
How to enable PLAINTEXT support for PHP's oauth extension?

I just installed the PECL oauth extension but when I look at the PHP info output, I see that "PLAINTEXT" support is not supported. It appears that only "HMAC-SHA1 support" is enabled. How can I enable PLAINTEXT support? ...

"Could not authenticate you." -error when using Twitter OAuth.

Hello I'm building my first system using Twitters OAuth and have some issues. First, I'm using Abraham's Twitter-class for this and I have followed this tutorial. However, I get these lines on my callback.php: Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\twitter\twitterOAuth\OAuth.php o...

Gmail IMAP OAuth for desktop clients

Recently Google announced that they are supporting OAUth for Gmail IMAP/SMTP. I browsed through their multiple documentations, but still I am confused about if they support OAuth for installed applications. 1. In this documentation they say: Note: Though the OAuth protocol supports the desktop/installed application use case, Goo...

Best way to associate phone numbers with names

My application stores lots of its users friends' phone numbers. I'd like to allow users to associate names with these phone numbers, but I don't want to make users manually type in names (obviously). I'm curious what the best overall approach is here, as well as the best way to implement it Overall approach-wise, I imagine using Gmail ...

Android : Handle OAuth callback using intent-filter

I am building an Android application that requires OAuth. I have all the OAuth functionality working except for handling the callback from Yahoo. I have the following in my AndroidManifest.xml : <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"></action> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAU...

Anyone got Twitter xAuth working with the Compact Framework yet?

This question is related to a number of other questions on oAuth on the Compact Framework (one, two) but seems slightly more specific to me, as it specifically involves getting Twitters xAuth API call (meant for non web applications to be able to do oAuth) working on the Compact Framework. Are SSL HTTP connections and the encryption me...

"Find Friends" using Twitter Oauth or Facebook Connect connections

Using Twitter OAuth, I'm saving the user's data as JSON in a "twitter" field in my database. Likewise, I'm saving the user's Facebook Connect info (including persistent session_key) as JSON in a "facebook" field. For most operations, this is great. However, I'd like to add a "Find Friends" function that will grab the user's friends fr...

Securing a REST API

I am in the middle of developing a PHP social media web application which will be supported by various web services each operating a REST API. Web services will probably be implemented in Java with MySQL data layer but the whole point of what I am trying to do is make it really easy to implement modules in different languages/data stores...

(O)Auth with ExtJS

Hi, today i tried to get django-piston and ExtJS working. I used the ExtJS restful example and the piston example to create a little restful webapp. Everything works fine except the authentication. Whats the best way to get Basic/Digest/OAuth authentication working with ExtJS? Atm I'm not sure where to set the Username/Password. Than...

opensocial applications that use two-legged oauth

I am looking for opensocial applications that use 2-legged oauth. There is no easy way to search for opensocial gadgets in iGoogle leave alone searching for the ones that use 2-legged oauth or 3-legged oauth. So anyone know of an way to findout any opensocial apps out there that in particular uses 2-legged oauth in iGoogle or anywhere e...

Oauth : Get user's permissions without any redirection to a server.

Hello, in my website, I want to add a "invite friend of my contacts book" functionnality. I would like that the user fills the loggin form in my website. Then the website contacts Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, Live Mail and retrieves the contact list. In the Oauth protocole supported by Google and Yahoo, the user is redirected to a Google ...

Do Facebook Oauth 2.0 Access Tokens Expire?

I am playing around with the Oauth 2.0 authorization in Facebook and was wondering if the access tokens Facebook passes out ever expire. If so, is there a way to request a long-life access token? ...

Getting the username in Twitter using OAuth 0.1.1 Grails plugin

anyone had tried using http://www.grails.org/plugin/oauth? i'm trying it in twitter.com and i'm having an issue on getting the username or accessing this API: http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-account%C2%A0verify_credentials here's the code in my callback URL: def twitterCallback = { def response = oauthService...

OAuth for installed applications with .NET

Hi everyone, I am trying to get OAuth for installed applications to work with my code, with actually little success... Here is the code: GOAuthRequestFactory factory = new GOAuthRequestFactory("cl", "MyApp"); factory.ConsumerKey = "anonymous"; factory.ConsumerSecret = "anonymous"; // example of perfo...

Facebook access_token invalid?

I'm attempting to use the new Graph API Facebook recently released, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly. I've gone through the steps, and after the /authorize call, I receive an access_token: access_token=109002049121898|nhKwSTJVPbUZ5JYyIH3opCBQMf8. When I attempt to use that token I get: { "error": { "type": "Query...

Can I use OAuth for a SOAP web service?

The standard HTTP Authentication for SOAP passed the password etc in cleartext,and I'm looking for an alternative, possibly a key based mechanism to authenticate web services in lieu of the password. OAuth is gaining a lot of popularity; would it be appropriate, and how would I implement it? Or perhaps there are other methods I should u...

Using Twitter OAuth to post updates automatically

Here's my scenario. I have a web site, which automatically posts updates to Twitter using cURL at the moment. But I hear Twitter is going to turn this feature off and move to OAuth. I tried implementing OAuth in my site, but the user actually has to manually authenticate before being able to post anything to twitter. How can I use OA...

How do I migrate from a basic plaintext password authentication to an OAuth based system?

Hello, Found out today that Twitter will be discontinuing its basic authentication for its API; the push is now towards OAuth but I don’t have a clue as to how to use it or whether it’s the right path for me. All I want to be able to do is post a tweet linking to the most recently published post when I hit publish. Currently I’m sendin...

is there any sample of using oAuth to get hotmail contact list?

is there any sample of using oAuth to get hotmail contact list? thanks. ...

How to display twitter home_timeline with Oauth?

twitter API functions list please. I want to display twitter home_time using twitter tokens Eg: get_accountVerify_credentials(); ...