
Best way to create a network GUI for a router?

I have a router which shows its neighbor routers on the CLI. I am thinking of using this info and creating a GUI out of it which would display a network with nodes and links between them. And some info alongside the node to display IP/hostname etc. My first goal is to get this running. Once I have this, I want to be able to add a node t...

Which FTP transfer modes are widely used?

Reading the FTP RFC (RFC959), I notice some modes that I've never seen used, and indeed don't seem to be implemented by popular FTP software (vsftpd for example). In particular, for the STRU command, only file mode "STRU F" is commonly used, and for the MODE command, only stream mode "MODE S" is commonly used. So the question is, when ...

How to transfer a binary file or any file to a remote server? - Ruby

The situation is that I'm trying to write a server script that accepts file transfers from a client. I figured out how to make and connect to and from the server using the TCP protocol. However I was wondering how do you transfer a binary file in ruby? I mean you can open a binary file, but what steps are necessary to be able to transfe...

Possible to create WinForm apps in VB.NET that can access an intranet?

Hello, I'm not looking for a solution, rather I just want to know if this is possible or not with VB.NET (which I'm still just a beginner on). What I'm looking to develop is a WinForm application that allows users within the company network to share files and other information. Is this possible? Thanks. ...

file_get_contents(): No such host is known error

hi experts, when i am using file_get_contents function to get the url in to string i am getting the following error. how can i solve this in my localhost ? $contents = file_get_contents(""); file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. than...

VB.Net - Networking method for client/server game

Hi All, My first question so go easy on me :) I've been developing for years and have written WAY too many apps (mostly web apps) using web services - I'm happy with SOAP/WSDL/etc... I also used to write TCP/IP client-server apps back in the day using good old winsock. I'm a bit bored and looking for a new project to expand my skills ...

Detect CPU Speed/Memory/Internet Speed using Java?

Is it possible within Java to identify the total CPU speed available as well as the total system memory? Network connection speed to the web would also be awesome. ...

Modem on /dev/ttyS0 can no longer be seen on my linux CentOS

Linux no longer can see a modem on /dev/ttyS0 I'm having a problem here, I have a modem that worked on a linux machine perfectly. Suddenly, it doesn't work any more. Linux doesn't see it using the wvdialconf command. The dialup modem is hooked up through the serial port (/dev/ttyS0). I use wvdialconf to have it work correctly. What c...

Resolve Windows drive letter to a path (subst and network)

I wonder if there is a universal way of resolving a path using a drive letter (such as X:\foo\bar.txt) into its equivalent UNC path, which might be one of the following: X:\foo\bar.txt if X: is a real drive (i.e. hard disk, USB stick, etc.) \\server\share\foo\bar.txt if X: is a network drive mounted on \\server\share C:\xyz\foo\bar.txt...

Interface with remote computers using Python

I've just become the system admin for my research group's cluster and, in this respect, am a novice. I'm trying to make a few tools to monitor the network and need help getting started implementing them with python (my native tongue). For example, I would like to view who is logged onto remote machines. By hand, I'd ssh and who, but how...

High latency for linux network app

Hi there, I am playing around with linux network programming and I wrote a little client server app which bounces a small message between a client and a server process and measures the round trip time. Consistently I see around 80ms for localhost round trip (this is after connection setup). This seems extraordinarily high. The same mach...

Specify which DNS servers to use to resolve hostnames in .NET

Hi, I'd like to know if there's any way to force the System.Net.Dns class to resolve hostnames using a set of custom DNS servers instead of using the ones that are associated with the main network connection. I suspect that this is only possible using a custom library like DnDns (, but I was hoping this could ...

ip_len set to very large values

I have a program that sets the network interface to promiscuous mode, creates a socket that receives all incoming packets, and then enters a loop to read a packet into a buffer, set a pointer to the location of the IP header, and then print the value of its ip_len field. The problem is that the printed values are impossibly high. The rea...

locked s3db-journal

Hi, a few days we had a strange error with sqlite. We use a sqlite database on a network share with several computers accessing it. Our client reported, that the database is gone. A quick overview showed, that the database was still there but no computer could access it. It also showed a s3db-journal file indicating that someone is/was ...

Ruby - How to do DSCP marking in packets?

I have a need to mark packets with DSCP markers for testing a product, but I'm not seeing a way to do this directly. Am I just missing something, or do I really need to start learning network programming in C to get this done? Or, which may be easier, is there a program out there (for Linux) that will send data with DSCP markers better...

Linux Network Interface Usage Monitoring in C/C++

I am in a situation where I am extremely bandwidth limited and must devote most of the bandwidth to transferring one type of measurement data. Sometimes I will be sending out lots of this measurement data and other times I will just be waiting for events to occur (all of this is over a TCP socket). I would like to be able to stream o...

How do PHP's p* connect methods work?

My understanding is that PHP's p* connections is that it keeps a connection persistent between page loads to the service (be it memcache, or a socket etc). But are these connections thread safe? What happens when two pages try to access the same connection at the same time? ...

Mesh networks resources

Anyone got any pointers to good resources concerning mesh networks? Maybe I'm not even using the correct terminology. I need to write an app that has multiple agents on various machines, and each agent must have knowledge of and be able to communicate with the others. A type of P2P application perhaps? I'm really looking for some archit...

Simulating a network down to particular process

I am trying to simulate a scenario where connection to the server of one process is down while the connection to another server is up. Just pulling the network cable won't work in my case since I need another process connection to stay up. Is there any tool for this kind of job? I am on Windows. Thanks! ...

Securize a web-app with the mac adress

I'd like to know if it's possible to get the mac adress of a client with a javascript, It would be a good way to securise web-app. (eg. Limit one license p/ Mac Adress) ...