
Access Delicious API via Yahoo ID without redirect to Yahoo authorizing page

To be more specific: My delicious account is a Yahoo ID so access via OAuth is required. It's for my use only to add/remove bookmarks. I have the password. It's a command line python program, not web-based. My question is: Is it possible to access my delicious account without being redirected to a Yahoo OAuth authorization page? Any...

Can I upload a video to Youtube using OpenId + OAuth in behalf of a user which does not have a youtube account but gmail ?

I need to develop a web site where I upload videos using the youtube API. I cannot do it to my youtube account (see youtube terms for an explantion on that) so it need to be done in the user behalf. It would be great to avoid the user having to register to youtube. If I use OpenID + OAuth within the youtube API, can a gmail account or o...

c# samples of youtube API (or gdata API) using OpenID and OAuth

Are there any c# code samples of youtube API (or gdata API) using OpenID and OAuth ? Or maybe a post / article with code examples Code samples of using dotnetoauth with the youtube API would be great too ...

OpenSocial - Application Id parameter

Hey, I'm writing a program and i need to uniquely identify a widget so that I can persistantly refer to it. In generating a hash using the ModuleId, ownerId and application Id. MySpace doesnt seem to pass the opensocial_app_id parameter when using OAuth. Does anyone have any ideas of other ways to identify a widget/profile box or know...

Syncing google calendar with custom calendar

I am using google calendar API to sync google calendar with our custom calendar. Right now I am trying it with a crude way by asking user if he/she wants to sync their calendar with google or not. If they say "yes" , I show them login screen where they have to enter their google user id and password and the calendar will be synced. But n...

OAuth iPhone client, problems with HTTP_AUTHORIZATION

Hi, I've been trying to implement OAuth in my iPhone app. However I have hit a problem. I have two servers, a local web server which is on my machine at home, I use this for testing. The machine is IIS 7 running PHP 5.08. Everything works fine on this server. However my live (web server) is running Apache and PHP 5.12. The problem is w...

Using oAuth (Twitter, LinkedIn) for login to a web app

Should I use oAuth, for example LinkedIn or Twitter, as my signin mechanism for my app? It seems that most apps just use oAuth to connect other services to it, but they make you set up your own user/password after you use oAuth (including StackOverflow), and I'm not really sure why this is. Would love some insight here. Thank you. ...

Login via Google Apps

How can I authenticate my users via our their Google Apps account. I also need access to their email. I've read Oauth is needed but I have no idea if that is correct. I'm using PHP. ...

Delicious API and Yahoo oAuth in .NET

The fact that Delicious has two sets of API authentications one with username and password and one with oAuth told me something about things I was going to experience and I wasn't wrong. Unfortunately I have to deal with both APIs now and am unsuccessful getting through the first hurdle of API v2 (Yahoo oAuth). Here is a code snippet (I...

OAuth java implementation, oauth_callback missing

Hey, My problem is I get error while trying to get request token from Yahoo. The error says Im missing oauth_callback parameter and yes I miss it because I dont need it. Ive read I need to set it to "oob" value if I dont want to use it(desktop app). And I did that but to no avail. If I set it to null the same happens. Im using OAuth for...

Ruby Oauth File upload/Multipart POST request

Hi I've been looking at this for a couple of days now and haven't found a solution. Is there a way to upload a file using OAuth-Ruby? I am working with a REST system that protects their resource with oauth. I am building a test tool using ruby and oauth-ruby to make it easier to upload test data to the system. But I can't get around to...

OpenID Authentication 2.0 in Joomla 1.0.x

Is there any easy way to bring OpenID authentication into a Joomla 1.0.x website? I am particularly interested in Google authentication (so I'll want OAuth &/or OpenID Attribute Exchange as well later), but for now just authentication will work. I know Joomla 1.5.x supports OpenID natively but I have to stick with 1.0.x for now. Any idea...

Implementing a 2 Legged OAuth Provider

I'm trying to find my way around the OAuth spec, its requirements and any implementations I can find and, so far, it really seems like more trouble than its worth because I'm having trouble finding a single resource that pulls it all together. Or maybe it's just that I'm looking for something more specialized than most tutorials. I have...

OAuth in Google Data API using Java

Does anyone know any web application example where Oauth has been used in with google data API? ...

LinkedIn / Twitter / Facebook as OAuth and OpenId use

Firstly I understand OpenId is for authentication and OAuth is for authorisation and unlike other questions on the site I am not asking which should be used for which but if anyone can advise a solution for my issue. I want to allow users to login to my site via their LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook account once logged in say via LinkedIn the...

Background login with OAuth

I'm soon to write a web based Twitter client which I plan to allow users to login with OAuth. My question is; can, once a user has logged in once already, my app login later and 'background' process their feed for them? I.E. does the user have to 'be there'? ...

Implementing RSA-SHA1 signature algorithm in Java (creating a private key for use with OAuth RSA-SHA1 signature)

Hi everyone, As you know, OAuth can support RSA-SHA1 Signature. I have an OAuthSignature interface that has the following method public String sign(String data, String consumerSecret, String tokenSecret) throws GeneralSecurityException; I successfully implemented and tested HMAC-SHA1 Signature (which OAuth Supports) as well as the PL...

Yahoo OAuth implementation has no way to work offline

I need to download my Delicious bookmarks to a non-web application without constant user interaction. I'm using Delicious's V2 API (using oAuth) but the problem is it seems their access tokens expire after one hour. I don't have any issues with redirecting the user to Yahoo for a one time authorization, but what is described here (http...

Would OpenID or OAuth work for authorization/authentication on a distributed web service?

We're in the early stages of designing a RESTful/resource-oriented web service API for a computational lingustics application. Because many of the resources we plan to serve are rights-encumbered, a key design decision has been to specify the platform so that each resource provider can expose their own web service that complies with the ...

Search Netflix using API without the user being logged in?

I'm trying to search Netflix through their API, but without logging anyone in (because I want to do this on the back-end, not necessarily related to any user action). I'm just starting off with their API so please forgive me if I'm doing something completely stupid. Here's the URL I'm trying to access: http://api.netflix.com/catalog/tit...