations themselves are fairly simple, they depend on a lot of "constants". These constants aren't universal, and need to be supplied by the caller. An example ODE of this sort would be: dx/dt = -j * (k + x) ./ (l + x) Where j,...

Prevent Duplicate Borders on Nested Table (border-collapse not working)

I have been searching the net about border-collapse. And it seems it does not really collapse the border on nested table. I wrote a sample HTML and it seems to be ignoring border collapse. I found a related question here but it seems it is not solved. link text <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>dsafhidsljfalkdsjfklsdajfkjsdakl jdsfjasd...

Should I refactor static nested classes in Java into separate classes?

I have inherited code which contains static nested classes as: public class Foo { // Foo fields and functions // ... private static class SGroup { private static Map<Integer, SGroup> idMap = new HashMap<Integer, SGroup>(); public SGroup(int id, String type) { // ... } } } From reading SO (e.g. http://...

Does C# have an equivalent of Java static nested class?

I am converting Java into C# and have the following code (see discussion in Java Context about its use). One approach might be to create a separate file/class but is there a C# idom which preserves the intention in the Java code? public class Foo { // Foo fields and functions // ... private static class SGroup { ...

Deep Nested XML

I am trying to display a list of items in a datagrid from an XMLList. <Series no="1"> <file> <filenum>1</epnum> <prodnum>4V01</prodnum> <title>Series #1 - File #1</title> </file> <file> <filenum>2</epnum> <prodnum>4V02</prodnum> <title>Series #1 - File #2</title> </file> </...

Ruby on Rails: Nested Attributes, belongs_to relation

Hello guys, I hope you can help me. I have a User entity that has a Current Location field (city and country). To old this info I created an entity called Location which has_many Users. I'm not entirely sure if I should put in the User model "has_one" or "belongs_to", but for what I read if I wanted it to have the foreign key of the lo...

Mysql SELECT nested query, very complicated?

Okay, first following are my tables: Table house: id | items_id | 1 | 1,5,10,20 | Table items: id | room_name | refer 1 | kitchen | 3 5 | room1 | 10 Table kitchen: id | detail_name | refer 3 | spoon | 4 5 | fork | 10 Table spoon: id | name | color | price | quantity_available | 4 | spoon_a | white | 50 | 100...

Nested class' access to enclosing class' private data members

I'm having trouble implementing a nested class who's constructor is initialized with some of the enclosing class' private data members. Example: Header File: class Enclosing { //...Public members //...Private members int x, int y class Inner; // Declaration for nested class }; Impl. File: // Stuff... class Enclosing::Inner...

operator= (T *r) in nested templates

Hi everybody. I have a problem concerning nested templates and the overriding of the assignment operator. Say i want to have a refcounting class template _reference. This _reference for now simply holds a pointer to the ref-counted object. The problem now is that this all works fine, as long as im doing this with simple classes or str...

java nested while loop using readline

I'm confused. I'm trying to loop though 2 files looking at the first token in every line of the first file and comparing it to the third token of every line of the second file. Here is the logical structure in the form of a nested while loop: BufferedReader reader1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fromFile1...

Boost multi-index container with index based on nested values

If I have an object like this: struct Bar { std::string const& property(); }; I can create a multi-index container for it like this: struct tag_prop {}; typedef boost::multi_index_container< Bar, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag<tag_prop>, boost::multi_index...

Nested Server Controls

I've got a server control that contains nested server controls, <uc1:ArticleControl runat="server"> <HeadLine></HeadLine> <Blurb></Blurb> <Body></Body> </uc1:ArticleControl> Code: [ToolboxData("<{0}:ArticleControl runat=server></{0}:ArticleControl>")] [ParseChildren(ChildrenAsProperties = true)] public class ArticleCon...

How do I get a ComboBox SelectionChanged event to fire from a nested ListBoxItem?

This is a rather complex problem that has me really confused right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The Setup: ListBox of Type A UserControls ->ListBoxItem of Type A UserControl -->ListBox of Type B UserControls --->ListBoxItem of Type B UserControl ---->ListBox of Type C UserControls ----->ListBoxItem of Type C UserCon...