
2-legged OAuth and the Gmail atom feed

We're trying to get 2-legged OAuth to work with the Gmail atom feed. We're using the Java library contributed by John Kristian, Praveen Alavilli and Dirk Balfanz. [http://oauth.net/code/] instead of the GData library. We know we have the correct CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET, etc. becuase it works with the Contacts feed (http://www....

Soundcloud API, PHP, and OAuth

Hi guys. I'm building a site, and I need to query my last two tracks from my soundcloud account and display them on my page. I've read the Soundcloud API documentation but it seems obscure and far from my reach. I've installed the PHP library for using the API and Oauth, and set up my SoundCloud application to get my Consumer Keys, but I...

Twitter Oauth home timeline display with php

$hometime= $Twitter->get_statusesHome_timeline(); Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'SimpleXMLElement::__construct() expects parameter 1 to be string <?php include 'EpiCurl.php'; include 'EpiOAuth.php'; include 'EpiTwitter.php'; include 'key.php'; $Twitter = new EpiTwitter...

Vimeo x Ruby OAuth issues

Setting my domain pointing locally to a rails app for development, just can't get authorized using the oauth gem (v.0.3.3, not even mentionning the latest 0.4). Everything works smoothly almost the same way with Twitter; I might miss a bit something here, so if anybody had experienced the same problems; thx in advance. ...

How do I authenticate a Twitter user and access the API without leaving my iPhone app?

I'd like to allow users to send out Tweets from my iPhone app. That's all the functionality I need at the moment. From what I know of the Twitter API, there's a standard authentication mechanism, which allows the developer to include the user's name and password in the request string that the application sends to Twitter. This method w...

Using oauth with wordpress

I am creating a twitter plugin for wordpress and I was told that when using oauth you can't really make the plugin act natively because each time the user installs the plugin they have to add their own twitter api credentials because of the callback url. Is this correct? Or is there a workaround for this? Thanks for your help in advan...

Using Twitter OAuth for automatic status update

I want my website to automatically post status updates to a particular twitter account using OAuth in PHP. I test this using a URL www.mysite.com/update_status but it asks me for "user name" and "password", which is fine when I am testing it. But my website will not be able to insert this user name and password before posting the stat...

DotNetOpenAuth DesktopConsumer with GData help needed

Hi folks, I am trying to get DotNetOpenAuth's DesktopConsumer to work with Google, with not much success actually... Here is what I am doing (reduced to essential code parts): myApp = new DesktopConsumer(google, tm); var extraParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "scope", GetScopeUri(Applications.Calendar) }, }; Authori...

Vimeo Desktop App OAuth

Hi Guys, I'm currently having massive trouble with Vimeo's Oauth implementation and my desktop app. My program does the following correctly. 1- Requests a Unauthorized Request Token with my key and secret and returns - a Token and a Token secret. 2- Generates a URL for the user to go to using the token which then shows our application...

Facebook Canvas iFrame App - Authorizing users with new OAuth protocol

Hi, I'm developing a new Facebook Canvas application within an iFrame and trying to authorize users. The new OAuth api recommends I do a redirect to the following to authorize a user in my app: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize? client_id=...& redirect_uri=http://www.example.com/oauth_redirect However this produces a ...

How to build an easy Rails authentication with OpenID and OAuth1.0a-2.0?

Hi, I'am looking for an easy authentication for my users mostly via facebook, but keeping OpenID and other OAuth alternatives as well. For the case if something will go very bad, I will ask my users to optionally provide their email address, which should be obtained via OpenID or OAuth if possible. The same thing is about their name. I ...

Why does OAuth provide both an access token and an access token secret? Why not just a single value?

Why does OAuth include both an access token and an access token secret as two separate values? As a consumer or OAuth, all of the recommendations that I have seen indicate that I should store the token and secret together and essentially treat them as one value. So why does the specification require two values in the first place? ...

Update twitter profile image using OAuth

I'm trying to get twitter update_profile_image to work using OAuth. I was using curl with regular authentication and everything was working fine, but I switched to OAuth using this library, and now everything except update_profile_image works. I read something about twitter OAuth having problems with multipart data, but that was a whil...

How to uniquely identify someone in oAuth

I'm currently creating a web app using Google's oAuth. I was wondering how I can uniquely identify an authenticated user so I don't accidentally add duplicates. ...

Twitter oauth authorization in a pop-up instead of in main browser window

I feel incredibly stupid for even asking this since the answer might already be under my nose but here it goes: TweetMeme has a Re-tweet twitter widget that publishers can place on their blogs. When a user clicks on the widget, it pops open a window which allows the user to authenticate themselves with twitter and then re-tweet. This ...

Android: How can I get the google account userid, first name and last name after successfully login

I managed to get oauth token and Token secret from google, after the user login and grant access to the web site. after that I want the user's ID, first name, last name, and other available information about login user's. How can I achieve it. Thanks in advance. ...

Correct way to safely store token/secret/etc from OAuth?

I just started looking into OAuth and it looks really nice. I have oauth with twitter working in ruby right now. Now I'm wondering, what is the recommended safe way to store the responses in my local database and session? What should I store? Where should I store it? This example twitter-oauth-with-rails app stores a user.id in the...

Facebook Oauth Logout

I have an application that integrates with Facebook using Oauth 2. I can authorize with FB and query their REST and Graph APIs perfectly well, but when I authorize an active browser session is created with FB. I can then log-out of my application just fine, but the session with FB persists, so if anyone else uses the browser they will ...

second time auto login to twitter using oauth php

Any can tell me how to second time auto connect with twitter from my site. I did... the following CODE if(empty($outh_key_db)){ $token=$_SESSION['oauth_token'] ; $outh_secr_db=$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","rathin","xxxxxxxxx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); ...

Rails two-legged OAuth provider?

I have a rails 2.3.5 application with an API I wish to protect. There is no user - it is an app to app style webservice (more like an Amazon service than facebook), and so I would like to implement it using a two-legged OAuth approach. I have been trying to use the oauth-plugin server implementation as a start: http://github.com/pelle...