
C++ programming for HTTPS

Hi, I am a C++ programmer new to HTTPS. I need to write a COM based windows service in C++ which can handle HTTPS requests. But for that I would need to understand how the technologies and protocol fit together. I understand this is a very open ended question but my intent is to find some documentation that introduces a C++ programmer ...

How can I monitor user bandwidth of applications?

Hi all, I developed an application through which client can upload and download files to server. Now, I want to allocate the complete bandwidth of client when he upload or download files through my application. My client end is Adobe flash builder and cpp at server side. Any one can help me so that my client can do file transfer ...

Is there a Java client that supports Telnet RFC2217 (to communicate with COM ports over a network connection)?

This should be simple, very simple, but I'm having a hard time with it. Problem I'm looking for an open source project, in java, that will communicate using the RFC2217 protocol. I find no shortage of Java RFC2217 Terminal Servers but I need a client. If all these people are writing servers, someone has to have written a client! Righ...

Winsock and other network possibilities in Windows

Hi, on windows, is there any other option when programming network communication then using Winsock? There are many socket libraries for c++, are they all just winsock based? ...

How does MW2 hide connection information from netstat?

Today I was playing Modern Warfare 2. I was hosting ground war. There were something like 20 people playing. A notoroius blatant hacker joined. I wanted to get rid of him. My idea was to start adding ports to my firewall to find him and block him out. When I opened up netstat this is what I found. The last entry is immediately af...

A JAVA API to look at the winpcap files

Hello guys I am capturing a network traffic and need to analyse the captured traffic. I recommended to find a JAVA API and I found the jNETpcap. I just wonder if any one has any experience related to this or have worked with jNETpcap. Any help would be much appreciated. Regards Somayeh ...

Help with in-App Purchase timeout

Hello, I've designed my In-App purchase to work perfectly thanks to the well-written in-App Purchase Programming Guide. Unfortunately, I have run into one last snag. My app runs entirely offline except for this one purchase - so I'm hoping there's a simple solution without having to implement tons of net code. Basically, if I try to ...

Is there a pattern to synchronize data lists over network?

I've got a server app that offers data to a number of clients over network. You can imagine the data as a huge list of strings. The data on the server may change and need to be synchronized on all clients. I'm currently using this approach: On initial connection, a client app requests all current data (which may be a lot of bytes). Then...

unix select() call: how to combine fd_sets?

I am writing an application in C for linux, which uses 2 separate third-party libraries. Both libraries are asynchronous and use select(). They also provide an API which returns the file descriptors they wait on. My intention is to pass these into my own select() and then return control back to whichever library when their own fd values ...

C CGI Program: how to print dynamically?

Hello I am new to CGI programming in C. What I'm looking to do is, per the title, print things dynamically. For instance, consider this code that prints out a bunch of numbers: int main() { long int l=0; printf("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii\n\n"); while(1) { printf("%li ", l); if (...

Displaying UIActivityIndicator while performing a SYNCHRONOUS download

I am downloading XML to populate an array used to build UITableView. Until I'm informed otherwise, I believe I have to completely download the array before I can display it in the table (also it's text only and extremely small, so it downloads in a reasonable time on the slowest possible connection). It does take about 3-5 seconds at it'...

real time network usage statistics monitoring/capture?

Hi, I would appreciate any advice from experience from the community regarding the following challenge I've given myself - i.e. any pointers re best approach / direction here? Requirements Allow collection / real-time-monitoring of network usage from a users Windows PC to a specific set of IP addresses (or DNS names), on a per applic...

Trying to anticipate behaviour of .NET TcpClient.GetStream() regarding ephemeral port usage in multithreaded environment

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has experience of this... I'm in the process of multithreading a currently serial process that makes request via a .NET TCPClient to a remote server. We know connect to the remote server on the same port via multiple threads, as we have several instances of the serial processing application running connecti...

multiple outstanding requests

I don't really understand the expression "multiple outstanding requests". could you please give me an example? what is an outstanding request? what is the oposite of an "outstanding request"? ...

vb6 winsock control RemoteHostIP truncates the last digit from IP address

Hi i am writing a socket client/server application in VB6. i have the following code Private Sub sockMain_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long) If sockMain.State <> sckClosed Then sockMain.Close End If sockMain.Accept requestID Debug.Print "Accepted connection from: " & sockMain.RemoteHostIP & vbCrLf End...

Writing a dummy Network Shared Printer

I want to write a dummy printer driver which appears as a shared printer on a LAN and can accept print jobs; so when its installed on a computer other computers in the LAN can browse and add it as a usual shared network printer and send print jobs to it. I want to do this in c#, are there any better suggestions? Can anyone tell me any i...

Beginner Programming

I am a Mechanical Engineer with no experience in programming. I have been given a project to try to stream data from a machine device to a web based or stand alone client application. The idea is to monitor the actions of this machine and its ability to execute commands properly. The device will be connect to an adapter and agent via ...

On Linux: how can I programmatically determine if a NIC interface is enabled and plugged in?

I want to determine if a network card is enabled, up, and plugged in. Basically, I want to know if the network card will work. I need this information from with a C++ program, and would like to display an error message when the network isn't working properly. If possible I would like to avoid using shell commands to determine this inform...

Any open source server based on ACE framework?

Hi, anyone aware on open source project that uses ACE as the framework? Thanks, I. ...

Unexplainable behavior in C. Odd vs Even number of strings

So I have a problem that I can not figure out. I am writing some code in C. I kept winding up with issues where reading from the network would seemly randomly work. I finally traced it down to the number of strings in the code. I cant believe it but I have verified it pretty in depth. The code base is rather massive so I am not sure o...