
How can I perform a two-legged oauth to use YQL with the ruby oauth gem?

I'm trying to perform a two-legged oauth in ruby to use YQL. There is an example in javascript which does what I want: http://paul.donnelly.org/demos/oauth.htm However, the ruby oauth gem API is different, and I can't figure out how to make the request. Any ideas? ...

Can you authenticate Facebook Graph entirely from command line with Python?

I'm writing a (tabbed) application for Facebook that requires a background process to run on a server and, periodically, upload images to an album on this application's page. What I'm trying to do is create a script that will: a) authenticate me with the app b) upload an image to a specific album All of this entirely from the command...

LinkedIn with Pecl OAuth: "got a 400, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect"

I have Pecl OAuth with PHP5 on a Debian box and I try to authenticate to LinkedIn. When calling; OAuth->getAccessToken('https://api.lin...')\n#1 I get; PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'OAuthException' with message 'Invalid auth/bad request (got a 400, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)' I have tried it from scratch and I have...

How to sign in Chrome extension built with GWT using RPC.

I have an application built with GWT/Appengine/Jdo...and i am using Google User Service for authentication. Google Chrome Extensions can use OAuth...I don't really undestand OAuth yet.. Would GWT RPC have to be reworked to enable OAuth? Is there another way to authenticate users for Chrome Extensions? ...

Authentication and authorization for RESTfull API (java jersery)

Hi, implementing service something similar with tinyurl or bit.ly, I'm would like to expose service as API, I'm using java and jersey as RESTfull service implementation. I'm looking for simplest way for authentification of users who use API, OAuth is first thing coming in mind, but the problem is I don't need this 3 iteration calls wit...

Implementing OAuth protocol in Java

Hi all , I'm looking for an open source library that implements the OAuth protocol , I need the server side implementation . Say I have a Social network system , and I want to give my users an OAth abiliy to my API , like facebook. Do you have any suggestion , sure examples . Thanks in advance ... ...

2-Legged to Google via oAuth DevDefined (.net)

Has anyone been able to get oAuth working with the gMail feed using the DevDefined oAuth library? I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to get this working. Seems like I either get a 401, or 411 returned. I used this as a template, but it doesnt appear to be as easy as entering in the google token endpoints string OAuthReque...

What to do with twitter oauth token once retreived?

I'm writing a web app that will use twitter as its primary log on method. I've written code which gets the oauth token back from Twitter. My plan is now to Find the entry in my Users table for the twitter username retreived using the token, or create the entry if necessary Update the Users.TwitterOAuthToken column with the new OAuth t...

Facebook REST Api with OAuth tokens


OAuth in C# as a client

Hi, I've been given 6 bits of information to access some data from a website: Website Json Url (eg: http://somesite.com/items/list.json) OAuth Authorization Url (eg: http://somesite.com/oauth/authorization) OAuth Request Url (eg: http://somesite.com/oauth/request) OAuth Access Url (eg: http://somesite.com/oauth/access) Client Key (eg:...

Facebook Graph API: Get user's profile url?

The Facebook Graph API lists a 'link' parameter in its documentation, which is the user's profile url. Mine is http://www.facebook.com/adambossy. This is not listed as one of the available Extended Permissions, so, presumably, it's available without asking. I believe it's publicly available as Google results would reveal this. However,...

Is it possible to expose an API for my own WebSite ... but use oAuth for the api authentication?

Hi Folks, currently I expose an Api for my website. Works great .. and i use Basic Authentication to authenticate users to get access to the data. eg. http://www.MyWebSite.com <-- main site. http://api.MyWebSite.com <-- my api website. sample api RESTful url http://user1:[email protected]/games?type=battlefield2 (yes yes...

Documentation for Twitter API using OAuth for C++

So i am upgrading our service to go to the new OAuth security measures. Using a single twitter account to send Direct Messages to users for an alert. I wrote up a quick app that retrieved the access token and secret using the Java library. But the kicker is that i need to send these messages via C++. and a Javascript file. (this is curre...

Oauth + Aeoid +Python + Google App Engine + Google documents question

I am trying to complete a story assignment system for my school newspaper in Google App Engine. It'll track deadlines for writers, allow writers to pick up stories, and give an "at a glance" view of the weeks stories. My partner and I are trying to fully integrate it with our newspapers Google Apps installation. Oh, and we have to use...

SAML vs federated login with OAuth

What's the difference between SAML and federated login with OAuth? Which solution makes more sense, if a company wants to use a third-party webapp, and but also wants single sign-on and be the authentication authority? ...

Which OAuth library do you find works best for Objective-C/iPhone?

I have been looking to switch to OAuth for my Twitter integration code and now that there is a deadline in less than 7 weeks (see countdown link) it is even more important to make the jump to OAuth. I have been doing Basic Authentication which is extremely easy. Unfortunately OAuth does not appear to be something that I would whip toget...

Which Ruby gem should I use for updating a Twitter or Facebook status along with authlogic_rpx?

Hi, My Rails webapp uses tardate's excellent authlogic_rpx gem so that users can register and sign in using their Twitter or Facebook account. Now I need to update a user Twitter or Facebook status. Which gem should I use for Twitter? and for Facebook? Or should I prefer Net::HTTP for both? Since the users authorised my app through au...

Facebook Oauth 2.0 Token errors

The user clicks the URL that is generated via the code below. $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?' . http_build_query(array('client_id' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'redirect_uri' => 'http://fb.example.com/facebook', 'scope' => 'publish_stream,email,offline_access,user_...

Check if twitter username exists

Is there a way to check if a twitter username exists? Without being authenticated with OAuth or the twitter basic authentication? ...

use python / django to let users login to my site using their google credentials

I want to let users use their google account to login to my website. Exactly the way SO lets me. Can anyone please point in the right direction? I'm assuming the oAuth library is to be used but what I'd really like is a snippet of code I can directly copy paste and get this to work. ...